Superphysics Superphysics

The Formula and AAA Formula

2 minutes  • 326 words
Table of contents

1. Act on Your Highest Passion

A lot of people mistakenly think that the highest passion is the largest and most difficult life goal, such as something really grand.

Bashar clarifies that it can be very simple. Such as being aware of your breathing, enjoying the sight of your surroundings, etc.

The important thing is that you prefer it the most and the best of all the things that you can think of or feel for at that moment.

After you finish it, then move on to the next one, so that your whole life becomes a life of highest passions.

2. Take the Action As Long As You Can, As Far As You Can Until You Can Take it No Further

Many people just want, but never do. And so their reality never matches what they want.

So it’s important to act on your highest passions instead of just thinking or talking about it.

3. Absolutely Have No Expectations

This is the most common point of failure caused by the negative ego imposing its limited expectations onto the higher mind.

4. Stay positive no matter what

This keeps the vibration up especially since mentality creates reality and you attract what you are the vibration of.

5. Let go of Negative Beliefs and Definitions

This still is in line with keeping your vibration up and removing blockages to the manifestation of what the higher mind wants for you.

Triple A Formula

The Triple ‘A’ Formula is based on the Triple ‘A’ Automative Association which you call when your car is in trouble.

These are steps that you can take when you are in trouble:

1. Acknowledge What You Have

Don’t think about what you don’t have. Thinking about the negative puts you in the negative state.

2. Appreciate What You Have Fully

This will put you in a state of positive appreciation.

3. Allow What Will Happen Next

Be open to what the universe will give.

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