Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 25b

The Qualities of a Venusian

by Benham
16 minutes  • 3337 words

The Venusian is often the victim of rogues, who, knowing his sympathetic nature and generosity, impose upon him with ease.

But this does not discourage or cause him to withdraw his sympathy or benefactions from others, for he would rather be imposed upon several times than fail to relieve one worthy case.

The Venusian is not fickle; even though there is a pla-tonic love in his heart for all humanity, still, when the one true love has taken possession of him he is steadfast.

He is always gay. To him, living is a joy.

He has no bile poisoning his blood, no rancor fills his heart, no malice actuates him toward anyone. Good health brings in its train a good disposition, the world looks bright, and its beauty brings to him a feeling of restfulness, joy, and gratitude.

On the same day, and amid exactly the same surroundings, the Saturnian will be in gloom, melancholy, pessimism, and sadness, while the heart of the Venusian will bubble with gladness, happiness, and thanksgiving for his blessings.

Everything is bright to him, and this brightness he sheds upon his more serious-minded fellows, attracting and helping them through the world. This is why he is popular and loved, and from the exuberance of goodness in his heart he returns this love in abundant measure. He is fond of all amusements, dancing, society, gallantry, and all forms of gayety.

His lack of seriousness is often carried too far, for he will pursue pleasure to the exclusion of business, and therefore does not grow wealthy.

He does not value riches nor assume responsibility, yet such an one as he always gets along in some way, so he is careless and improvident - but happy. He is entirely unselfish.

When distress is present he sinks self entirely, and his first thought and effort are for others. He is bright, sparkling, vivacious, spontaneous, and genial, and the life of every company in which he may be. He is not profoundly studious, nor very ambitious, but is content to enjoy life. He is a great lover of the beautiful. Dress, home, surroundings, flowers, pictures, and art in every form attract, and in all of these he loves harmony, taste, and beauty.

To him it is more essential that things should be beautiful and enjoyable than that they should be useful. He is passionate, so when his eye is pleased and a responsive echo is awakened in some other breast, he will gratify his passions.

If such a thing as harm-lessness were possible in a matter of this kind, it would have to be accorded to the Venusian, for to him heat, ardor, and love are inherent and a part of his very existence. But always remember that all Venusians do not give way to their desires, and no matter how strong these may be, they are often curbed for a lifetime, and the world knows nothing of the struggles such a subject undergoes.

Venusians are honest and truthful. They are not schemers for money-making, or ambitious for high positions or distinction, consequently the temptation to cheat or lie does not come to them. They are constant friends, and readily forgive and forget an injury or injustice. Their human feeling causes them to see matters from “the other fellow’s” point of view, often to their own disadvantage. They hate quarrels or strife, and would rather suffer an injustice than engage in them.

The Venusian loves to give pleasure to others, and will put forth all his powers of amusement and fun-making, exerting himself to the utmost as long as he sees that those in his audience are enjoying themselves. But he loves to have his efforts appreciated, and likes to be told that he is agreeable and pleasant.

Music appeals most strongly to the Venusian, and the Mount of Venus is often called the Mount of Melody. You will never find a strong Mount of Venus without the accompanying passion for music. In examining hands for musical ability, fully note this Mount. When prominent, musical love is always present, and some ability to become proficient.

With a hand fine in texture, a good line of Apollo, a good line of Mercury and line of Head, smooth fingers, square at the sides, with either conic, square, or spatulate tips, and a good Mount of Moon, you have a musician, and some of the greatest the world has ever known have had such formations. Remember, all do not have the opportunity to develop their talents, so do not be discouraged if you find all these things on hands not belonging to musical people. If they had been trained properly, they would have been musical.

Melodious music appeals most to the Venusian. To him, classics savor too much of seriousness, but Strauss waltzes, Sousa marches, and kindred compositions will set Venusian feet to going and Venusian hearts to throbbing.

The Mount of the Moon adds additional musical taste to a subject.

