Superphysics Superphysics
Part 9

Cases of Itch

by Samuel Hahnemann
5 minutes  • 959 words

A 3-year-old girl had the itch, for several weeks. When this was driven out by an ointment, she was seized the next day:

  • by a suffocating catarrh with snoring
  • with numbness and coldness of the whole body, from which she did not recover until the itch reappeared.

9 A 12-year old girl had the itch with which she had frequently suffered. It was driven away from the skin by an ointment. She was then seized with an acute fever with suffocative catarrh, asthma and swelling, and afterward with pleurisy.

Six days later, having taken an internal medicine containing sulphur, the itch again appeared and all the ailments, excepting the swelling, disappeared.

But after 24 days, the itch again dried up. It was followed by a new inflammation in the chest with pleurisy and vomiting.

10 The dyspnoea of a youth, 20 years, caused by the driving away of itch was so great that he could not get any breath, and his pulse was hardly perceptible, in consequence of which he suffocated.

11 A moist herpes on the left upper arm of a youth of 19 years was finally locally removed by many external applications. But soon after, there ensued a periodical asthma which was suddenly increased by a lengthy foot-tour in the heat of summer, even to suffocation, with a puffed up bluish-red face and quick, weak, uneven pulse.

12 The dyspnoea from the driven out itch came on very suddenly, and the patient was suffocated.

13 A. 5-year-old girl had had for some time large itch vesicles on the hands, which dried up of themselves. Shortly after, she became sleepy and tired and was seized with dyspnoea. The following day the asthma continued and her abdomen became distended.

14 A 50-year-old farmer, who had been long tortured with the itch, while he was driving it out by external applications, was seized with a dyspnoea, a loss of appetite and a swelling of the whole body.

15 A girl in Bologna drove away the itch with an ointment and was seized with the most severe asthma without fever. After two blood-lettings her strength decreased so much and the asthma was so much augmented that she died on the following day. The whole chest was filled with bluish water, also the pericardium.

16 A girl of 9 years with the tinea capitis had it driven away, when she was seized with a lingering fever, a general swelling and dyspnoea; when the tinea broke out again she recovered.

17A man of 46 drove out his itch with a sulphur ointment. Thereupon he was seized with inflammation in the chest, with bloody expectoration, dyspnoea and great anguish. The following day the heat and the anguish became almost unbearable and the pains in the chest increased on the third day. Then sweat broke out. After fourteen days the itch broke out again and he felt better. But he had a relapse, the itch dried up again, and he died on the thirteenth day after the relapse.

Hamb. Abhandl., p. 310. Richard, as above. Pelargus, as above. Jahrg., 1721, p. 23 and 114,18 and Jahrg., 1723, p. 29,19 also in Jahrg., 1722, p. 459.20 Sennert, praxis med. lib. II., P. III., Cap. 6, p. 380. Jerzembsky, Diss. Scabies salubris in hydrope, Halae, 1777.21 Karl Wenzel, Die Nachkrankheiten von zuruckgetretener Kratze, Bamb., 1826, p. 49.22

Pleurisy and Cough, Pelargus, as above, Jahrg., 1722, p. 79.23

Severe Cough, Richard, as above. Juncker, Conspect. med. theor. et pract. tab., 76. Hundertmark, as above, p. 23.23*

Hemoptysis, Phil. Georg. Schroeder, Opusc. II., p. 322. Richard, as above. Binninger, Obs. Cent. V., obs. 88.

Hemoptysis and Consumption. Chn. Max. Spener, Diss. de egro febri maligni phthisi complicata laborante, Giess,

18A thin man died of inflammation in the chest and other ailments twenty days after driving out the itch.

19A boy of 7 years whose tinea capitis and itch dried up, died after four days from an acute fever and asthma accompanied by expectoration.

20 A youth who removed his itch with a lead ointment, died four days afterward of a disease of the chest.

21 A general dropsy was quickly cured by a return of the itch, but when this was suppressed by a severe cold, pleurisy supervened and death ensued in three days.

22 A young peasant was attacked with acute fever, with pleurisy and dyspnoea, six days after driving out an eruption of itch with sulphur ointment.

23 A school boy of 13 years was seized with cough and stitches in the chest when his itch dried up. These ailments disappeared when the itch broke out again.

23*A man of 36 years had the itch removed sixteen months ago by an ointment of lead and mercury; he suffered since from a whooping cough accompanied by great anguish.

1699.24 Baglio, Opera, p. 215. Sicelius, Praxis casual. Exerc. III., Cas. I., Frft. et Lips, 1743.25 Morgagni, as above, XXL, Art. 32.26 Unzers, Arzt C C C., p. 508.27 Karl Wenzel, as above, p. 32.

Collection of Pus in the Chest. F. A. Waitz, Medic. Chi-rurg. Aufsatz Th. I., p. 114, 115.28 Preval, in the Journal de Medec., LXI., p. 491.

Cysts of Pus in the Intestines, Krause. Schubert, Diss. de scabie humana. Lips. 1779, p. 23.29

Great Degeneration of a Great Part of the Intestines. J. H. Schulze, in Act. Nat. Cur. Tom., 1 obs., 231.30

24A youth of 18 years had the itch, which he finally drove away with a black-looking lotion. A few days after he was seized with chills and heat, lassitude, oppression of the heart, headache, nausea, violent thirst, cough and difficulty in breathing; he expectorated blood, commenced to speak deliriously, his face was deadly pale and sunken, the urine was deep red without sediment.

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