Material Superphysics FAQ

July 8, 2024 7 minutes • 1423 words
What is Material Superphysics?
It’s the implementation of Superphysics in the realm of Physics. It’s based on the 5 Elements, specifically the aether. This is the opposite of Physics which is based on matter, as mass.
What’s wrong with Physics? It already works
It’s incomplete. This is because it began with Newton who started from the lowest Element as matter (mass). Then, latter physicists groped their way upwards to Electromagnetism (light). The big problem for Physics is that 2 of the 5 Elements are non-physical – spacetime and the aether.
Those 2 Elements lead to a lot of new technologies just as the Electromagnetic (Fire) Element led to television, internet, lighting, etc. Don’t you want new technologies that can allow humans to go to other stars and galaxies?

Of course I want. But Physics in the 20th and 21st centuries has weirdly mutated into mere mathematics and theories.
That’s because Physics doesn’t allow metaphysical perceptions. And so physicists have no choice but to make abstract geometrical theories such as String Theory which is useless.
How is Superphysics different?
We allow the metaphysical domain which leads to the aether and a spacetime called “aetherspace” which is our alternative to Minkowski spacetime.
What is the aether? How is it different from the ether of 19th century Physics?
The 19th century aether is the luminiferous aether of Huygens which he derived from Descartes.
If you actually read his book, he is actually talking about the 2nd Element (spacetime) and not the pure aether. So the luminiferous aether naturally leads to Einstein’s spacetime through the Michelson-Morley eperiment.
But the flaw in Einstein is that he made spacetime (2nd Element) subservient to light (1st Element) which is supposed to be the other way around. This is why Physics got stuck after Einstein created his Relativity theory in 1905 – because physicists didn’t know Cartesian Physics and the 5 Elements model.
So Superphysics puts back the 5 Elements in their natural order?
Yes, crucially, we bring back the aether as the 5th Element to explain all the mysteries that Physics is stuck with. All great Western physicists Newton, Maxwell, Kelvin, Bohr believed in an aether substance as fundamental to their theories. Only Einstein discarded the aether and made it useless by turning it into a philosophical boundary for absolute space.
So what is the aether of Descartes?
It’s the substance of reality. We define it as the substance of ideas, feelings, and the abstract minds that has those ideas and feelings.
Descartes got it from Aristotle who got it from Timaeus which is the mechanics of the Plato’s theory of forms. It says that reality is an idea of the One (Parmenides) which has different modifications or modes. This was later explained in full by Spinoza. This is why we call it Cartesian-Spinozan Physics just as we call the Asian version as Vedic-Buddhist-Taoist Physics.
Minds and ideas are deployed in the aetherspace because they are all of the same substance.
Oh yeah, that was the Matrix idea in the Superphysics FAQ . How is the aetherspace different from Minkowski spacetime?
The aetherspace uses spacetime for the physical domain, and timespace for the metaphysical domain. It splits spacetime into discrete slices which depend on the timespace of the object and the other objects that it is relative to. The gaps between the slices represent the time factor that only moves forward.
Minkowski spacetime, on the other hand, has a time factor that absurdly can move forwards and backwards. This is a necessary consequence of Einstein using light to measure space. Physicists have no choice because they don’t allow metaphysical perceptions.
So by decreeing that science should only allow evidence that is observable by all, then physicists painted themselves into a corner?
Yes. It’s sad really. It’s why a lot of physicists are making so much effort making theories that are useless.
Even the Large Hadron Collider cost a lot of money just to discover the useless Higgs field.
Why do physicists keep on smashing atoms uselessly? They even have plans to make bigger and bigger colliders!
It’s because they are materialists and materialists, like Democritus and Newton, enshrine matter – they believe that gravity comes from matter. So they smash atoms to find that gravity or dark matter. But of course they find nothing. This is because gravity comes from the aether and not matter – Nature is idealistic and not materialistic.
In our MSQ model (alternative to the Standard Model), the Higgs field is called “rib” as Radiant Internal Boundary. You can derive its properties from the model and don’t need to build an expensive collider for it.
A common trait of materialists is they like money and gambling. This is why Newton invested in the stock market, but Descartes and Adam Smith did not.

What can your MSQ model do that the Standard Model cannot?
It can create a roadmap for anti-gravity. This is because the aether is superior to spacetime. All you need is to figure out the properties of the aether in order to control spacetime. This is/had been already done by:
- levitating Buddhist monks
- UFOs that zip without any warping of spacetime
- ancient Egyptians who made pyramid blocks lighter through the aether
- Jews who increased the gravity of the wall of Jericho
Oh materialists and physicists will denounce those as pseudoscience and call you a crackpot. Are you ok with that?
They can denounce it all they want. But we will move forward anyway especially since we’ve already had samadhi (a direct experience of the Supreme or of the Creator of the Universe). People are free to choose to remain stuck with limited 5-sense Science or move forward and understand all of the Universe (as the physical body of the Supreme) through 6-sense Superphysics.
If humans want to go to other planets and stars (which is impossible with any rocket technology of current science) then they have to make the switch to Superphysics.
Bob Lazar already explained how UFOs use gravity waves and antimatter reactors. These are impossible with Newtonian Physics, but very possible with Cartesian Physics through the concept of aetherspace and material vortices.
What’s the status of Material Superphysics now?
We already finished our prelevitation experiments using home equipment during the pandemic. Prelevitation is making things lighter without actually levitating. However, we don’t have the expensive equipment needed to make it levitate. To get those resources, we are slowly building up the moneyless system of Superpeconomics. This is because Material Superphysics proposes so many inventions. Relying on money won’t be sustainable because money is static and always needs returns. By going moneyless, we can sustain the dynamism of resource gathering.
Our experiments have helped us understand the nature of the aether better. This is essential for Bio Superphysics which taps the aethereal animal spirits of Rene Descartes.
Cool. You are using the moneyless system of Adam Smith to support the aether-based Physics of Descartes-Spinoza, which also works for Biology.
Yes. This is the really cool thing about Descartes. He explained how everything works, whether physical, biological, medical, or psychological. Ideally, Newton should have built his Physics on top of Descartes’ instead of totally replacing it. We are only against Einstein, not Newton who correctly believed that gravity is a force.
How would you unify Newton’s Physics with that of Descartes?
- Newton’s Physics is all about the 3rd Element which we call the Material Layer in Superphysics.
- Maxwell’s Physics is about the 1st Element which we call the Radiant Layer.
So we unify all those Physicses by putting them inside the 5 Elements model. Then from there work on the 2 remaining Elements: spacetime and aether.
If radio, TV, internet are the possible technologies from Electromagnetism / 1st Element / Radiant Layer, then what are the technologies that you foresee will be possible with those 2 new elements or layers?
A lot. For now, we have listed:
- Fire suppression and stopping nuclear chain reactions through the aether
- Earthquake forecasting through the aether
- Room temperature superconductors through the aether
- Crystal computers (to overcome Moore’s law limitations)
- Metallurgy and precision metals fabrication through the aether
- UFO Technology as Anti-gravity (which Descartes calls ’levity’) and semi-levity (making things lighter), Fusion power from levity, Transparency and Teleportation of masses through the aetherspace, Anti-matter via reversed vortices, Solar eye observatory (getting the gravitational signature of heavenly bodies)