Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 4

Gravitational Signatures

by Juan Icon
3 minutes  • 507 words
Table of contents
Principles Assertions
The Law of Conservation of Idea in Physical Reality This manifests as Gravitational Signatures

The Law of Conservation of Idea of Superphysics states that everything in reality is an idea of the Supreme.

All such ideas:

  • pre-exist
  • cannot be created nor destroyed, and
  • are unique.

This uniqueness means that each idea has its own properties as imbued by its Creator.

These inherent properties are called its dharma or true nature. The inherent property of a unique idea or object is called svadharma.

These ideas get deployed in the physical domain where they manifest as identities. For example:

  • a leaf is a separate identity from its tree
  • a rock is a separate identity from its mountain
  • a son is a separate identity from its parents and family

Each identity is unique. In Physics, this uniqeuness manifests as:

  • The Pauli Exclusion Principle
  • The fact that you do not go ’through’ your chair and occupy the same space tiat it does

This uniqueness is denoted in reality by a metaphysical signature which determines:

  1. What Layer or physical body it exists as
  2. What potential motions it can do

Since motion is more striking to the mind, we call these as gravitational signatures or G. Each G when deployed in physical reality is known as the monad or qoa1.

The Gravitational Signature Determines What Layer the Identity Exists In

Since the universe is made up of waves and each wave is a representative of a layer or element, then the properties of that identity will reveal either:

  • the layer (subscript l) that it is in. This in turn will help reveal its gravitational signature G
  • its gravitational signature G. This will help reveal what layer it is in
The material waves are most obvious to humans which are also made up of material bodies

The Gravitational Signature is the Foundation of an Identity’s Nature or its Motion

Aside from determining the Layer, a gravitational signature also determines the range of motions that arise from the attraction or repulsion by its affinity or difference with the other signatures, whether they are from objects, entities, or minds within the same layer.

E = Gl

Lower layers are affected by higher layers, but higher layers are unaffected by the lower. For example, light is affected by gravity, but gravity is not affected by light.

Layer Motion Carriers (media)
Aethereal Monad
Spacetime Timespace
Radiant Virtual Photons
Convertible W Bosons

Knowing the G and the layer can also reveal what kind of particle it is. For example, the antimatter are created by the free aether aiming to upgrade matter.

Layer Antiparticle
Radiant positron :: -a(r)
Convertible antineutrino :: -a(c)
Material antihydrogen :: -a(H)
Korean BTS quantum physics
Gravitational signatures explain why some people are attracted and gravitate towards KPop while others are repulsed by them. In theory, this means that peace and harmony can be achieved granularly by knowing the Gravitational signatures of everyone in order to reduce the repulsion of minds, and generally by imposing higher-layer ideas like virtue (this virtue-based socio-political system is then the job of Social Superphysics)

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