Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 11b

Feudalism and Fascism

by Juan
January 9, 2022 2 minutes  • 268 words
Table of contents

The Feudal System

The Feudal System arose from the fall of the Roman system which collapsed after the Romans lost their dharma or martial spirit.

This happened after they converted to Christianity after defeating Jerusalem and absorbing its culture in the process.

This allowed the barbarians to more easily destroy the Roman systems.

Feudalism is an easier way to control huge land areas.

  • Each land is divided into fiefs under a lord.
  • The lord is then under a king, who is really the strongest lord.

Thus, it can be viewed as a delegated way of governance.

The Fall of Feudalism and the Rise of Cities

The feudal system in turn broke down in Europe as a consequence of Mercantilism.

This is because the feudal lands were rural, but Mercantilism favored urban areas where goods from afar was brought in.

The credit for bringing Mercantilism goes to the Mongols who connected Europe to Asia.

This was different from the Roman and feudal systems where their revenue was taxation from the direct produce of the local land.

  • Instead of trading with distant countries, the Romans traded with its own provices.

The trade from distant countries needed moneychangers and logistics facilities which could only be in the cities.


The Mercantile System mutated into the Capitalist System which caused a lot of inequality from foreign trade and investments.

This is because Mercantilism and Capitalism earn revenue by being middle men.

This inequality cretes a clamor for nationalism, authoritarian leadership, and the suppression of political opposition.

Economically, it supports state control over capitalists.

Examples are Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy under Mussolini.

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