Superphysics Superphysics
From the 4 Laws of Value

The 4 Branches of Supereconomics

by Juan Icon
August 2, 2019 2 minutes  • 270 words
Table of contents

Four Branches

Currently, Economics has messy divisions arising from the lack of understanding of the nature of societies and the human species:

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Development Economics
  • Welfare Economics
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Political Economy

The Four Laws of Value of Superphysics streamlines this into four branches:

1. Personal Economy from The First Law

Happy woman

This includes demographic data, as well as personal physical and psychological data in order to see the granular supply and demand of any society.

This is measured by the Demand factor in the DCTI model.

2. Social Economy from The Second Law

Team high-fiving

This provides the valuation system, as the Effort Theory of Value, which is based on the common food grain. This monitors the real price of everything, which is the key to preventing poverty, inequality, and crises, while maximizing productivity and personal and social happiness within the limits of the natural environment.

This is measured by the Capital factor in the DCTI model .

3. Micro Economy from The Third Law

Cargo Ship

This explains the principles behind the transactions of the value between people and societies. This leads to organized markets and free trade.

This is measured by the Trade factor in the DCTI model.

4. Macro Economy from The Fourth Law


This explains the maintenance of the economic system. This includes regulations, taxation, policies of money, trade, and finance.

This is measured by the Industry factor in the DCTI model.

The 4 Classes

The 4 classes then have a domain in each of the 4 economies:

Class Economy
Workers and Democrats Personal Economy
Intellectuals and Aristocrats Social Economy
Businessmen and Oligarchs Micro Economy
Warriors and Tyrants Macro Economy

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