Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 4f

What is Morality?

by Juan Icon
January 2, 2020 5 minutes  • 895 words
Table of contents

Chapter 2 explained that the Creator of the universe created the universe from Its Own metaphysical ideas and feelings. This is similar to a novelist who writes a novel from a stream of ideas and feelings coming from his metaphysical mind.

The purpose of ideas is to create experience. These experiences then create ideas. This leads to an unending loop of:

  • idea-experience
  • cause-effect
  • action-reaction
  • karma-samskara-karma

Action and Reaction applies not only in the physical domain, but also in the metaphysical.

This is best observed as the action and reaction of our feelings.

  • Bad or negative feelings lead to bad action
  • Bad actions lead to bad consequences
  • Bad consequences lead to bad feelings

The cycle of negativity leads to the persistent suffering among physical beings.

In our universe however, the Positive Force is slightly stronger than the Negative. This leads to the concept of morality as a check against negativity.

Chapter 3 explaimed that true happiness is achieved when an identity matches or unites with its dharma or true nature. This match is facilitated by the Positive Force.

Unhappiness is experienced when an identity is kept away from its dharma. This separation is done by the Negative.

A moral or dharmic action is one that is in line with one’s true nature or dharma. Its consequences are likewise Positive and within the dharma.

As it is difficult to explain or even discover one’s true nature, then we can shallowly define morality as a quality that produces happiness for now and for as long as possible, for the self and for as many entities as possible.

The phrases “for as long as possible” and “for as many entities as possible” shows an enlarged mentality that tries to unite with all of the universe. This is a sign of the Positive Force.

The Positive and Negative Leads to Morality and Immorality

The rivalry between the Positive and Negative Forces as they generate Existence leads to duality, opposites, and good and bad.

This includes our feelings which have natural opposites:

  • love versus hate
  • fear versus bravery
  • peace versus agitation
  • etc

This extends to economics, politics, and philosophy:

  • economic booms versus busts
  • democracy versus autocracy
  • conservative versus liberal
  • religion versus atheism
  • traditional versus modern
  • etc

The Negative Force creates these differences and dualities in order to express the infiniteness of the Supreme. However, this also leads to infinite conflicts and problems which divert each entity away from its true nature, which then leads to its suffering.

How can we counteract the tendency of Existence for chaos and division?

A Moral System that Focuses on the Positive

The Supreme has the Positive Force to naturally counteract the Negative.

This Positive Force has an inherent tendency to unite and dwell in the abstract or metaphysical domain where it excels in knowledge. This is different from the Negative Force which dwells in the physical domain where it separates things to facilitate new creations* as well as maintain ignorance.

*This is why ‘Shakti’ or the Negative is a force for creativity and power

Since the metaphysical is superior to the physical, we are absolutely confident that the Positive will conquer the Negative in the long run. This manifests as the maxim: “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

Moreover, since the Supreme dwells in the metaphysical, becoming Positive will make one more like the Supreme. This manifests as actions being closer to one’s true nature or divine will.

The more humans become positive, united, and knowledgeable of Existence (as the Mind of the Supreme), the more they assume the attributes of the Supreme. For example, a caveman would think that only magicians could communicate with other people on the other side of the world – something that we can do now thanks to our knowledge of the principles of electromagnetism

A better knowledge of how Existence is generated and structured will then let us find the true nature of things as ultimate causes, This means that we can find the ultimate causes of things that give us pain and suffering such as poverty, inequality, natural disasters, terrorism, etc.

We can then work on the root causes so that the things that give us pain and suffering will change, so that we can experience peace and happiness instead. This will then make us realize that the Supreme never intended for the universe to give us suffering. Rather it was created to give us experiences of joy and value.

This emphasis on positivity, dharma, unity, knowledge, and fellow-feeling makes up the core of the moral philosophy imbued in Medical and Social Superphysics.

The 19th Century Introduced So Many Mistakes

The formalization of Western science, economics, and medicine in the 19th century led to unnatural systems that are now causing so many problems such as global warming, pandemic, war, and stagflation that have destroyed many life forms on Earth, and are still destroying many as we speak.

Despite having the intellect to warn about global warming and pandemics, science lacks the knowledge of the critical feeling that is needed to actually implement the ‘scientific’ solutions to them.

Superphysics focuses on the Positive, while using the Negative force, in order to correct the mistakes of the 19th century by adding metaphysics and feelings to science. In this way, science can be more complete and be more able to conclusively solve problems and create a better Existence for all.

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