Harmony, fugue, and counterpoint will be present with a developed Mount of the Moon. Love of color, form, and art, while present in a Venusian, will remain only a love of these things if unaccompanied by a good line and Mount of Apollo, with the Apollo finger longest in the first phalanx, and a Mount of Jupiter well developed to back them up.

The Venusian will always love bright colors, natural scenery, dress, and art, but other things are necessary to transform mere love into creative power.

The Venusian often writes well. Although his nature is gay, his writings are tinged with sadness.

He also acts well, and many of these subjects are found on the stage. I have been interested to note that Venusians excel in tragedy or serious parts which move the audience to tears; and some of our greatest comedians are Saturnians (Sol Smith Russell is an example).

In whatever way the Venusian talents are expended, we find that he touches the heart, and his music, writing, art, or acting speaks to the soul, appeals to the human interest of his hearers.

It is this fidelity and closeness to nature and nature’s heart that brings tears of sympathy. A comedy role enacted by a Saturnian is the irony in his nature cropping out. The Mount Of Venus.

Venusians always marry, and generally at an early age.

They mature rapidly as children, and, being exceedingly healthy, attain their growth when comparatively young. To them love and attraction for the opposite sex are natural, and thus they look upon marriage as a desirable state, which they do not put off longer than necessary.

They are attracted by strong characters and by persons in good health. While they feel sympathy for those who are in distress, it is not weak persons who gain their love. The Martian is strongly attracted to the Venusian type, and the Martian strength and vigor attract the Venusian.

Whatever the type they choose, it will be a robust, strong specimen of it. As much as Venusians love sexual pleasures, abandoned demi-monde Venusians are rare.

Of course, this class of society has some Venusian quality, but it is not the pure type with all its good qualities.

The sexual predisposition of the Venusian type makes them doubly liable to bear children. Their cheery nature and joyous ways fill their homes with brightness, and seldom do they appear among the marital unfortunates.

The Venusian never commits suicide. To him life is too bright, there is too much to be thankful for and too little to be discouraged about.

Of all the types, these are the real philosophers, who, though not so deep as some, still are happy, and self-destruction is abhorrent to them. Good health is the normal condition of the type, so with the Venusian we do not look for diseases.

They are often nervous, and may have any of the acute disorders which attack mankind in general, but they have no chronic ailments peculiar to them, and diseases which a Venusian has will be found marked on some other Mount, and not on the Mount of Venus.

With low Venusians, whose good qualities are overshadowed by their evil desires, we find often venereal diseases, and such will be shown by black dots or brown patches appearing on the Mount or back of the hand. Physiologically, these are produced by impaired and poisoned blood which has contaminated these portions of the hand.

Unfortunately, we must record that there are bad ‘Venusians. Even this good type does not escape that blight.’. These subjects have only a vestige of good, and the lower instincts and desires rule.

They are short in stature, stout in figure, with prominent abdomens, and all the grace and beauty eliminated from them. No finely curved lines are left, no elastic step, no bright eye.

The hair becomes red, the nose upturned, and the eyes bloodshot. Excess is stamped in every place, and bad desires and appetites have the upper hand. The lips are thick, red, and sensual; the face has a coarse skin, and the neck, body, and hands are marked as belonging to the lower world of base desires.

The bad Venusian hand is very thick, especially the third phalanges of the fingers, the base of the hand, and the Mount of Venus, which is very prominent, hard, and red.

The fingers are short and smooth, with the first phalanges deficient. The skin is coarse in texture, red in color, and the hand inelastic.

The thumb is small, especially the first phalanx, which is often pointed. This subject is low in his tastes, warped in his ideas, and inordinate in his appetites. He enjoys life in a coarse fashion, but is dominated by low desires and low pleasures. Not having fineness of nature, nor strength of will, these subjects do not distinguish between a refined pleasure and one which is low, so they debauch themselves, do not consider how much harm they may do, and are unscrupulous and bad.

