Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 4

Medium-Substance Transfer and True Motion

by Juan Icon
2 minutes  • 227 words
Table of contents

All forces are called media and all non-forces are called substances.

The media represent the different forms of the perpetually dynamic Positive and Negative Forces where they originate from.

These insert themselves into the substances that they are assigned to in order to create movement and change in physical reality.

Example Medium or Force Example Substance or Quantum
Existential desire Aether or Ideas
Gravity Material vortices
Virtual Photons Electrons
W Boson Neutron
Gas Contact Forces Protons
5 Layers of Superphysics
Forces fit into their assigned substances

This means that all movement comes externally but are ultimately based on the internal aethereal configuration of the substances that exist.

Examples are gravity, magnetism, and contact forces:

  • Gravity caused by mosts (gravitons to Physics) going through and affecting matter and light
  • Magnetism is caused by mors (virtual photons to Physics) going through electrons and other particles
  • Tactile movement is caused by moms (contact forces to Physics) pushing or pulling matter.

Two Kinds of Movement

The energy transfer between media and substances then leads to 2 kinds of movement:

  1. Sequential or Relative Movement

This is relativistic motion that matches the principles of Newton and Einstein.

  1. Non-Sequential Movement

This is true motion or aether-based motion that allows jumping between spacetime. An example is your movement in your dreams where you can jump from one scene into another non-sequentially.

This is the foundation of teleportation and levitation.

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