How Qosts (2nd Element) Can Make Fusion a Reality

January 31, 2020 7 minutes • 1417 words
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Nuclear fusion is done by heating hydrogen into a plasma as to create energy. This is done in stars, creating natural heat and light.
In our Material Superphysics paradigm, this plasma is confined by the intense gravitational field from the star’s vortex. This allows the hydrogen to get so compressed and confined that it fuses, releasing energy.
Without this confinement, the star would dissipate immediately. And so, the extreme sustained confinement and compression are the keys to fusion.
This vortex idea is from the Physics of the aethrealist Rene Descartes, which was rejected by the materialist* Isaac Newton. And so, it never made its way into Modern Physics.
Superphysics Note

The Limitations of Electromagnetism
Humans try to recreate fusion by using magnetism instead of artificial gravity. The problem is that magnetism uses up electrical energy in the process. This makes the input cost of outputting fusion energy very high.
When added to all the cost of making the reactor and its maintenance, it can possibly lead to loss. This makes fusion-by-magnetism commercially unviable – a sheer waste of money, time, and effort.
Physicists think that somehow, adding more energy will make the process more efficient. This arises from materialist thinking:
- if you want your rocket to go farther, just add more fuel
- if you want to win a war, just add more troops to your army
And so they make their reactors bigger and bigger. These merely create large reactions which are never sustained and so remain impractical.
For example, the world’s largest tokamak reactor in Japan has been under development since the 1970’s, yet has never produced sustained fusion.
The main problem with magnetism is that it is on the same Element or Layer as the heat that it is trying to confine. It is like the central bank trying to solve inflation by raising interest rates, only to cause a recession.
Fusion Solution: Anti-Gravity Via Spacetime Vortices
The proper solution is to think one level, or one Element, higher than the problem.
The proper confining mechanism, as mentioned earlier, is through gravity via spacetime vortices. This is because spacetime is naturally superior to the Radiant or Electromagnetic Layer or Element* (heat, light, electricity).
Superphysics Note

Instead of confining the plasma with magnetic fields, they are confined with anti-gravity inside the reactor. This is done primarily by applying sound that matches the gravitational signature of deuterium and tritium.
This will create mini-vortices, made up of Quanta of Spacetime or Qosts, that will levitate the plasma and prevent it from damaging the reactor.
Descartes’ Gravity
Unlike Newton who believed that gravity was a pulling force, Descartes realized that gravity was caused by invisible spacetime particles, which he called the 2nd Element and which we call Qosts, pushing material objects towards the center of whatever body they are on. This mechanism then creates round planets (and water droplets).
An easy analogy is that:
- the spacetime particles are like a bull
- the material body is like a matador

A slow or lazy matador will easily be impaled to the wall by the bull. This is gravity keeping bodies stuck to the ground.
In order to defy gravity, a thing’s atoms must be arranged so that it will let more qosts pass through. This will reduce the pushing force, allowing the thing to rise or at least be lighter. This would be like the matador sidestepping the bull quickly.
This has already been done by Buddhist monks who can levitate at will.
Active and Passive Anti-Gravity
In this case, they use sound, as a mantra, to manipulate the vortices (chakras) in their body in order to allow qosts, as chi, to pass through. We call this the passive version. We made this inference after a monk taught us how levitation works – we combined Buddhist principles with those of Descartes*.
Superphysics Note
An alternative way is to use the qosts directly to propel a mass. In the video below, the levitator uses his aethereal mind to force qosts down through his chakras to repel those on the floor. We call this the active version.
This is used by Bob Lazar’s UFO design which utilizes ‘gravity amplifiers’ to emit gravity ‘waves’ through the ship’s bottom. This makes the ship move top-forward towards its destination similar to how the levitator moves in a ’top-up’ direction instead of a sideways direction.

This is in contrast to the passive version where monks can travel sideways by blocking/unblocking the qosts that pass through instead of funneling them.
Note for Future Generations
Of course, all of this is just the mechanistic explanation of gravity, and not the true aethereal explanation of gravitation signatures or svadharma which would be too unrelatable to most people. The true explanation is that gravity is the aethereal link or ratio between identities. But this is too abstract and probably understandable only to Zen Buddhists or Vedantists. So we say instead that it is a pushing force from a vortex to make these dynamic links relatable to people who are used to material pull or push forces coming from high-low pressure differences.So how do we get there?
Since artificial gravitation is the key ingredient to sustainable fusion, the first step is to either levitate or prelevitate* things without using electricity.
Superphysics Note
This was done by:
- the ancient Egyptians to make pyramid blocks lighter
- the Israelites* who used trumpets to amplify the gravitation of the walls of Jericho as to make them collapse
Superphysics Note
The use of trumpets by the Israelites is consistent with Kepler who wrote about the Harmony of the Universe, consistent with Socrates and Pythagoras:
A great distinction exists between:
- the consonances of the single planets which have been unfolded and
- the consonances of the planets in pairs.
The single ones cannot exist at the same moment, but the pairs absolutely can. This is because the same planet, moving at its aphelion, cannot be at the opposite perihelion at the same time. But of two planets, one can be at its aphelion and the other at its perihelion.

So the steps towards sustainable fusion are:
- Pre-levitate something (like a pyramid block) without electricity in order to derive principles (formulas)
- Apply those principles to smaller objects, then to liquids, then to gases, then to hot gases and plasma
- Make that plasma flow under extreme compression and confinement
Update: February 2024
We have done baby steps with Step 1 by making a 1 kilogram mass lighter by 2 grams, and a 300 gram mass lighter by 1 gram. But more specialized equipment, which we do not have, is needed to reduce the weight more.
So for now, we switch to more practical and useful Cartesian experiments, such as a top-down fire setup which might be useful for people who are affected by high gas prices from the War in Ukraine and Gaza.