Superphysics Superphysics

Superphysics Socratic FAQ

11 minutes  • 2267 words
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What is Superphysics?
Superphysics is the merging of Science and Metaphysics without going into the details of either. It acts as a bridge between ancient metaphysics and modern science, as explained by Francis Bacon.

Natural science or theory is divided into physic and metaphysic.

  • Physic should contemplate that which is inherent in matter, and therefore transitory.
  • Metaphysic should contemplate that which is abstracted and fixed.
  • Physic should handle that which supposeth in nature only a being and moving.
  • Metaphysic should handle that which supposeth further in nature a reason, understanding, and platform.
The Proficience And Advancement Of Learning Simplified, Book 2 Part 7
So it’s pseudo-science because it has metaphysics?

No. Superphysics upgrades science by adding metaphysics, similar to how Android is an upgrade of cellphones by adding installable apps.

Do we call a Samsung Android as a pseudo-Nokia 3310?

No. We call it a ‘smart-phone’.
Correct. We add the word ‘smart.’ Similarly, we add ‘super’ to ‘physics’ to signify an upgrade. This is supported by Francis Bacon who called ’natural magic’ as part of metaphysics.
Superstitious narrations of sorceries, witchcrafts, dreams, divinations, and the like, where there is an assurance and clear evidence of the fact, SHOULD NOT be excluded altogether. This is because it is not yet known in what cases and how far effects attributed to superstition do participate of natural causes. Therefore, howsoever the practice of such things is to be condemned, yet from the speculation and consideration of them, light may be taken for the further understanding of Nature.
Book 2 Part 1, The Proficience And Advancement Of Learning Simplified

6-sense Upgrade


Socratic Dialectics makes up the core of this ‘super’ upgrade as part of the process of data gathering, probing, and experimenting that adds the 6th sense of intuition or higher mind which Socrates called the ‘higher principle’.

You could say that the 5 senses detect visible particles and objects, while the 6th sense detects invisible waves and patterns. Most people only use the 5 senses. A very few use all 6 senses. Of those very few, only a handful have the intellect to connect everything and solve problems.

He leaves this higher principle in pure abstraction when the lower and higher principle clash. He rouses up the third principle which is reason… The intellectual sphere has a lower part where the soul uses the shapes given by the higher part as images. Enquiries here does not go upwards to a higher principle.
The Republic Simplified
How sure are you that Superphysics can solve what Science cannot?

Because we absorb all data, information, and human knowledge, even from Asia , Maya , Hinduism , Buddhism , Taoism, even human information about aliens (to test whether our principles also hold true in other planets and are therefore universal).

Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism allow other dimensions by default. Even Islam has the concept of Jinns . This gives us a bigger data set from which we can test their own principles on our reality.

This is different from Roman philosophy which was ignorant on metaphysics. The Romans did not know about other dimensions or how to detect or access them. The Roman mentality evolved to be Western thinking and science which only deal with the obvious and shallow perceptions.

How do you weed out junk ideas like faeries, ghosts, and evil spirits?

By seeing if we can detect them through 6-senses and then analyze them through Socratic Dialectics. If you want to detect bacteria, you get a microscope. To get the microscope, you have to shell out money which you earn from the effort in your job, or by doing the effort to make a microscope yourself.

Likewise, gaining the skill to detect the invisible metaphysical domain requires continuous training and effort, since your mind is the detector itself, as explained by Rene Descartes’ concept of “animal spirits ”. We then compare the person’s description of faeries, ghosts, etc. to a data set of known properties from various cultures, such as India, China, and other cultures which have a lot of data on Elementals, to see whether they match and therefore are predictable, or whether it is just the mind playing tricks.

Thus, in this way chimeras and hippogriffs are created in the imagination of people who dream while awake. They let loose their imagination through laziness, not diverted by any external objects, nor governed by reason.
Treatise on Man
So the consistency of people around the world (who don’t talk to each other) having common perceptions of “Nature Spirits” and “Gaia” is proof of a different reality or universe or dimension above ours?
Yes. All cultures have similar a belief in another type of reality, and of a Supreme Being that administers that reality as well as ours. We use their data to test that reality and that Being.
So what have you found?

The Matrix


We found that we are actually inside the Supreme Being that they call God, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, Brahma, or whatever, and that everything inside it is generated in real-time through the wave function collapse in Quantum Mechanics.

This is similar to how a computer can generate anything that it wants in its virtual reality. It starts as abstract code, evolving into real pixels on your screen instantly. Again, this is very different from the Roman or Jewish belief that the universe was pre-created, usually in 7 days.

Ah, the real-time creation is the same idea in the movie “The Matrix”.

Yes. It’s more commonly known as theories that say that we exist in a simulation . Knowing how this simulation is sustained allows the possibility to tap into that inexhaustible creative or sustaining mechanism.

It means existence was not meant to be suffered. If you are suffering then it’s your fault, not of ‘God’ or Nature. In our case, we use this knowledge to solve all problems.

In the beginning, we used it to solve the personal problems of others. In time, we saw everyone having the same pattern of problems. So we organized everything into Superphysics principles to make problem-solving more efficient. We saw that David Hume, in his Treatise of Human Nature, was already ahead in this regard. So we organized our principles into three (Material, Bio, and Social) to match his three books. This also matches the categorization by Descartes.


