Superphysics Superphysics

Spiritual Superphysics FAQ

July 8, 2024 8 minutes  • 1623 words
What is Spiritual Superphysics?

It’s the implementation of Superphysics for spirituality. It’s based on:

  • Asian Philosophies of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism
  • Socrates
  • Rene Descartes

Its main goal is to help everyone find their own path to Samadhi

What’s samadhi?
It’s the direct experience of the Supreme Entity. It gives oneself the proof that He exists even though Existence itself is already the obvious proof.
Is samadhi different from moksha or mukti?

Samadhi is an experience. Moksha and mukti are states.

So samadhi is like a graduation ceremony. Moksha is like getting a masters degree, while mukti is getting a bachelor’s degree.

You can get samadhi many times just as you can recreate your graduation ceremony. But the first one is usually the most striking. Mukti is the state of realizing the Supreme, while Moksha is the state of realizing the Absolute.

Is the Supreme Entity God?

Not really. The concept of Yahweh, God, and Allah is an invention of the Jews, Romans, and Mohammad respectively. Since we didn’t live during the times when those concepts were created, we cannot know the feelings that could have caused their origin.

Our best guess from the text evidence is that they represent either a physical alien race (as the Annunaki hypothesis) or the metaphysical oversoul of the Jewish, Roman, and Arab societies respectively.

Either way, it follows that Yahweh, God, and Allah are really more political concepts than spiritual ones i.e. follow this, don’t follow that.

You have to live during the time when a concept was created?

Yes, ideally. This is because ideas (particles) are driven by feelings (waves). By living at that time, you can sense the prevailing feelings that led to the ideas established then.

The farther from that time, the weaker the feeling becomes. We recreate those feelings by reading through the works from those times (or watching videos if videos were already available).

For example, if we consider The Wealth of Nations as the bible of Supereconomics, you will find it strange that it has a long chapter on the mulitary. But by going through the biography of Adam Smith, you will discover that establishing a militia was a major feeling back then, to protect Scotland from England. So this feeling makes its way into that book as a long chapter.

So what is the Supreme Entity then?

It’s similar to the Hindu concept of Brahman which is the totality of existence, as one unit or entity. This unit is then Conscious of Its Self. This consciousness is inseparable from that self or body. So we say that Its consciousness is Supreme relative to Its body or effects.

This concept is more in line with Physics than Religion. All you need is the ability to think of:

  • all the realities and universes in the multiverse
  • all the possible realities and universes.

Then you assign a single metaphysical consciousness to glue all of those together to arrive at our concept of a Supreme Entitiy. The big problem is that Physics locks itself out of mental and metaphysical perceptions and so it forever cannot explain the cause and true nature of physical phenomena. This severely limits its problem-solving powers.

Ah that’s why Superphysics is “Super” because it goes beyond physical perceptions.
Yes. The 6-sense ability to go beyond physicality is inherent in all humans. So it’s strange that Western sciences purposely cancel this ability and keep humans ignorant. It’s like buying the latest iPhone only to use it for calls. It’s a sheer waste of human potential.
So how would you lead people to samadhi in a physics-way or scientific-way instead of a religious-way without telling people to ‘follow this’ or ‘follow that’?

By explaining the principles of the Supreme Entity, then finding how the person can best match those principles. For example, if you want to cook an egg, you can:

  • keep it in the eggshell, then steam or boil it
  • remove the eggshell, then fry or boil it

A person with no water but has oil will logically fry the egg. Another person that has no oil but has water will boil it.

Similarly, some people are born into Asian families which are tolerant of the idea of spirits. For them, we recommend those esoteric paths. Others are born into Western families that want money and wealth. For them, we recommend the New Agey Law of Attraction type paths.

So instead of ‘Do this, Do that’, ours is ‘If this then that’ – we try to know the person’s mentality and situation first, instead of making blanket impositions

But there is nothing spiritual about New Agey woo. The Law of Attraction and positive thinking are just mental, not spiritual.

