Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 3

The 5 Created Layers

by PR Sarkar Icon
4 minutes  • 769 words
Table of contents

The Created Layers (Bhútatattva)

Crudification (saiṋcara) is a process of analysis, transforming one into many.

Avidyámáyá is the operative force behind its multicreative characteristics.

  • At different phases of this crudification, creation-layers (bhútas) with their peculiar properties come into existence.

Bhúta means “created being”. Generally, it refers to the past.

Through the influence of the sentient force on the Macrocosmic Nucleus, the Identity-Layer comes into being.

  • It turns into the Ego-Layer by the activation of the mutative force.

The Principle of Activity (Prakrti) then converts a part of the subjectivated “I” into the objectivated “I” or done “I” or mindstuff of the Cosmic Entity.

The “Cosmic Mind” is the combination of:

  • The Identity layer
  • The Ego layer
  • Mindstuff

The stages of transformation of Cosmic Consciousness prior to the exhibition of Cosmic mindstuff are not objective realities.

  • This is why the existence of the Cosmic Mind cannot be established unless its psychic projection is logically dealt with.

Even after the formation of mindstuff , static Activity goes on influencing the Cosmic mindstuff more and more.

  • It causes:
    • further crudification or decrease in the intermolecular and interatomic spaces and
    • gradual increase in the chemical affinity.

Aethereal Layer

In the first phase of this crudification, the chemical affinity permits the transmission of sound waves only.

Hence, the aethereal body or ákásha is formed when the mindstuff gets a bit cruder and is able to carry sound waves.

  • This aether is the first rudimental factor on the physical level.

Aerial Layer

The continued influence of static Activity increases the chemical affinity.

  • This decreases the intermolecular and interatomic spaces, making the layer cruder than the aether.

It enables the the aerial layer (váyutattva), to carry the wave or sensation of touch over, in addition to the ability of transmitting sound waves.


The ever-increasing influence of static Activity creates an internal clash in the created layers giving rise to sparks of light.

  • This slowly converts the created layers into the luminous layer (tejastattva).

The sense of vision or radiation is the special property of this layer.

Solid and Liquid

With the continued action of the static principle, the liquid body and finally solid structures are formed.

  • The liquid entity is perceptible by the additional sense of taste (or flow)
  • The solid body is perceptible by the further addition of the sense of smell.

The above formations are gradual, not abrupt.

  • The intermediate stage between mindstuff and aether is neither totally theoretical nor material
  • Similarly, the sun is at an intermediate stage in between, and not totally, the aerial and the luminous layers
  • The earth in its infancy was neither luminous nor liquid
    • Gradually, it was converted into a liquid body
    • Slowly, the outer surface was turned into solid.
    • In its inner body, the earth is still in liquid form.
    • In the more interior portion, the luminous and aerial layers are being slowly converted into liquid.

Each and every layer has its corresponding sense-organ to access it.

Various combinations of these layers result in the physical creation, first of the inanimate, and later of the animated structures.

  • The crudest solid is the final stage of crudification
  • The start of animation is the beginning of subtlification

Due to subtlification, the energy working therein slowly gets converted into vital energy (práńáh).

  • This vital energy is the direct cause of life.
  • It thus controls the activities of the animated physical structure.

Hereafter, the circle of subtlification starts functioning with the coordinated cooperation of the vital energy and mind.

  • But in the absence of a congenial environment for vital energy, the physical structure will explode due to ever-increasing internal pressure
  • This happens in dead or dying celestial bodies

This explosion is called structural dissociation or jad́asphot́a.

  • The resulting dissociated component layers get mingled up with their respective layers.
  • This converts the solid layer into certain subtler factors and is called reverse-crudification

The aether is the subtlest physical layer.

The solid layer can never, as a result of reverse-crudification via structural dissociation , be transformed into something subtler than the ether.

  • If it were so converted into the next subtler factor which is citta, then it would mean that the Macrocosm withdrew its thought-waves.

Thus, the created layers are not any new stuff, but only the crudified forms of Cosmic mindstuff.

  • These manifest at different stages of the crudification process when due to the external pressure of static Activity:
    • the intermolecular and interatomic spaces decrease
    • chemical affinity increases.

Tanmátratattva: Tat + mátra = tanmátra.

In Sanskrit, tat means “that”, mátra means “minutest quantity”. Hence “tanmátra” denotes a microscopic fraction of “that” (of “that bhúta”).

Tanmatra is a quantum-perception of that layer.

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