Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 25

The Mount Of Venus

by Benham
10 minutes  • 2082 words
Table of contents

The Venusian is idenfified by the Mount of Venus at the base of the thumb.

This is strengthened by the:

  • triangle
  • circle
  • square, or
  • single vertical lines

The cross, grille, island or dot show defects of the Mount (127).

This Mount rises into the palm, has the largest prominence shown by any of the Mounts, and by its size and markings you must estimate the amount and kind of Venusian qualities possessed by the subject.

If the Mount is very prominent, highly colored, and deeply grilled with long lines, it is an excessive development, and the Venusian characteristics will be strong in the subject (128).

If it is not out of proportion with the rest of the hand, it is a normal Mount, and Venusian characteristics will be present in normal degree. If there is an absence of any development and the Mount has a flat and flabby appearance (129), it is a deficient Mount, and the Venusian qualities are entirely lacking.

Between these extremes are many degrees of development. The Venusian type is a pleasant one to meet, healthy, happy, joyous, and though it descends the scale of morality at times, it is always agreeable and attractive. It is a type which must be carefully handled, for to estimate it incorrectly is a serious matter.

Dealing as it does with love and the sexual passions, there is needed much perception and a lofty attitude of mind in the practitioner, for the temptation is to be influenced by the known proclivities of the type, and thus inexperienced or low-minded palmists attribute base desires to many subjects who are instead filled with the magnificent qualities that belong to the elevated Venusian type.

In the Plan of Creation, there was needed that great bond of sympathy and attraction which:

  • brings together the human family
  • drives away soullessness, coldness, and selfishness, and replaces these with generosity, warmth, and love.

The Venusian type was created to:

  • supply these necessary factors and
  • accomplish these purposes

Standing as it does for love, sympathy, and generosity, the Venusian type is a good one, and, as one of its greatest qualifications is attraction for its fellows, it necessarily needs warmth and heat, for heat attracts and cold repels.

This Venusiaii heat means a plentiful supply of good-quality blood, and a strong heart to pump it, consequently the Venusian is a healthy type and a handsome one, for good health begets good looks, producing not always rounded, doll-like beauty, but freshness and attractiveness.

We find each type endowed with whatever accompaniments of health and characteristics are necessary to best fit it to bring forward the elementary forces which it represents, so the Venusian, being created to emphasize love, is given health, warmth, and physical attractiveness, that, wherever he appears, love may be inspired.

There is about the Venusian no hint of gloom, biliousness, coldness, or selfishness - all is warmth, life, beauty, and attraction.

Consequently, the Venusian is beset with many temptations, is constantly attracted to the opposite sex, has strong physical passion, and needs a fine Head line (self-control and judgment) and a large thumb (determination) to keep him in the straight and narrow path.

It is a feminine type, for we all know that such attraction as belongs to it is more the province of the weaker than the sterner sex.

  • Man is battling with the world
  • Woman is filled with love, sympathy, and all the finer qualities which refine and elevate
    • The tender passion grows more tender and refined in her character than in his.

Man may love, but not with the same degree of delicacy possible to woman, who embodies the ideal of the highest form of this God-given quality. So the Venusian type, representing the greatest perfection in human love, is necessarily a feminine type.

Woman also represents a higher grade of morality than man, consequently Venusian attractiveness to the opposite sex is much safer in her charge than his.

When a Venusian development is found strong in a woman’s hand, it will not speak of such profligacy as the same development would in the hand of a man.

In a man a strong Venusian Mount either makes him somewhat feminine in his characteristics, especially if smooth fingers, conic tips, and soft consistency are present; or else it makes him fiery and heated in his passions, and if the hand be hard this subject will indulge these desires, not restraining them as will a woman with the same development.

In some hands the Mount is very full and seems as if it would burst through the skin (see 128).

If this kind of Mount is smooth the subject will love all Venusian things powerfully, but will not be as excessive as will one with the same sized Mount grilled(130).

In the latter case the grilling shows that the electric currents running over the Mount will excite the Venusian passion to an increased degree. Smooth Mounts, if not large, will indicate love of flowers, music, form, color, paintings, etc., but not strong sexual passion. The same Mount grilled will have added sexual attraction.

If the Mount is full and grilled in a woman’s hand, she will be most strongly attracted to the opposite sex, even as much as would a man with a similar Mount.

In a man’s hand this Mount brings him to a grade of femininity equal to woman in the Venusian directions, and he becomes dangerous in his tendencies, for he has the power to attract without the seeming necessity for resisting that the woman has. If on the Mount of Venus the grilled lines are very deep, strong, and red, it will add greatly to the fire and danger of the Mount.

Often a Mount will be seen which is full of grilled lines, and the Mount shows, by the loose skin, that it has been very full.

The Mount has the appearance of a sucked orange in its flabbiness, and tells of one who has had strong Venusian desires, which have been indulged freely until vitality is gone and the subject is worn out. It is a pity that human depravity should make it necessary to write of the Mount of Venus anything but the beautiful qualities that properly belong to the Venusian.

