Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 19

The Mount Of Jupiter

by Benham
10 minutes  • 2012 words

The following strengthen a Mount or line as single signs, or in combination with each other:

  • star
  • triangle
  • circle
  • square
  • single vertical line
  • trident

The following indicate defects:

  • grille
  • cross-bars
  • cross
  • island
  • dot

There are a few variations of this rule as applied to some of the Mounts.

The Jupiterian is identified by a developed Mount and finger of Jupiter.

The Jupiterian is ambitious and a leader of men. His commanding presence and the love he has for high positions make him often a politician.

He is found also in the army, for here again is the opportunity to hold commanding position and to lead men. In the church he is prominent as well. Religion is one of the strong attributes of Jupiterians, and they will be found holding all shades of opinion, from the most rigidly orthodox to a breadth dangerously near skepticism.

The tip of the Jupiter finger will indicate which extreme. Ambition, love of command, pride in position, religion, honor, love of nature, are main forces with the Jupiterian, and these mould his manners and actions in every walk in life. There are many Jupherians to be found, and in practice you will have much to do with them. They represent a good type and a strong one.

When the Mount of Jupiter is found full and strong, apex centrally located, finger long and strong, with color of hand pink or red (94), you have located a Jupiterian.

In this generation you will not often find a pure specimen of the type; there is generally an accompanying mixture of other types; but the one I here describe is a pure Jupiterian, the leading qualities of the type being always found present where the large Mount of Jupiter is found, although when other Mounts are also well developed it is accompanied by added qualities belonging to other types.

The pure Jupiterian is of medium height. He is not the tallest of the seven types; that distinction belongs to the Saturnian; neither is he the shortest, for this honor belongs to the Mercurian.

He is, however, a large man, very strongly built and inclined to be fleshy. His flesh is solid and not mere fat, nor does it partake of the spongy softness of the Lunar type. His bones are large, strong, and well able to support his weight.

He has a smooth, clear skin, which inclines to be fine in texture, pink in color, and healthy looking. His eyes are large and expressive, pupils are clear and dilate under the play of the emotions. There is no fierce look in his eyes, - the expression is mild and almost melting, bespeaking honesty and a kindly spirit.

The Jupiterian perspires freely, especially on top of the head, from ordinary exertion. This often leads to baldness early in life. As he is of a vigorous constitution he has considerable hair on his body, which, you remember, is a sign of strength.

  • The upper lids of the eyes are thick, looking as if somewhat swollen
  • The lashes are long and curl up gracefully at the ends.
  • The eyebrows are arched and the hairs grow evenly, giving the brows a clearly defined outline.
  • The nose is straight and well formed, tending to be large and often Roman in shape.
  • The mouth is large
  • The lips are full and red
  • The upper lip is slightly prominent, due to the position of the teeth
  • The teeth are strong and white, but grow long and narrow
    • The two front teeth are longer than is usual.
  • The cheeks are well rounded, so the cheek bones are not to be seen.
  • The chin is long and firm, with a dimple at the point.
  • The ears are well formed, regular, and set close to the head
  • The head rests on a well-shaped, thick, medium, strong-looking neck
  • The back and shoulders are fleshy and squarely set.
  • The legs and feet are shapely and of medium size, but strong and firm.
  • The walk is stately and dignified.
  • The hair is brown or running into chestnut
    • In Jupiterian women, hair grows long, is abundant and fine in quality, inclining to be curly.
  • The chest of the Jupiterian is well developed.
  • The lungs are large, creating a rich, musical voice, which is just the voice to give words of command, or speak to and influence a multitude; helping to make a Jupiterian the natural leader that he is.

This is why the Jupiterian commands followers easily. His strong and robust manhood proves attractive, and confidence in his strength at once moves men to desire an alliance with him.

He is designed to command; nature has given him the strength and attractiveness that will enable him to secure and to lead followers. The Jupiterian, therefore, is classed as belonging to a good type.

It is not possible to keep out all alloy, however, even in this type, for there are bad Jupiterians who pervert their rich endowments, and these will be considered later. The object in mentioning this now is to avoid conveying the idea that all Jupiterians are good.

The type has its faults, but the one above described is the Jupiterian as he was planned and intended to be. The natural build of the type makes these people self-confident.

They are conscious of their strength, and this gives them reliance in their ability. They depend upon themselves, work out their own plans, and thus do not have the habit of asking advice. They are inclined to bluster and talk loud, not in a quarrelsome way, it is true, but in a manner full of self-confidence and self-assertion.

They are aware of the influence they exert, and it naturally makes them vain. This vanity knows the power of the rich, musical voice in swaying men, and they like to hear the sound of this voice as well as to see it shaping the views of others. Leadership is always uppermost in their minds.

