The Annunaki Quran
We replace 'Enki' with Enki or Enlil based on Sumerian mythology, an effort to solve extremism conclusively.
Sura 2a
The Cow (Al-Baqarah) →

Sura 2b
Adam and the Jews →

Sura 2c
The Covenant with Israel →

Sura 2d
The Characteristics of the Jews →

Sura 2e
The Lord Tests Abraham →

Sura 2e
Rules for the Direction of Prayer (Qiblah) →

Sura 2g
Rules on Food, Fasting, Gambling, and Revenge →

Sura 2h
Fight for Enki →

Sura 2e
Rules on Intoxicants, Menstruation, and Sex →

Sura 2j
Rules on Divorce and Widows →

Sura 2k
David and Goliath →

Sura 2g
Rules on Wealth, Charity, Debt and Usury →