Everything takes on a tinge of vulgarity, and obscene literature and pictures or ribald talk give them pleasure. They are animals merely, and know as pleasure only the gratification of animal appetites.

The bad Venu-sian is a reprobate, a conscienceless libertine, and disgusting to decent people. Between this creature and the high type there are innumerable grades of Venusian development. It must be your task properly to estimate it by a careful examination of every part of the hand.

Do not debase this splendid type by overestimating its sensual side, nor elevate a bad set of Venusian qualities by underestimating their grossness. Care and thought must be used and a complete study made of everything in the hand.

The texture of the skin will show refinement or coarseness of the subject. Everything that refines elevates the type; everything that coarsens degrades it.

Thus, with fine texture the higher side of the subject may be looked for. The tenderness and sympathy will be increased, and the sensualism decreased.

Beauty of form or color will be a delight, and evil thoughts will not be in the ascendant. With a large, or even an excessive Mount, or one fully grilled, the fine texture will show the passions to be refined and love to be more ideal and purer.

This subject, while strongly attracted sexually, will be attracted only to those mentally equal to him or those of the same degree of refinement.

His pleasure from these things will come largely from knowing that they are operating in a refined way. Coarse texture, showing coarseness of nature, acts in an opposite way. When found with a large grilled Mount of Venus, the subject will not care what is the grade of the opposite sex in mental or moral fineness, or the color of the skin; his enjoyment comes from the mere physical pleasure he derives from them. With fine texture, passion and love is refined; in coarse texture, it is brutalized, and made animal.

The coarse-textured Venusian is the nearest approach to selfishness that we find in this type, for he indulges his pleasures without regard to others, especially if his thumb be at all stiff. Consistency will show what amount of energy your subject has.

If it be flabby, he will be a mere pleasure hunter, and no thought of usefulness or advancement in life will actuate him. The only exertion this subject will think of making is in pursuit of enjoyment, and inertia even in this respect will be marked, for he will be best satisfied when pleasures come to him and he does not have to seek them.

Soft hands will show more energy than the flabby, and will be more useful in life. They still show laziness, but that which can be overcome, and must not be read as showing the hopeless inertia belonging to a flabby-handed Venusian. Elastic consistency is a fine combination. Here we have the excellent Venusian qualities, directed by an intelligent energy, which bring to perfection the best side of the type. It does not grow any less attractive, lovable, or sympathetic, but it becomes more practical, real, and less sensual.

The idleness of flabby hands gives too much time for thoughts of mere pleasure-seeking. The elastic consistency pushes the subject to action, and this does not allow the baser side to develop. “Satan finds some mischief for idle hands to do” applies to the flabby-handed Venusian and not to the elastic.

No better, happier, brighter, healthier type exists than the elastic-handed Venusian, for, while full of fire, the energy works out these fires in better ways than in the indulgence of low appetites. Hard hands show unintelligent energy directing the Venusian qualities, consequently this subject will be common, less refined, and ignorantly ardent. He will have strong desires, and will gratify them in an unintelligent way with the energy of hard hands, and these subjects are found as heads of families among the poor, where there are many children. With this subject, love, sympathy, and generosity are subjugated to desire.

Flexible hands show the elastic mind.

This makes a very intelligent, highly strung, gifted subject, but he is preliable to be an extremist, versatile, and too fond of admiration and pleasure. Flexible-handed Venusians need good balance-wheels to hold them in check. They are attractive, have many admirers and temptations, and often have their “heads turned.”

In such subjects look for clear, deep, well-marked and colored Head lines and good thumbs. These will be needed to keep them from wasting their lives and energies in a round of pleasure. The normally flexible hand is better balanced, more inclined to self-control, and to be self-contained.

These subjects may have as strong Venusiau traits, but will not be so frequently carried away by them, nor so liable to be mere pleasure hunters.

