Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 10

The Saturn Line

by Benham
5 minutes  • 976 words
Table of contents

*Superphysics Note: In our experience, a long Saturn line is synonymous with racket or financial need

THE line of Saturn is the fourth Main line which receives the Current.

  • It is also called the “line of Fate”
  • It rises at the base of the hand and runs upward

I hypothesize that the Current from the Life line passes into the Saturn line on its return from the brain.

  • Thus, the Saturn line is read from the bottom upward

Its scale indicating the various years of life is in Chapter 4

  • Childhood is the extreme lower part of the line
  • Old age is on the Mount of Saturn

The line of Saturn does not indicate health difficulties.

It indicates the course of material success of the subject. It shows:

  • whether he will have an easy or a hard time
  • his most productive periods.

This is why the older palmists named it as the line of “Fate or Destiny” as it is generally indicates luck. They forgot that a person:

  • might have been qualified for success in the first place
  • might have achieved success as a natural consequence of that qualification

A person might have good health, brains, determination, ambition, and similar qualities. These then form a good line of Saturn which indiciates that he will get through the world comfortably and successfully.

Thus, a combination of such forces, if wisely and faithfully used, produces so-called luck.

Most lucky people attribute their success primarily to brains, health, energy, ambition, and kindred allies, and not to blind chance, luck, or fate.

The words “fate” and “luck” have some magic glamour.

  • It seems to speak of results achieved without effort.
  • This has always been the goal of lazy folk.
    • Such people blame their failures on luck by saying, “Others are lucky, I am not”.

Most often, the “lucky” subject is a worker. The “unlucky” one is not.

Daydreamers expect luck to reach down and touch them with a magic wand.

  • Those who are called lucky say that the magic wand is industry.

In many cases, luck consists in having the foresight to seize opportunities.

“Unlucky” persons tell of chances they have passed, and console themselves by saying that luck was not on their side.

  • In the majority of cases, it would be more proper to say that foresight and perseverance were not on their side.

I do not believe in blind fate or chance.


Every line of Saturn is a period when everything is favorable for the subject.

  • These are the harvest periods of his life.

At such times, we find:

  • good health
  • the presence of mental powers such as discernment, will, ambition
  • various good companions which he may use or which he may leave unused.

During these periods, life is easier for the subject.

He is well and in possession of his full powers.

  • He works with less effort
  • In superstitious talk, he is “lucky” and “fate” is on his side.

Many persons take advantage of these periods of greatest possibilities and “make hay while the sun shines.”

  • Others pass such times in enjoyment and laziness, confident that “luck is with them,” and will never leave.

When the powers begin to wane, luck is no longer so constant.

  • It takes more effort to accomplish the same results
  • Finally, all kinds of effort fail to produce anything considerable.

At this time, the cry is raised: “luck has gone”.

The truth is that the subject has:

  • passed his harvest period
  • slept his golden moments away.

He did not seize the opportunities placed before him.

  • He took his pleasure when he should have worked hardest
  • By the law of compensation, he must toil to make up for it.

“You cannot eat your cake and have it too”; you cannot waste your harvest days and be “lucky.”

He who has worked through his productive time may rest when powers fail.

The laws of cause and effect are present in the line of Saturn, or Fate, as everywhere else.

The line of Saturn, when strong, emphasizes the Saturnian traits, especially if the line be deep on the Mount:

  • wisdom
  • soberness
  • seriousness
  • energy and frugality
  • studiousness and the ability to think

These qualities will do much to make a life successful.

This is why a strong Saturn line indicates success in old age.

The Saturnian has a penchant for explorations in the earth. From this natural love, he has been led to discover gold, silver, coal, and other mine treasures.

  • He has found gas and oil wells

By following his natural inclinations, " fate " has been said to be with him.

The greatest part that fate or luck plays is to give one person more brains than another.

  • This has been sometimes called the " accident of birth."

In these cases, the subject will also have the best Saturn line.

The Apollonian and Venusian, or a good Jupiterian, or Mercurian, are much greater examples to my mind of a kind fate than is the Saturnian. The line of Saturn is not found in every hand.

Older palmists gave to a hand without a Saturn line the interpretation of a “negative existence.”

It is absent in the hands of many successful people.

  • In other prosperous subjects it is present only in rudimentary form.

I have found that ‘self-made men’ have weak or no Saturn line.

  • They began life in humble positions, and only by dint of energy and application have they made their way in the world.
  • They are not always brilliant to start with, but they have determination and energy and will educate themselves, even if it must be done at night after the day’s work is over.
  • They will not fail to seize every opportunity for progress.

They seem to feel that everything depends upon their own efforts and no amount of labor is allowed to stand between them and ultimate success.

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