Superphysics Superphysics

Superphysics Defintions

by Lam
December 13, 2021 7 minutes  • 1337 words
Table of contents


Word Meaning
Absolute Entity A theoretical (non-existing) Entity that precedes Existence. Also, Pre-Existence
Abstract Reasoning The use logic to explain nonphysical or philosophical causes and effects.
Adharmic not being in line with one’s dharma or the nature of things. This replaces the concept of ‘bad’ or ’evil’ which are based on the limited ego.
Attribute a part of Substance.
Belief a set of ideas that the ego attaches itself to
Conscience the intuition or feeling for the dharma or true nature
Consciousness the other half of Existence that lets Existence exist
Critical Feeling the expansion of one’s feelings onto other entities other than the self, by exerting extra effort or energy
Critical Thinking the expansion of one’s thinking process beyond the normal limitations of belief or external imposition, by exerting extra effort or energy
Death The state where a mind loses the ability to express independently of the physical aspects of the universe
Dharma the inherent, metaphysical nature of any discrete identity with reference to the creator of that identity
Dharmic being in line with one’s dharma or the nature of things. This replaces the concept of ‘good’ which is based on the limited ego.
Eagle the equation for everything, according to Superphysics
Ego the feeling of the self
Emotion A quantized measurable version of a feeling, such as for public surveys
Existence the effect of Consciousness as its other half
Idea An original metaphysical object created by the Supreme that is accessed by abstract minds. Also, a product of Ideation (accessing pre-existing ideas)
Identity A discrete resultant perception separate from other perceptions or a mass of perceptions
Immoral the qualities of actions that will lead to negative feelings in the largest spacetime conceivable. Also generally adharmic since Existence is Positive.
Intuition Instant knowledge derived from the aether, which is above spacetime
Karma Action and Reaction, or Cause and Effect. Technically, the 7th kind of philosophical relation according to David Hume.
Knowledge The assimilation of perceptions with, or into, the abstract mind via ideas. Also, jiṋána as the subjectivization of objects (Sarkar)
Life The state where a mind has the ability to express independently of the physical aspects of the universe
Mind the arena for experiences
Mode modifications or versions of Substance
Moral the qualities of actions that will lead to positive feelings in the largest spacetime conceivable
Negative feelings feelings resulting from the Negative Force that naturally make us feel heavy, such as sadness, greed, hatred, and stress. These are the result of being adharmic or outside of one’s true nature, since Existence is Positive
Negative Force the force from the desire of Existence that leads to separation, repulsion, and isolation, leading to Existence. Also, Shakti or Yin.
Omnitheism a paradigm that views all Supreme Entities as different versions of one Supreme Entity
Positive feelings feelings from the Positive Force that naturally make us feel lighter, such as happiness, contentment, love, peace. These are the result of being dharmic or being within one’s true nature, since Existence is Positive
Positive Force the force or flow from the desire of Existence that leads to unification and attraction. Also, Shiva or Yang.
Self The perception of identity by the same perceiver
Slavery A regular state of control of another’s actions that produces pain
Socratic Dialectics The use of critical feeling and critical thinking, with reference to the Dharma, to arrive at a solution to a problem
Soul the mind when viewed independently of the body
Substance a thing which exists in such a way that it needs nothing beyond itself in order to exist (Descartes, Principia Philosophia Part 1)
Supreme Entity The Absolute Entity in active form in order to gain reality and be perceived
Tao the dharma in active flowing form
Thought A physicalized version of a metaphysical Idea, as a result of thinking

