Supereconomics (Economic Superphysics) is based on the four laws of value that mirrors the four laws of thermodynamicsPrinciples →
Based on the Materialism
Fallacies of Both Neoclassical and Marxist Economists →
Solutions from Supereconomics →
Chapter 11b
What Defines Capitalism? →
Why Throwing Money at Problems Won't Always Solve Them →
How the Effort Theory of Value Naturally Creates a Revenue Limit →
Simplified Version
Buddhist Economics by EF Schumacher →
The Balance Sheet of a Points-Based Economic System →
How Life-Purpose Can Replace the Utility-Motive
The Invisible Hand of Dharma or the Tao →
Why is Business Usually Seen as Immoral? →
Keynes Liquidity Preference Mistake and Our Alternative GR Model
Why Quantitative Easing Failed →
How it is Similar to the 2008 Financial Crisis
The 1772 Credit Crunch →