These are the subjects, especially if they have elastic consistency, who accomplish a great deal in the battle of life, which, by reason of their attractive personality, is not to them so severe a struggle. First judge whether the Mount be a sensual one, an excessive one, or merely a smooth and normal development. Behind whatever kind you see, the normal balancing qualities of the normally flexible hand must be placed, and the result estimated. The stiff hand will show a stiff mind and the lack of elasticity of the nature. This subject is immeasurably more apt to be sensual and low in ideas and appetites, which he will indulge freely.

He has no such sympathy or generosity, no such love of music, flowers, or the beauties of nature, as has his flexible-handed brother. He is full of lower desires, coarse in every way, unprogressive, and borders closely on stinginess and selfishness. In this subject there is a failure to complete the type; he has its low side and narrow views, minus the elevating qualities of a higher specimen of the same type. The color of the hands is important.

Pink is normal to the Venusian, and all other colors show an abnormal condition of health and consequent temperament. White color, showing a reduced strength of the current, pulls down the Venusian warmth and adds coldness. It will never be found that white color destroys the Venusian warmth and attraction, but it will reduce them. The subject will be less sympathetic and less ardent. The love of beauty will be present, but the fire of passion will burn with decreased force.

Thus the white-colored Venusian will be less attractive to the opposite sex, less liable to the follies of the type, even though the Mount be strong or grilled. Pink color will show the normal condition. Here health is present in the blood and its operation, which brightens life; and vivacity, gayety, and all the pleasant Venusian qualities will be in normal operation. This subject is perfection, so far as color goes, and will be more refined, will tend to the higher side of the type qualities, and will be attractive, lovable, and tender, without the presence of vulgar sensualism. These subjects are full of generosity and sympathy, and win their way by love and gentleness. Red color shows excess.

If the color be deep, it adds fuel to the already inflammable subject. Therefore he will be easily excited by the opposite sex, will be greatly attracted by them, full of burning ardor and passion, and, while not criminal in thought or disposition, is dangerous, for the sexual attraction is so great that, when aroused, all thought of consequences is lost. If the Mount be full and deeply grilled, the color very red, be on your guard for excess in all of the Venusian directions.

If the fingers be thick in the third phalanges and the palm be developed at the base, this excess will be extreme, and will stop at nothing to accomplish its desires.

About 80% of murderers whose crimes have been committed on husbands, wives, or lovers have such Venusian developments.

They have committed their deeds in sudden fits of jealousy or passion.

Yellow color is not common in a Venusian. The type is not predisposed to biliousness, so when yellow color is seen it means a most abnormal condition.

The blood poisoned by bile destroys all the good qualities of the subject, who becomes cross and fretful.

Already a highly strung type, the bilious irritation increases the nervous tension and destroys its sympathy and attractiveness, replacing these qualities with bad temper. The sexual attraction is at the same time destroyed, for bile acts most disastrously in this direction, producing a nervousness which makes it impossible. Blue color is often seen, for the Venusian frequently has heart trouble.

When seen in palm or nails, it must be used to indicate the degree of trouble present. The nails must be carefully considered. Broad nails, pink in color and fine in texture, will show good general health and a frank, honest disposition. They are likely to be flecked with white spots, for the subject is ultra-nervous. Narrower nails will show a less rugged constitution, and color and texture must be noted.

In any reduction or change the normal condition of the subject is reduced or changed by whatever has changed the color. If the nail be very thin and narrow, it shows a very delicate constitution, and the normal healthy expectation of the type must be reduced accordingly.

Critical nails are seldom seen on this type, for the Venusian is easy-going, and seeks pleasure instead of strife. If this formation be seen, estimate the subject as a critical or pugnacious Venusian according to the degree of development.

Fluted nails will indicate that nervousness plays a prominent part. If very marked, the subject will be excitable and flighty, especially if the hand be flexible, the fingers long and smooth, and the tips pointed. The brittle nail, turning sharply back, is sometimes seen, and the danger of extreme nerve trouble, even paralysis, is present. These nervous nails will take away from the good nature and attractiveness of the subject.

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