Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 4b

The 8 Whorls in the Spindle of Necessity

5 minutes  • 876 words
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The 8 Whorls (Chakras) in the Spindle of Necessity (Anthakarana)


From these ends extends the spindle of Necessity, on which all the revolutions turn.

The shaft and hook of this spindle are made of steel.

The whorl is made partly of steel and also partly of other materials.

  • It has one large hollow whorl which is scooped out.
  • Into this is fitted another smaller one, and another, and another, and four others, making eight in all, like vessels which fit into one another.

The whorls show their edges on the upper side. On their lower side, all together form one continuous whorl.

This is pierced by the spindle, which is driven home through the centre of the eighth. According to rim size, their rankings are:


Whorl Description
Whorl 1 This is spangled
Whorl 6 This is second in whiteness
Whorl 4 This is reddish
Whorl 8 This is colored by Whorl 7
Whorl 7 This is the brightest
Whorl 5 This has a similar yellow color as Whorl 2. It is yellower than Whorl 7
Whorl 3 This has the whitest light
Whorl 2 This has a similar yellow color as Whorl 5. It is yellower than Whorl 3
The whole spindle has the same motion. But, as the whole revolves in one direction, the seven inner circles move slowly in the other. In terms of speed, their rankings are:
Speed Rank Whorl
1 Whorl 8
2 Whorl 7, 6, and 5 move together
3 Whorl 4, which appears to move in a reverse motion
4 Whorl 3
5 Whorl 2
Superphysics Note
The image interprets the whorls as chakras and the spindle as the anthakarana which binds the chakras to physical reality. The key is Socrates’ description of the fourth whorl as having a reddish color which matches the Hindu description of the navel or third chakra as having a red color. The top chakra is also known to have the highest frequency and accordingly has the fastest speed according to Socrates. The lower chakras (Whorl 2, 3, and 4) are known to act opposite to the higher chakras. Socrates describes this as those latter whorls having a reverse motion. In yoga, each chakra has a specific sound, which is described below.

On the upper surface of each circle is a siren, who goes round with them, hymning a single tone or note.


The spindle turns on the knees of Cause and Effect.

The eight together form one harmony. Round about, at equal intervals, there are the three daughters of Cause and Effect called Fates sitting on their thrones as Lachesis, Clotho, and Atropos.

They wear white robes and have chaplets upon their heads. They accompany with their voices the harmony of the sirens.

  • Lachesis sings of the past. Lachesis laying hold of either in turn, first with one hand and then with the other.
  • Clotho sings of the present. Clotho from time to time assists with a touch of her right hand the revolution of the outer circle of the whorl or spindle.
  • Atropos sings the future. Atropos with her left hand touching and guiding the inner ones**.

**Superphyics Note: The mind categorizes cause & effect in 3 phases: past, present, and future. The lower chakras (outer whorls to Socrates) are concerned with the present, while the higher chakras (inner whorls) are concerned with the future.


When Er and the spirits arrived, their duty was to go at once to Lachesis.

There was a prophet who arranged them in order. Then he took from the knees of Lachesis lots and samples of lives.

He went to a high pulpit and spoke:


Hear the word of Lachesis, the daughter of Cause and Effect. Mortal souls, behold a new cycle of life and mortality. Your genius will not be allotted to you, but you will choose your genius.

Let him who draws the first lot have the first choice, and the life which he chooses shall be his destiny. Virtue is free. A man will have more virtue the more he honours it. The responsibility is with the chooser.


He then scattered lots indifferently among them all. Each of them took up the lot which fell near him except Er himself (he was not allowed).

Each took his lot and saw his number. Then, the Interpreter placed on the ground before them the samples of lives. There were many more lives than the souls present, and they were of all sorts.


There were lives of every animal and of man in every condition.

  • There were tyrannies among them, some lasting out the tyrant’s life, others which broke off in the middle and came to an end in poverty and exile and beggary.
  • There were lives of famous men, some who were famous for their beauty, strength, and success in games. Some were famous for their birth and the qualities of their ancestors. Some were infamous, for the opposite qualities.
  • There were also women’s lives. But there was no definite character in them, because the soul, when choosing a new life, must of necessity become different.
  • There were other qualities all mingled with one another. Elements of wealth mingled with poverty. Disease mingled with health.
  • There were mean states also.

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