Superphysics Superphysics

Money Workshop

2 minutes  • 239 words
Table of contents

You are created with everything you need

An example is a caveman who created art with just a burnt stick

Nature knew that your skin was the only thing needed. Your real skill is being you. Then mutate it and transform it by using your imagination and inspirtaion.

Q. I don’t have anything. I don’t have any skills.

A. You should believe that you have everything. You don’t need to be taught anything.

Marrying the Coin or Money

Marry the coin and integrate it into your heart so that each beat expresses “abundance”, “abundance”, “abundance”.

Q. The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil.

A. Do not let your worth be determined by money. Instead, let money be determined by your worth. [This means that you can have money if you believe that you are worth a lot]

Q. Should you donate to get abundance?

A. It is necessary to help others. Donation is one form, but it is not the only thing. It is completely up to you.

Q. Should I share money or donate money, or should I keep it for myself?

A. Some might be donating from a feeling of lack. The sharing or donation must not create an awkward imbalance. You should have the absolute conviction that your sharing will be replaced.

Ideally, your resources would increase that you would have to think about whether to donate or not.

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