Superphysics Superphysics
Part 1

Meditation and Samadhi

by Patanjali translated by Juan
4 minutes  • 830 words  •  Other languages:
Table of contents

1 Now, instructions for Yoga (Union).

atha yoga-anuaasanam

2 Yoga is the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind 3 so that the meditator dwells in his true nature.

yoga citta-vrtti-nirodha, tadaa drastuh svarupe ‘vasthânam

4 Otherwise, he identifies with his thoughts.

vrtti-sârûpyam itaratra

5 The thoughts are five-fold, with positive and negative variations.


  1. Correct thoughts

7 The correct thoughts come from the direct senses, inference, and testimonies from teachers or established knowledge.

  1. Erroneous thoughts

8 The erroneous thoughts come from false knowledge, not based on truth.

  1. Ideation

9 Ideation comes from acoustic knowledge [mantra], applied on emptiness.

  1. Sleep

10 Deep sleep is the lack of perceptions.

  1. Memory

11 Memory is the retention of experiences

Superphysics Note
These come from the 5 layers: Matter (Erroneous thoughts), Convertible (Correct thoughts), Radiant (Memory), Spacetime (Sleep), Aethereal (Ideation)


12 Two things are needed to still the mind:

  1. Practice

13 Practice is the sustained effort to secure that stillness. 14 This practice becomes firmly rooted when it is cultivated skillfully and continuously for a long time.

  1. Non-reaction

15 Non-reaction is fully achieved when no attachment arises in regard to anything at all, whether perceived directly or learned. 16 When the ultimate level of non-attachment is achieved, the mind can see pure consciousness.

17 At first, the stilling process is accompanied by 4 kinds of cognition:

  1. Analytical thinking
  2. Insight
  3. Bliss
  4. Self-Awareness

18 Later, with constant practice, these four kinds of cognition fall away, leaving only samskara. 19 After death, the soul is reborn according to these samskaras through Prakrti.

Superphysics Note
Samskara is potential karma. Throwing a rock into the air is action or karma. Its hitting the ground is the result of the action and is also karma. Samskara is the period right after throwing the rock and before it lands. By burning samskara then the consequences of the rock hitting the ground are nullified. The rock will still hit, but whatever it hits will not create a consequence for the thrower. Without consequence, then the thrower is not agitated or worried or hopeful about his throwing the rock. Another way to think of samskara is unfinished business. Without unfinished business, then the soul has no reason to reincarnate.

20 For all others, faith, energy, mindfulness, integration, and wisdom form the path to realization. 21 For those who seek liberation passionately, realization is near.

22 This nearness depends on whether the practice is mild, moderate, or intense, 23 or if the soul has surrendered to the Supreme Isvara*.

Superphysics Note
Isvara here means the controlling aspect of the Universe

24 The Supreme is a distinct, incorruptible form of pure consciousness, utterly independent of cause and effect, and lacking any samskara.

25 This makes it the source of all knowledge.

26 The Supreme was the guru of the ancients.

27 The Supreme’s sound is Om*.

Superphysics Note
The Om sound is used to maintain the Universe. You can think of this as the rumble that a machine makes as a sign that it is running. Is the Om sound the cause or the effect? We think it is the effect and that’s why some spiritual people can hear it.

28 By repetitively chanting the Om sound, the meaning of the Om sound is realized. 29 Then inner consciousness is attained and obstacles disappear.

30 Sickness, apathy, doubt, carelessness, laziness, hedonism, delusion, lack of progress, and inconstancy are all distractions stir up consciousness and act as barriers to stillness.

31 When distracted, one may experience distress, depression, or the inability to maintain steadiness of posture or breathing.

32 One can subdue these distractions by working with any one of the following principles of practice.

33 Your consciousness settles:

  • by radiating friendliness, compassion, delight, and equanimity toward all things, whether pleasant or painful, good or bad, or
  • by 34 pausing after each breath flows in or out,
  • by 35 steadily observing as new sensations materialize, 36 being free from light or dark, or 37 desire and attachment
  • by 38 reflecting on the insights from dreams
  • by 39 meditating whenever desired. 40 By doing so, one expands from small to the great.


41 When the mind becomes still, it becomes like a transparent crystal which has the power of becoming whatever form is presented: knower, act of knowing, or what is known.

42 When the true essence of the sound is understood, then the mind is absorbed in the Supreme.

43 Then the memory is purified and the mind becomes empty and goes beyond thought.

44 In this way, the objects of the mind become either reflective or non-reflective.

45 The essence of the subtle objects can be attained.

46 These constitute the seed of samadhi.

47 Samadhi is the state of attaining the pure innermost self without any reflections.

48 It is the state of True Wisdom.

49 It can discern the wisdom from teachings.

50 It prevents samskaras from creating new samskaras.

51 Continued stillness allows the highest [seedless] Samadhi to be attained.

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