Correct. But at least it makes the mind more subtle (closer to the aether instead of matter). Spirituality becomes easier to grasp and detect when the mind becomes subtle (i.e. the focus is on the heart more than the brain).

Mentalities have a lot of levels just as school has levels. You can’t expect a pre-school student to upgrade to high school immediately. Normally, they should go to elementary school next and not stay stuck in pre-school year after year.

Likewise, the human species seems to stay stuck in materialism and its many problems generation after generation. We want to drive an upgrade towards the more subtle levels, even if it is not totally spiritual.

Oh that’s great! A lot of people get conned by those Law of Attraction scams. I tried it but my prince charming hasn’t come yet. Can you help me manifest my knight in shining armor?
We focus on using such “Laws” to discover more of the Supreme. Perhaps if you get closer to the Supreme, you might get a prince charming if that is really destined for you by your dharma. But most often, such ideas are impositions by the Negative Ego and not from the Supreme.
I want to try other paths, but Islam doesn’t allow it.

You can practice alternative paths by yourself. Unlike religions, true spirituality does not need organizations. Of course, having a group or sangha to practice spirituality with is much better, but not essential. There are renunciates who can get samadhi alone in the mountains.

In cases where practicing alternative paths are a crime punishable by death, you can make efforts to leave your country and ask why your soul incarnated in that country to begin with. Perhaps you were destined to stay in the country to make subtle interpretations to Islam that are less political, more spiritual yet in line with the law.

What paths does Spiritual Superphysics promote?

To be promoted under Spiritual Superphysics, a belief-system should:

  • have scriptures or documents that has all the principles, beliefs, and techniques (i.e. those principles are timeless and not changing or arbitrary)
    • part of those principles should include morals and diet, since every civilized human needs these.
  • those principles should lead to samadhi as evidenced by consistent explanations of it
  • have some concepts about true nature (dharma), the Positive and Negative Forces, and/or the 5 Elements

So far, the ones that meet these criteria are Hinduism (Yoga, Tantra, Vedanta), Buddhism, and Taoism.

So all those yogas like hatha, ashtanga, kriya, kundalini, Iyengar, etc are spiritual?
Not all. But we promote yoga asanas in general, even from commercial yoga, just as science promotes healthy eating. You can know which is good if you notice your health and emotions improving.
I don’t have time to look for Asian spiritual groups. Can you tell me in the fewest words the simplest way towards spirituality without being religious?

The most basic way is to catch your own mind while it thinks and feels. We usually have our minds on autopilot, driven by the Negative Force. So the first step is to take it out of autopilot and put it on manual control to observe it as it thinks and feels.

You will find that the thoughts and feelings that it creates can be overriden. This is why humans can “think things over” and do not have to go with the first idea or option.

You can even prick yourself with a needle. Instead of being affected by the pain (which is what your body does to preserve itself), your lower mind can choose to ignore the bodily impulses. Once your lower mind has control of the bodily impulses, you can upgrade and let your higher mind control the lower mind. This is why spiritual systems often have rules on diet, fasting, morals, practices, etc.

That’s great! I can spend more effort catching how my brain makes its thoughts or how my heart makes its feelings. But will you push me to be vegetarian?

Not really. There are many mentalities and some are naturally vegetarian, while others are cruder and might have problems without meat.

The main principle is that we eat food to get the chi or pranah content (Descartes’ animal spirits) from it. This chi is a kind of energy which has wavelength just as light and electricity has.

The goal is to raise your frequency by shortening your wavelength. This will make you better perceive the gaps between spacetime slices.

Carnivores such as wolves and vultures are designed to ingest lower wavelength, while herbivores ingest shorter.

Samadhi requires very short wavelengths. So we recommend a plant-based diet for those aiming for samadhi. For the rest, science advocates a planetary health diet which is mostly short wavelength, which might be good enough for some spiritual experiences. But at least, it will make the mind subtler.

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