Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 3f

The Cycle of Creation

by Juan Icon
June 2, 2024 3 minutes  • 588 words
Table of contents

The previous posts explained:

  • the great loop from Desire to Experience
  • the positive and negative directions

This great loop manifests to us as the cycle of creation which follows a Positive Direction.

Cycle of Creation
  1. The ideas of the Supreme starts as vibrating waves in the Aethereal layer
  2. These are crudified by the Negative Force into galaxies in the Spatial layer
  3. These then lead to stars and electromagnetism in the Radiant layer
  4. From stellar systems, planets and matter are formed.

This creates physical reality.

  1. Life then originates in matter through the Positive Force
  2. The Positive Force makes life evolve into multicelluar organisms, plants, animals
  3. Finally, life evolves into the human structure (or aliens with highly developed brains)
  4. Such developed beings then gain the ability to detect the aether and so can evolve into non-physical spirits, back into the original aether substance

Mentality Creates Reality

Chapter 2 explained how this cycle means that mentality creates reality.

It follows that instead of praying to an external God, we can improve our reality (existence) by knowing our own mentality (consciousness) better.

This is because desire creates existence through the medium of consciousness which is inside the mind.

Since desire is a feeling and a feeling is a wave, then the many desires that we have form a of multitude of waves that collectively make up our mentality.

  • The mentality of a Christian is formed by Christian desires
  • The mentality of a Muslim is formed by Islamic desires
  • The mentality of a scientist is formed by the desires for science
  • The mentality of a K-pop fan is formed by the desires for K-pop

A person’s mentality then leads to his actions in physical reality.

It is an established maxim in metaphysics, that whatever the mind clearly conceives, includes the idea of possible existence, or in other words, nothing we imagine is absolutely impossible. A Treatise of Human Nature, Book 1, Part 2, Section 2

A variation of this is ‘If you want to experience a certain reality, then you first have to want it’:

  • some people go through life without knowing what they want
  • other people claim that they know exactly what they want

Both of these are extremes which will reduce the probability of them experiencing their desired reality.

  • the people who don’t know what they want will have too little desire-power (too little Negative Force) to materialize their ideas. An analogy is the undercooking of a dish.
  • the people who specify exactly what they want will have too much desire (too much Negative Force) leading to a premature and rigid materialization. This explains why sheer grit and determination do not always lead to success. An analogy is the overcooking of a dish.

How To Get The Right Desires

Since a balance of the Positive and Negative is essential in sustaining Existence, then we will have a better chance to materialize ideas if they originate from the highest Layer (i.e. the Supreme Entity or higher mind) while having the most desire (i.e. passion or grit) to make them real.

These have the highest quality of Positive and Negative Forces.

Various schools of thought already encourage hardwork, passion, and perseverance. The most popular movement in recent years is the Law of Attraction which promotes positive thinking in order to manifest one’s desires and passions.

But very few are able to instruct us on what should we be passionate about. This is why both traditional and modern ways to get success are not always effective.

This will be explained in the chapter on gravitational signatures.

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