Superphysics Logic Definitions and Replacements

Word Meaning
Absolute Truth the equality of perceptions that is not dependent on spacetime (i.e. timeless)
Ad Hominem Personal Attack
Axiom A self-evident fundamental statement considered true by definition. It serves as a starting point for other statements.
Begging the Question Circular Answer
Corollary A resulting statement that directly follows from a theorem
Definition A statement that gives the properties of a new idea
False Dichotomy Fake Dilemma
Lemma A resultant statement proven true, used to prove another, more important theorem
Logic The connection of ideas within spacetime. Ibn-khaldun: intellectual speculation to distinguish between true and false
Non sequitir Does not Follow
Occam’s Razor Deleting superfluous ideas in reasoning. Also, Cutting to the Chase
Physical Truth the equality of physical perceptions
Postulate An axiom with a specific scope
Proposition A statement that can be either true or false
Reason The ability to use logic to explain cause and effect in general.
Reasoning The use logic to explain cause and effect in general.
Red Herring Misdirection of reason
Relative Truth the equality of perceptions that is dependent on spacetime
Straw Man Specific misdirection of reason
Theorem A resultant statement proven true through other statements
Truth the equality of perceptions from different perceiving identitites

Axioms: The foundation stones, accepted as true without question. Definitions: The bricks that define the building’s components. Propositions: Individual statements that contribute to the structure. Theorems: Major structural elements based on the foundation. Postulates: Additional supporting beams specific to this building. Corollaries: Smaller structures built directly on a larger theorem. Lemmas: Scaffolding, later removed.


Word Meaning
Dogmisn a blind belief perpetuated by the mind of a certain person
Ideology Matrix a 3D chart that classifies all ideas
Socratic Liberal the Democrat caste made up of workers and ordinary people. This is the most numerous in any society
Socratic Neocon the Tyrant caste made up of warriors, generals, and leaders. This is commonly the monarchy.
Socratic Conservative the Aristocrat caste made up of philosophers, scientists, and researchers. This manifests as the Enlightenment, Theocracy, Religion, or Shariah
Socratic Neoliberal the Oligarch caste made up of merchants and businessmen. Thhis manifests as Big Business, Speculators, Gamblers, Investors

Supereconomics Revenue

Word Meaning
Rent Regular Arbitrary Revenue, from the Lack of Land
Wage Regular Revenue to Live, from the Abundance Experienced by Employers
Profit Irregular Revenue from the lack experienced by others
Donation Irregular Revenue from the abundance experienced by others


Word Meaning
Commerce the exchange using money
Commercialization the shifting of an economy or trade into objective money-based transactions, as opposed to barter to arbitrary exchanges
Commodity a raw material or not-so-processed good for sale
Effort Theory of Value the pegging of economic value into points represented by grains
Goods anything that is for sale and occupies a specific spacetime
Monetization the conversion of goods and services into money
Pantrypoints system the use of Pantries or Hubs as the store of resources
Pantrypoints Pantry a permanent or temporary repository of resources. Examples are stalls in a marketplace, a business address, or a person with a bag
Pantrypoints Hub a large pantry that connects to smaller pantries
Supereconomics the study of management of resources in a decentralized Pantrypoints system
Pointarism the exchange using points
Pointary the adjective referring to pointarism
Pointism the obsession with points
Pointization the conversion of goods and services into points
Products a good that is processed and is for sale
Service anything that is for sale but does not occupy a specific spacetime
Wealth the actual quality and quantity of useful goods and services

Material Superphysics

Word Acronym Meaning
Gravitational Signature the unique code or idea that is the basis for the discrete entity. In a living body, this manifests as its DNA
Quantum Substance A Cartesian Substance subject to measurement
Monad A 1-dimensional Substance
Quantum of Space-time Qost Invisible spacetime particles in the Spatial Layer
Quantum of Aether Qoa Substance of idea, feeling, or the abstract mind or soul that has those ideas and feelings

Bio Superphysics

Word Meaning
Anāhata (Heart) Cakra
Ájiṋa (Third Eye) Cakra Also Lunar plexus
Muladhara (Root or Base) Cakra
Sahasrara / Guru (Top) Cakra Also Occult plexus
Svadhisthana (Sex) Cakra
Visuddha (Throat) Cakra Also Physico-psychic plexus
Navel Cakra

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