Chiang Mai
2 minutes • 264 words
Table of contents
Activity | Method |
Trade | Barter |
Myanmar is west of Cambodia. Its ruler wears flowers in his hair, which is done up in a knot.
On his shoulders, he wears a red garment covered over with white.
On audience days he ascends an open platform, for they have no palace buildings of any kind at all.
Palm-leaves are used as dishes in eating and drinking.
- They eat with their fingers without any spoons nor chopsticks.
There is a mountain called Wu-nung where Sakya-muni Buddha, after his nirvana, manifested himself.
- That event is commemorated by a bronze elephant.
Its products are:
- varieties of gharu-wood
- yellow wax
- cardamoms
- red kino gum
6. Bagan, Burma (Pukan)
Activity | Method |
Trade | Barter |
The Burmese tie their hair into a knot on the forehead, binding it with a piece of coloured silk. Their king wears a high golden cap.
Burma has many horses. The people ride them without saddles.
They are very devout Buddhists. All the priests wear yellow robes.
The lord of the country holds his court in the early morning, each of the officials carry a flower which they present to him, while the priests repeat Indian words praying for his long life.
The flowers are fixed on the king’s head. Those which are left over are taken to the temples and to be offered to the Buddha.
Bagan has a temple dedicated to the Marquis Chu-ko Wu.
In 1004, they sent to China a tribute, together with Palembang Sumatra and the Arabs, when they had an opportunity of witnessing the Feast of Lanterns.
In 1106, they again sent tribute.