Fallacies of Both Neoclassical and Marxist Economists
We group the fallacies and sophistries by shallow economists or people who write about Economics whether Capitalist or MarxistMoney is Not Credit →
Keynesian Economics is Socialism for Wall Street →
How Economics Leads to Crises
The Market Equilibrium Fallacy Part 1 →
How Economics Leads to Crises
The Market Equilibrium Fallacy Part 2 →
How Keynes Messed-up Things
The Different Notions of Interest Rates →
The Inelastic Supply Curve Sophistry →
Why The Venus Project Will Never Be Realized
The Resource Based Economy →
Chapter 1: On Value, Section 1
Ricardo's Labor Theory of Value →
Mankiw is wrong
Law of Supply and Demand Fallacy →
Why is there no rent and wage maximization in Economics?
Profit Maximization is Absurd →
Why the Production Motive is bad
Simple Say's Law →
Opposing Labor Theories of Value
Karl Marx vs Adam Smith →