How is Life Created?
6 minutes • 1088 words
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How does life get expression within the physical unit structure?
The 5 Layers
Physical structures are composed of 5 fundamental layers:
- Ethereal
- Aerial
- Luminous
- Liquid
- Solid
A unit structure has a body made up of a composite of these 5 layers with controlling nuclei.
- These layers should remain in requisite proportion.
Vital energy or pranah is the structure’s collective creative unifying energy.
- It depends on the mutual cohesion of these layers.
- The controlling nucleus of all these fundamental physical nuclei* is the controlling point of this collective vital energy.
Superphysics Note:
In the process of crudification (Supreme Negativity), the crudified Supreme can:
- subdivide if the negative-negative wins
- become a unit if the positive-negative wins
- That positive-negative will then create a controlling nucleus from where it can unite the structure.
In the human body, the pineal gland, which represents the top chakra, is the controller of the vital or living energy.
Nonliving energy is continued to be used by the negative-negative (i.e. a fire will dissociate a unified piece of wood into diverse ashes, while a tree will unify diverse minerals in the soil into a single wooden entity).
An environment for the unit structure is essentially required where all these 5 fundamental layers are available in requisite quantity.
- Life can get expression only under such a condition.
Hence, life is the expression of the creative unifying force of itself as vital energy under a congenial environment.
Vital or Living Energy or Pranah
The manifestation of living energy depends on 2 conditions:
The energy must be from the unifying force
There must be a congenial environment [i.e. the 5 factors must be present]
A lack of a congenial condition in the present-day world has caused giant animals of the past to either:
- become smaller or
- vanish altogether.
Even if the creative unifying force wins against energy, the physical structure will split up into subtler particles if the atmospheric condition is not congenial to the expression of the vital energy.
In the absence of a proper environment, life does not get an expression.
To maintain life:
- the proper adjustment between the waves of the psychic body and of the physical body is essential
- the adjustment with the vital-energy is necessary.
A deficiency of some layer results in the wear and tear within a physical structure.
- If the deficiency is not adequately compensated, and if the requisite proportion of any layer is not met, the vital energy (creative unifying force) will begin varying in intensity.
- The unit structure may lose its solidarity and lead to death.
The food we eat mixes with the digestive fluids.
- These get transformed into rasa.
- Our body rejects the unnecessary material as urine and other waste matter.
- The essence of rasa is transformed into blood.
- Its waste matter is once again rejected.
- The essence of blood changes into flesh.
- The essence of flesh changes into fat (meda or vasa).
- This goes on until it changes into bone, bone marrow, and ultimately into shukra.
The physical body is made up of these 7 materials, of which shukra is the final essence.
- rasa
- blood
- flesh
- fat
- bone
- bone marrow
- shukra
The Lymph
The vital fluid shukra has 3 stages:
- lymph, or prana-rasa (lasika)
- spermatozoa
- seminal fluid.:1
The lymph forces through lymphatic vessels which run side by side with the arteries. These pass through the lymphatic glands.
The lymph:
- purifies the blood
- maintains the body’s beauty and glory
By getting into the glands, it enables proper secretion of hormones.
For the proper development of innate qualities, an adequate amount of lymph is necessary.
The lymph rises up and gets into the brain, strengthening it.
For intellectuals an adequate amount of lymph is necessary. A deficiency or defect in the lymph causes some disease in the organ where the deficiency has occurred.
For example, defects of the lymph system in the leg will result in elephantiasis of the leg.
Some nerve plexuses get developed at 12-14 years old in hot countries and 13-16 in cold countries.
- In the male body, they are the testes.
- In the female, they are the ovaries.
After a due supply of lymph to the brain, the extra lymph comes in contact with the testes and is transformed into spermatozoa.
By a proper system of fasting, the excessive formation of lymph can be checked.
Impure thoughts also cause excessive formation of spermatozoa from lymph.
- If the surplus lymph is destroyed there is no harm.
Spermatozoa with lymph and other fluids collected in the seminal sac are known as “seminal fluid”.
In the female body, this excess lymph is converted into ova.
The unused ova together with other seminal wastages are discharged every month during the last 3 or 4 days in the monthly menstruation.
If the sperms of the male and the ova of the female get together, they constitute one physical structure.
When the physical structure commences formation, there is no question of extra seminal fluid or seminal wastage, and that is why in the stage of pregnancy there is no menstruation.
All the seminal fluid is utilized in forming the body of the embryo.
In the uterus, the basic physical structure is first formed. This structure has potential energy and emanates a wavelength.
It receives the potentiality from the momentum of the spermatozoa.
Spermatozoa get their motion from the vital potentiality of the male body.
This is why the living being is said to reside first in the seminal fluid of the male and then in the mother’s womb. After which, the bosom of Mother Earth receives it.
The physical structure starts from spermatozoa which has a positive motion and, therefore, a wavelength.
- This means the formed physical structure has a wavelength.
The dissociated mind also has a wavelength in a potential form and a momentum which has to be expressed.
The dissociated mind needs physical parallelism for proper expression.
Therefore, the Cosmic mutative force causes the dissociated mind from eternal space to enter the adjustable physical structure, assuming a form in the mother’s womb.
2 June 1959, Jamalpur
- Stage 1 of shukra is lymph, in both males and females
- Stage 2 of shukra is spermatozoa in males, and ova in females
- Stage 3 is seminal fluid, in both males and females.
Male seminal fluid is the fluid that has the spermatozoa.
Female seminal fluid is the fluid which nurtures the ovum.
The 3 stages of shukra are the same in both the male and the female, except that in the female, excess lymph is converted into ova rather than into spermatozoa. ↩︎