Bio Superphysics FAQ

July 8, 2024 4 minutes • 701 words
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What is Bio Superphysics?
It’s the implementation of Superphysics for living beings. It’s based on Cartesian Physics which divides reality into the physical and metaphysical domains.
- The body is the physical aspect. The physical body uses the 5 Element model
- The abstract mind or soul is the metaphysical aspect. The abstract mind uses the 5 Stratum model.
Both Elements and Strata are versions of the 5 Layer model.
What’s wrong with Biology? Biologists already know that life is based on genetics. Doctors already can cure people with Western Medicine.
Both biology and medicine are incomplete. There are still many mysteries in biology, even in human life processes. Western medicine is still unable to cure cancer all the time, or even prevent common diseases like diabetes and heart disease. It is even more impotent against mental problems.
So what can Bio Superphysics offer that Biology or Medicine cannot?
Bio Superphysics allows metaphysical perceptions, specifically chi / prana / animal-spirits, elementals, and chakras, heating & cooling foods, and all the other parts of the 5 Elements and 5 Strata model. This lets it solve more problems.
Can you give an example? How would Bio-Superphysics solve a headache?
The 5 Medical Paradigms
By knowing the root cause of the headache. It could be diet, stress, congenital problem, bacteria, etc.
Medical science deals with the headache by masking its pain (usually via Paracetamol) and not really dealing with the cause of the pain. This is to process patients faster since the body has its own natural healing mechanism. However, this also means that the headache can come back.
Bio Superphysics gets all the data about the patient to find the pattern on which stratum the cause is in. It then routes that patient to the proper specialist whether it be from Western medicine, yoga, Chinese medicine, homeopathy, etc. For chronic headache, you could try accupuncture.
So you want everyone to switch to alternative medicine?
No. Each medical paradigm is a tool dealing with the five strata. You choose the medical paradigm for the right layer of the disease just as you use a hammer for nails and a screwdriver for screws. It would be very ineffective to use a hammer to drive screws.
But people often use alternative medicine for the wrong purpose and so it unfairly gets a bad reputation.
Western medicine works best in the material stratum, but is awful at the mental stratum. This is why the West has a lot of mental problems that lead to riots and mass shootings.
Yoga is great at the mental stratum, but terrible at the material stratum. This is why India is so materially poor.
Why are elementals included in Bio Superphysics? There is no evidence for “nature spirits”. Those who claim to see them are not shamans, but crazies and drug addicts.
Elementals complete the picture of metaphysical reality, just as subatomic particles like quarks (which appear instantly) and ghost-like neutrinos complete the “standard” model of Western Physics.
You need colliders and detectors to detect subatomic particles. Similarly, you need a certain type of mind to detect elementals. In the past, shamans were able to upgrade their minds to be able to detect them either with physical or mental means. We focus on the mental means since that is more sustainable as a longer-term investment.
So why are you ok with ghost-like neutrinos and quarks that pop up instantly from nowhere, but not ok with Elementals that have the same properties?
Because those neutrinos and quarks have been detected by expensive detectors.
But Elementals have been detected by detectors called human minds for a long time. That’s why they have been documented both in Asia and the West. And we work with that documentation.
So why can’t all minds detect Elementals, chi, and chakras?
Because those need specialized detectors just as the Large Hadron Collider is made up of specialized detectors such as ATLAS and ALICE that you can’t buy in a hardware store.
The detection on Elementals, chi, and chakras need a lot of specialization and effort to achieve. This is what the Asian sciences focus on.