There are 3 principal sciences:

  1. Medicine
  2. Mechanics
  3. Ethics
The Principles of Philosophy, Preface
So how can that knowledge solve problems? Are you just going to be like the Hindus and solve the problem by ignoring it as an illusion? Or will you rely on spirits to solve your every problem?

No. Superphysics aims to solve problems by striking at the root cause, which is the ‘True Nature’ or Dharma or Tao in every thing that leads to its discrete identity, as described by Socrates.

A problem begins when something goes away from its True Nature, Dharma, or Tao. Most sciences just deal with the effect and not the cause because science is ignorant of metaphysics which is the real cause of anything in physics. The education system is supposed to help children discover their True Nature, Dharma, or Tao so that they can direct their lives towards it. But instead, it just molds them to be industrial or intellectual workers (the dharma of industry and business).

Ask anyone what the goal or purpose of their life is, and they will look at you with a blank stare. So the first step is to find the metaphysical true nature.

Can you give an example? How would Superphysics solve a headache?
We answer here .
How would Superphysics solve the Israel-Hamas conflict?
We answer here .



I’m a racist, materialist boomer. I don’t like anything Asian and abstract like Brahma, Yin-Yang, human unity, circular economy blah blah blah. 💩

I want profits and wealth for myself. I drink my expensive coffee with plastic straws. I don’t care about the turtles that will die from ingesting them. Sucks to be them. Their death is just Nature choosing the strongest and destroying the weak and useless.

So you prefer the survival of the fittest?

Of course. And you are nuts to propose a one-state solution that unites Jews and Palestinians. All Muslims are terrorists!

The universe was created for us humans. After death, there is nothing. There is no evidence of God, the afterlife, reincarnation, or karma. So I say maximize pleasure while alive!

So what if there’s global warming? In the long-run, we’re all dead! At least I’ve experienced a 5-star lifestyle. ‘Me’ ‘myself’ and ‘I’ are all that matters. It’s the Iron law of Nature, as explained by Hitler:

The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature. Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel. He will feel so merely because he is of a feebler nature and narrower mind.
Mein Kampf, Race And People

Ok boomer, so Superphysics isn’t for you. We reject selfishness, vice, and the lack of virtue. You should stay in some dogmatic imperialist Roman religion that sees itself superior, or in Modern Physics and Economics that is limited to the 5 senses.

People who ascribe to Superphysics are open-minded and lovers of philosophy, nature, and the Supreme Entity, as explained by Socrates. These allow the 6th sense of intuition and fellow-feeling, on top of the usual math and 5-sense cognitive abilities in IQ tests.

We are targetting young people because they are the ones stuck with warmed-world destroyed by the previous generation. Notice how we use emojis and the chat format to appeal to young people. The Boomer mentality should die with the Boomer generation and not cross over to Gen Z.

What makes you so absolutely sure that you know the nature of the universe? What is your qualification? I have a PhD from a top Western university with dozens of peer-reviewed papers published.
We’ve had low-level samadhi 🔆, after going through the necessary rigors.
What’s samadhi?

What’s samadhi? Ask Patanjali !

All we can say is “No Samadhi, No Honey” 👎 (i.e. Without samadhi, you won’t get a solid understanding of how the universe is structured and generated in real-time). But here’s a bonus: Patanjali actually gives hints how to upgrade yourself to 6-senses.

No seriously, what’s samadhi?
We answer here .
Samadhi is like when Neo in The Matrix movie realized that he was in a giant computer when his 6th sense saw the code running behind his reality. (I like that movie 😇)
What does the Superphysics symbol mean?

The blue triangle represents the metaphysical domain. The green triangle represents the physical domain. These go in opposite directions. The yellow center is perception which balances both domains. ☀️

Some people get filthy rich but lose their morals, 😦 while others are super spiritual but are dirt poor 😕. For example, Baby-Boomers mindlessly push for GDP or ROI growth even if Nature is hitting them back with global warming caused by that very GDP and ROI. They even have the audacity to make money from crises as ‘impact investments’ instead of giving money to governments to solve them (such as grants and prize money even for students or startups to make nuclear fusion work).

Spiritual people, on the other hand, give donations and service, often unsustainably while creating a culture of dependence and poverty. Superphysics advocates a balance or a middle path.

What’s the gameplan of Superphysics?

New philosophies and systems arise in response to problems. To make things simpler, we position Superphysics to solve recurring problems:

I guess you encounter a lot of opposition from humans who think that the limited 5-sense science is perfect and superior to 6-sense science which to them is invalid pseudo-science. 😓

Yes. This is now known as ‘scientism’ propagated by materialists .

For example, alternative medicines that don’t pass clinical trials are not classified as medicine even if they cure 10% of people but not all. Instead of canceling them as inconclusive, Bio Superphysics groups those 10% people into a specific personality type which is cured 100% by that alternative medicine.

Imagine talking to cavemen about the possibility of creating agriculture, radio, antibiotics, and representative-goverments to improve their lives. Yet those very cavemen laugh and call you crazy and force you to cancel research and go back to hunting deer like all other cavemen.
Yeah. Those materialists even refuse to declare that General Relativity is wrong even if the James Webb Space Telescope and DESI are screaming it to their faces. They always say General Relativity has passed tests, without realizing that all those tests are electromagnetic in nature, and not of spacetime (except for the Weak Equivalence Principle which is matter-based and Galilean anyway). Jeez. Talk about low standards. No wonder humans are still stuck on Earth.
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