Superphysics Superphysics

Why Relativity is a Scam

December 25, 2024 10 minutes  • 1938 words
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A sophistry is a half-truth, or a fallacy that has some bits of relative truths in it to make it seem true.

Fallacies naturally come from the limited abilities of humans. This is imposed by Nature itself:


I shall suppose that some malicious, powerful, cunning demon has done all to deceive me. I shall think that the sky, air, earth, shapes, and all external things are dreams that the demon has contrived as traps for my judgment.

Like a prisoner who dreams that he is free, my laziness starts to suspect that my reality is merely a dream. It wants to go on dreaming rather than waking up. I fear being shaken out of my dream because I am afraid to realize the prison that I am in

Meditations, Part 1

This is why all systems of knowledge created by humans have some fallacies in it:

Science Fallacy Problems Caused
Economics Money and Profit Maximization Economic crises, Poverty, Inequality
Physics Gravity comes from Matter No anti gravity, teleportation, free energy
Western Medicine Treating Symptom or Effect instead of Cause Diseases recur and side effects created
Sociology Differences in Culture, Language War, Nationalism, Terrorism, Disputes
Evolution Theory Survival of the Fittest Nazism, Racism, Exploitation of the Weak
Psychology Consciousness Comes From Brain Ineffective Treatments that cause side effects

The Sophistries in the Sciences

The Indians, through the Vedas, were the first ones to discover the illusion of reality – the physical universe was itself false. This led them to have a culture of renouncing the false world and chasing the Truth.

However, there are many who want to favor the illusion. Such people were called Sophists in ancient Greece.

The Sophist has a sort of conjectural or apparent knowledge, which is not the truth.
The Sophist

Sophistries exploit the limitation of humans to know the truth behind phenomena.

It has been said that in paying the interest of the public debt, it is the right hand which pays the left and the money does not go out of the country. The nation is not a tiny bit poorer. This is based in the sophistry of the mercantile system. It supposes that the whole public debt is because of the people, which is not true.
Theory of Moral Sentiments

Their most common technique is to exploit the ambiguity of words. This is the same tactic used by lawmakers to insert loopholes into laws that they will then exploit and profit from.

Money in common language frequently signifies wealth. This ambiguity of expression has rendered this popular notion so familiar to us. Even they who are convinced of its absurdity are very apt to forget their own principles.
Theory of Moral Sentiments

Sophists exploit the ambiguity of words

Nowadays, we use the word ‘scam’ instead of sophistry.

In the case above, the scam is the financial sector equating money with wealth. They use this to push governments to get more money-loans under the pretence that it will provide employment and therefore wealth to the people, when it really just provides employment and wealth to the financial system.

Unlike the Dunning-Kruger effect which is just a miscalculation of one’s abilities, Sophists have mastery and push their scam with the ill intent of self-gain.

They therefore have 3 components:

  1. Desire of self-gain
  2. Exploit the limitation of others
  3. Use ambiguity as cover

These 3 are all part of the Negative Force or Yin in Taoism or Shakti in Hinduism.

The FTX Scam

A very recent large scam was the blockchain company FTX which really was a ponzi scheme. Its mechanism is the ignorance of people on how blockchain works.

The scammer, Sam Bankman-Fried, then exploits this by claiming to be an expert. His mastery allows FTX to earn better than other crypto companies. Ignorant people then praise him as a genius.

But since his scam goes against Nature, it will eventually be discovered, and karma will be imposed.

Here, the time factor exposed the FTX scam, just as public debt and too-big-to-fail finance implodes after some time. This is because the time Element is right below the aether.

The Einstein Scam: The Simultaneity of Time

Einstein’s scam began in 1905 when he pushed the concept of simultaneity of time.


We test simultaneity by putting an observer in the middle M between A and B. He as two mirrors inclined at 90° to let him see both A and B at the same time. If he sees both flashes at the same time, then they are simultaneous. You object by saying that “time” would be measured by light, but the speed of light is measured by time. You would say this is reasoning in a circle and therefore, simultaneity has absolutely nothing to do with light.

I answer that this is only used for us to make empirical decisions.

This mechanism of this scam is to use the ambiguity of the word ’time’ which is a mental concept, not a physical one.

It is because humans measure time so often and most often with physical means that most people think it is a physical concept.

Einstein shows that he is aware of the scam, as “reasoning in a circle”. Yet he continues with it anyway so that he can use his scam to measure things i.e. “make empirical decisions”.

This is why Relativity works very well in measuring things even if it throws away causation altogether – because all it can do is to measure things.

Professor Dr. P. F. Linke
In the building of a physics in this way, Relativity provides evidence of its feasibility. The task of research is the establishment of the truth. The only question is whether this feasibility was achieved at the expense of the truth. It is an open secret that thinking about the categorical foundations of Relativity actually leads to logical difficulties.
100 Authors Against Einstein

All Relativity can do is to measure things.