With all his vanity the Jupiterian is warm-hearted. He has a fellow-feeling for humanity that exhibits itself in practical ways. A word of comfort from so strong a person to one in distress does a world of good, and the kindly spirit he shows to all who appeal to him binds closer the following he attracts. Nor is his kindness confined to words, for he gives as well, and is generous and charitable.

These Jupiterian beneficences are dispensed in a manly, open-hearted way that makes the recipients feel that the donor is glad to give. Here again his nature furnishes him help to carry out the things he was created to do - viz., to attract and lead.

he Jupiterian, in his capacity as a leader, would, if unjust, inflict harm in many ways upon his fellows. With his big, manly way of looking at things he is eminently just, and strives to encourage and support fairness and business honesty. He is a dashing fellow, one who has much attraction for the opposite sex, and will always be found gallant and courteous. He is extravagant.

To him, power and rule mean more than money. If he obtains large sums from his enterprises, he does not hoard it. He has a contempt for anything resembling small dealing or miserliness.

He is inherently religious. Created to lead his fellow-men and to have dominion over them, it is apparent that the Creator gave him instincts which would make him good, and safeguard him against evil.

Religion (which must here be understood as no worship of cult or creed, but as embodying a belief in, and reverence for, some omnipotent power which is good and kind) was given the Jupiterian in order that he might be influenced by all the benefits which religion can bestow.

Refining, broadening, uplifting influences are given the Jupiterian, so that the natural leader, created under the plan of the seven types, is a good, well-meaning commander.

Religion, therefore, is one of his strongest attributes. The Jupiterian is fond of show and ceremony, and in his methods of worship, his system of government, or in whatever sphere he may operate, he will like pageantry and observance of form.

He is a believer in and an upholder of law and order. He loves and encourages peace; his preference and struggle is not for martial supremacy, but that the populace may clamor for him.

He is aristocratic and conservative, believes in ancient lineage and the manifest destiny which has called him to his particular sphere of activity.

He is honest, and in all things despises cheating and fraud, honor being one of his leading attributes. He believes in right and independence, and his counsel and support are always with the oppressed.

This faculty of insisting that common people have their due makes him, despite his aristocratic tendencies, the idol of the multitude. He is not hard to get along with, is easily pleased, especially with attentions to himself, and has a faculty for keeping friends.

Jupiterians are lucky. They have so many desirable and attractive qualities that they are pushed forward by their friends into successful careers, because they are general favorites.

Their ambition enables them to rise over every obstacle. This, with the other strong qualities, makes the Jupiterian one of the most invincible of all the types.

Ambition is powerful as a moving force in human success, and the Jupiterian is the embodiment of ambition. He has pride as well, for no man could possess his aristocratic, dignified, ambitious qualities without also having pride in himself and his achievements.

This pride is but natural; it is not a fault, and for its possession he should not be blamed. To recapitulate = leadership, ambition, religion, honor, pride, dignity, and an intense love of nature are his predominant characteristics, and these, strengthened by the many accessories carried in their train, should come to your mind when you see him.

In his marriage relations the Jupiterian is very ambitious. He matures early in life, and marries when young one of whom he believes he can feel proud. His ambitious desire to have the helpmate shine before the world is not always realized, for a Jupiterian, as well as any other person, may be deceived, so is often unhappily wedded. He is predisposed to marry, and, knowing this, you will not need as strong confirmations of marriage with this type as are needed with some of the other types.

In health matters, the Jupiterian is predisposed to certain disorders.

He is a great eater, and in this regard is somewhat of a sensualist. He:

  • eats highly seasoned, strong food
  • is fond of wine
  • is addicted to smoking.

He is a high liver. His danger is from overeating.

Thus, he injures his digestion, has vertigo, or fainting fits, as his first warning.

These attacks increase in violence until apoplexy ends the story.

He has gout and stomach trouble. These produce impure blood which often affects his lungs, making them weak.

Disordered stomach, indigestion, vertigo, apoplexy, gout, and sometimes lung trouble are his peculiar health dangers.

I have considered the Jupiterian as a masculine type. There are, however, just as many feminine Jupiterians.

A Jupiterian woman would have leadership, ambition, pride, honor, and all the Jupiterian attributes.

With this idea of the Jupiterian character and attributes, it remains to find how they are distributed, and how they will probably be expended.

On recognizing strong Jupiterian traits, locate the apex of the Mount. If it is distinctly in the centre of the Mount, the qualities will be evenly distributed.

If leaning over toward Saturn, the sobriety, sadness, and wisdom of that Mount will hold down the Jupiterian ambition and make it safer, for Jupiter will be guided by Saturn.

If the apex leans or is marked on the outer edge of the hand opposite Saturn, the Jupiterian qualities will be directed to seeking purely selfish, personal advancement. If the apex lies near the Heart line, the ambition and pride will be for those loved, and if near the line of Head, the ambition will be for intellectual success.

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