Superphysics Superphysics

Property and Contracts

First way of acquiring Property: Occupation
Chapter 1
First way of acquiring Property: Occupation →
Second way of acquiring Property: Accession
Chapter 2
Second way of acquiring Property: Accession →
Third way of acquiring Property: Prescription
Chapter 3
Third way of acquiring Property: Prescription →
Fourth way of acquiring Property: Succession
Chapter 4
Fourth way of acquiring Property: Succession →
Entails as Testamentary Succession
Chapter 4b
Entails as Testamentary Succession →
Fifth way of acquiring Property: Voluntary Transference
Chapter 5
Fifth way of acquiring Property: Voluntary Transference →
Chapter 6
Servitudes →
Pledges and Mortgages
Chapter 7
Pledges and Mortgages →
Exclusive Privileges
Chapter 8
Exclusive Privileges →
The Obligation of Contracts
Chapter 9
The Obligation of Contracts →
What is a Quasi-Contract?
Chapter 10
What is a Quasi-Contract? →
Delinquency: Ex Dolo, Ex Culpa
Chapter 11
Delinquency: Ex Dolo, Ex Culpa →