Relativity is useful when you need some accuracy in timekeeping, such as in GPS.

But that’s it.

All successful tests of Relativity are just measurements using light or electromagnetism. It doesn’t even allow you to move anything.

Through Einstein, Physics gets that German precision in timekeeping, but loses how Nature actually works.

This is similar to the blockchain scam where you can mine worthless coins so that your 1 coin today will be 1,000 coins next week a whopping 99,900% increase. But the real value is the same zero.

In fact, the real value to Nature is negative because of the waste of electricity, and of your wasted time and effort to mine a lot of nothing.

Likewise, all the effort of unifying quantum mechanics with Relativity have failed, because Nature never bends Herself to human scams. This includes failed theories like:

  • Supersymmetry
  • String Theory
  • Loop Quantum Gravity
David Hume’s system of critical thinking involves chasing the train of ideas to find the origin idea

It would have been better to sleep for 100 years achieving nothing than waste so much time and effort achieving the same nothing. This is because like the blockchain exaxmple, the wasted effort is actually a negative.

Lorentz and Poincare were wise to keep time psychological and avoided the temptation to use physical light as the basis for psychological time:


We have not a direct intuition of the equality of 2 intervals of time. The persons who believe they possess this intuition are dupes of an illusion. What do I mean when I say, from 12 noon to 1 pm, the same time passes as from 2 pm to 3 pm?

The least reflection shows that by itself it has no meaning at all. It will only have the meaning that I give to it, making it arbitrary.

The Measure of Time

Poincare created the first Relativity theory, but never won a Nobel Prize because he didn’t scam people.

Too Much Math is to Blame

Both Poincare and Sabine Hossenfelder blames the collapse of Physics to the dominance of mathematicians who are out of touch with reality.

The mathematicians of the Berlin school have devoted themselves to constructing this continuous scale of irrational and fractional numbers using only the integer. The mathematical continuum from this point of view would be a pure creation of the mind in which experiment would have no part
The Measure of Time

Ideally, math should be used by engineering which would then implement the theory. Both Newton and Maxwell were strong at experimentation just as they were good at math.

But the people after Maxwell seemed to lack experimentation ability.

Our experiments with Cartesian aether could be done with household equipment and gauge blocks. So there is no excuse for richer countries to have weak experimentation ability.

But mathematicians protect their intellectual position by implying that those who go against math are weak-minded.

  • This is similar to how priests protected their dogma by implying that those who went against them were influenced by the Devil.

The Solution

We correct Relativity by converting it to Cartesian Relationality.

The 3 components of the Einstein scam are:

  1. His desire for Nobel Prize money which he gave to his wife who actually created Relativity
  2. The fact that no one, even himself, knew the aether or 5th Element
  3. Use of the ambiguity of time

We fix the simultaneity of time by having a moral paradigm:

  1. Give credit to Descartes for explaining the 4 Elements
  2. Explain how time works according to 3 Elements
  3. Define time properly

We start by replacing “time” with “timespan” and the following Cartesian definitions:

Word Definition
Timespan The gap between 2 perceptions
Time The gap between perceptions in general

Timespan can be divided into 3:

  1. Mental timespan

This is true timespan, based on the Aether or 5th Element

  1. Light timepan

This is light-years and light-speed used to measure very large distances. It is also the basis of relativistic timespan. This is the Fire Element.

  1. Material timespan

This timespan is the Matter or Earth Element, as springs and sand.

These timespans are then within Newton’s Absolute Time.

Mental Time


Take a fast plane and go around the world with 3 clocks:

  1. A mental clock
  2. An atomic clock
  3. A sand clock

Compare the results with 3 clocks on the ground where you left and will arrive. They will show difference time discrepancy values. You then choose which one is feasible for your use-case.

The Elements Restored

The demarcation of the 3 Elements re-separates the Conservation of Energy and Mass from the prison or confinement created by E=mc^2.

No longer does one need a huge amount of energy to bypass spacetime and teleport or levitate to other locations. This matches non-locality of quantum mechanics. This exposes the nature of the aether which is arbitariness and non-sequentiality.

More importantly, it restores the aether, via mental spacetime. You can now use this to impose on matter (3rd Element) to change its aetherspace configuration (since atoms are mostly empty space).

This will then allow it to levitate or at least become lighter, as done by levitating Buddhist monks.

For material bodies, such as vehicles, this can be done by applying Maxwell’s 4th Equation, which is about waves and energy, onto gravity.

  • Instead of manipulating charged particles to create magnetism, the aetherspace of the atom is maniuplated to cancel gravity.
  • This aetherspace is Bob Lazar’s Gravity-A waves which are used by UFOs to levitate and teleport

Lorentz should have done this if he had only focused on the Huygens aether instead of the Fresnel aether.

Had Cartesian Physics survived, people after Maxwell would have used waves to discover and manipulate the aetherspace to move things by action-at-a-distance.

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