These same sexual desires that we find debased by the profligate and the libertine were put into human beings so that they might be attracted by each other, and by this constant attraction the marriage state perpetuaed and the human family increased through the continued birth of children.

Part 2

The attraction to marriage was necessary in order that the pain of child-bearing might not prevent reproduction.

Venusian qualities of love and attraction were intended only for high purposes.

The depravity of man has abused these faculties.

As palmists we are bound to study humanity as we find it, and not as we might wish it.

So with the Venusian type we stand in the presence of one of God’s greatest creations, which we must examine to see if the functions are being used for the proper purposes, or debased to feed the flames of sensuality.

The Venusian type stands for love, sympathy, tenderness, generosity, beauty, melody in music, gayety, joy, health, and passion. These:

  • put it on the pinnacle of attractiveness, and
  • render it liable to many temptations and dangers.

In appearance, the Venusian is attractive and beautiful.

He is graceful, shapely, well balanced and easy in his manner, presenting more a type of feminine beauty than masculine.

The Apollonian and Jupiterian are types of manly beauty, the male Venusian partakes of the soft voluptuousness of female beauty. These subjects are of medium height, and present graceful curves of form from head to foot.

The skin is white, fine in texture, soft and velvety to the touch, transparent in its fineness, through which a delicate pink color glows, showing normal health and blood supply. The face is round or oval in shape, is finely proportioned, with no high cheek bones, thin cheeks, prominent temples, or square jaws to make it angular or mar its beauty.

The cheeks are well rounded, and often show dimples when the face breaks into a smile. The forehead is high, well proportioned, gracefully rounding in front, perfect in contour.

The skin on the forehead is tightly drawn, and does not wrinkle, nor do crows’-feet appear at the corners of the eyes in young subjects. These come later in life and after Venusian fires have fiercely burned, There is a Venusian mark on the forehead which is seen in young Venusians which con-sists of three vertical wrinkles over the bridge of the nose between the eyes. The hair is and wavy.

The eyebrows are well marked, abundant, and form graceful curves on the forehead, well pointed at the ends, sharply outlined, and seldom growing over the nose; when they do, it indicates a tendency toward coarsening the type.

The eyes:

  • are round or almond-shaped, brown or dark blue in color
  • express tender sympathy.

When the passions are aroused they have a voluptuous expression which it is impossible to mistake.

The Venusian is a fine subject - in his whole physical make-up this fineness of texture shows constantly; his eyelids are smooth in quality, with delicately traced blue veins showing through, and with long silky lashes curling upward on the ends.

The nose is shapely, full sized, but with fine curves. The nostrils are broad, and show varying moods by their rapid contraction or expansion when the subject is excited.

The mouth is beautifully shaped, with bow-like curves and full, red lips, the lower one slightly more prominent. The teeth are white, medium in size, strong, and set in beautifully colored, healthy-looking gums; so when the Venusian smiles - the dimpled cheeks, the expressive eyes, the white teeth showing through full red lips, and set in pink gums - make a most attractive picture.

The chin is round and full, often dimpled on the end, and completes the graceful contour of the face.

The neck is long, full, and shapely, connecting the well-shaped head with gracefully drooping shoulders, which, while they do not speak of muscular strength, show breadth and health. The chest is large, full, round, and expansive, thus giving the lungs full play. The voice is full, musical, and attractive. It shows no weakness in tone, and yet has not the Martian strength.

The legs are graceful in shape.

The hips high and round, even in male Venusians.

The thigh is proportionately long.

The feet are small and shapely, with a high-arched instep, which gives him grace and elasticity in his walk.

The Venusian is refined, graceful, lovable, and attractive, the most apt figure to fill the very sphere in life for which he was intended, by adding brightness, joy, gay spirits, and love to a world without which selfishness and monotony would surely rule.

The hand of the Venusian is white, soft, fine in texture, pink in color, fingers of medium length or short, tips conic, slightly square or of a small, spatulate shape, nails filbert and pink, thumb medium or small, and a large Mount of Venus either smooth or grilled.

The Venusian is affectionate.

He is instinctively drawn toward his fellow-man by feelings of kinship and human sympathy, and these feelings easily ripen into love, which is his primary and typical attribute. With the Venusian there is no such feeling of repellence, or a desire to retire from the haunts of mankind, as we find with the Sat-urnian. Neither has he the Saturnian’s instinctive hatred of his fellows.

He is rather attracted toward them, seeks their society, is agreeable, kind, sympathetic, lovable, and popular.

Never will you find a Venusian who turns a deaf ear to the sufferings or appeals of any human being, and never will you find a Venusian with a stiff thumb.

Supple thumbs are always present, and their generosity and liberality extends to all who appeal for help. Thus the Venusian is besieged by those who have a tale of woe, for all are sure to find heartfelt sympathy in their misfortunes, and they know that whatever aid is possible will be given.

In hours of affliction or despair the Venusian never deserts a friend, but with open hand and all the tenderness of his warm heart he relieves distress and suffering wherever found. Thus the Venusian attracts all who know him by the bond of humanity, which seems to link him to mankind in general.

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