Superphysics Superphysics

Marx Versus Socrates

by Juan Icon
2 minutes  • 223 words

The common definition of socialism nowadays came from the 19th century from Marx who mixed up socialism with communism. It mixes up authoritarianism with socialism. Authoritarian + socialist is a contradiction like controlled + freedom.


This is why the common definition refers to “civil rights of a person and the rule of law”.

Our definition is different it comes from the French Revolution which created it as freedom from authority. It comes from Socrates which is based on the four desires of the human species:

  1. Freedom
  2. Control
  3. Ideas
  4. Resources

This leads to the 4 virtues:

  1. Truth
  2. Courage
  3. Justice
  4. Temperance

These then lead to the 4 classes:

  1. Liberal (shudra caste)
  2. Necocon (ksattriya caste)
  3. Conservative (brahmin caste)
  4. Neoliberal (vaesha caste)

Marx’ definitions come from effect and not from cause. That’s why there is no possibility of peace and merging of left wing and right wing of Marx. But there is peace and unity in Socrates’ four classes model, just as the Hindu shudra, ksattriya, brahmin, and vaeshya castes form one great India (Mahabharata).

In Marx’ classification, those left and right wing cannot merge. But in Socrates’ classification, the four are just parts of a whole.

Socialism was defined in 1832 by a follower of Saint-simon who was a businessman. The French Revolution had split the peasants into two camps:

  1. The tyrannical Girondins
  2. The liberal Jacobins

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