Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 2b

The Sublayers and the Internal Boundary

by Juan Icon
4 minutes  • 782 words
Table of contents
Principles (click to expand)
Principles Assertions
There are 5 Layers in Reality Each Layer has 3 Sublayers Representing 3 Influences

Chapter 1 explained that the universe is made up of waves categorized into 5 layers.

Each wave moves up and down, as a result of the belligerence of the Positive and Negative Forces, from its zero level.

We call this zero or average level as the central signature or dharma for that wave.

This means that a wave has 3 kinds depending on its relation to that central signature. It can be:

  • above that level – we call this the subtlifying influence (sattvaguna)
  • within that level – we call this the transformative influence (rajoguna)
  • below that level – we call this the crudifying influence (tamoguna)
The material waves are most obvious to humans which are also made up of material bodies

These 3 influences produce the 3 sublayers:

  • upper
  • middle
  • lower

For example, the Material layer will have 3 sublayers with each with its own force or media, and quantum:

Layer Sublayer Medium Quantum
Aethereal Upper 1st generation quarks qom1 (Up-Down Quarks)
. Middle 2nd generation quarks qom2 (Strange-Down Quark)
. Lower 3rd generation quarks qom3 (Top-Bottom Quark)
Layers and sublayers in the MSQ table
Each Layer is subdivided into 3 sublayers

The Internal Boundary

Within the sublayers is an internal boundary that separates the upper from the middle and lower sublayers.

  • Above the boundary, the sublayer has more quasi-physical than physical properties.
  • Below the boundary, the sublayer has more physical ones.

For example, a well known boundary is the Higgs Field which we regard as the internal boundary within the Radiant Layer.

  • Below the Higgs Field, particles acquire measurable potential energy, called mass in Modern Physics, in Million electron Volts or MeV.
  • Above the Higgs Field, particles such as photons and ‘gravitons’ have no mass. This is because particles above the boundary are kinetic instead of potential.

This gives us 5 Boundaries:

Layer Boundary Description
Aethereal aib (Aethereal Internal Boundary) Separates identities that can be split up
Spatial sib (Spatial Internal Boundary) Separates identities with can be further split up
Radiant rib (Radiant Internal Boundary) Separates identities with potential energy (and can be split up)
Convertible cib (Convertible Internal Boundary) Separates identities that can be changed (manifesting as splitting up)
Material mib (Material Internal Boundary) Separates identities that can be split up by antimatter

The Hierarchy of the Layers

From the Medium-Substance-Quantum (MSQ) Table in Chapter 3, we can deduce that everything in existence has varying degrees of the following qualities:

Layer Quality
Aethereal Audibility or Harmony
Spatial Size
Radiant Visibility
Convertible Stability
Material Identifiability

The layers work in a hierarchy.

  • The aether is the most superior and subtle
  • Matter is the most inferior and crude.

This hierarchy explains why gravity affects light and heat, but light and heat does not affect gravity.

For example, adding heat to a rock will not make it float. Shining light on a rock will reveal its identity, but not make it heavier or lighter.

Cleaning Up The Sciences

Science was created by the Europeans who built knowledge from the bottom material layer – the most inferior but most obvious one.

From the bottom, they worked their way up:

Layer European Discovery
Matter Contact Forces, Monetary Systems
Convertible Chemistry and Nuclear Reactions
Radiant Electricity, International Finance

This led to a messy, fragmented, and non-intuitive system of knowledge. For example:

  • Physics is now split into Particle Physics and Quantum Physics
  • Medicine is split into Western Medicine and Alternative Medicine
  • Economics is split into Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Behavioral Economics, Welfare Economics, etc.

We clean up this mess by:

  • putting all knowledge into the 5 Layers, and
  • adding the 2 Forces as its operators.

These then create everything in reality.

Organization of the 5 Layers in This Work

The principles of Material Superphysics is organized under the following headings which become Chapters.

Topic Aethereal Spatial Radiant Convertible Material
1 Layer Intro
2 Sublayers
3 Medium unconscious, subconscious, conscious timespace, aetherspace, spacetime photon, heat, virtual photon w boson red, blue, green charges
4 Substance mind, feeling, idea time, blackhole, space fire neutron proton
5 Quantum monad, complex aether, aether galactic, stellar, material qost electron, muon, tau e neutrino, t neutrino, m neutrino up-down, strange-charm, top-bottom
6 Signature
7 Territory
8 2 Forces or Vortex unite divide clockwise anti male female react nonreact matter anti
9 Relationality Attraction-Repulsion ‘General Relationality’ ‘Special Relationality’ Feynman Diagrams Contact Forces
10 Upper unconscious dark energy carrier qoc1 detection gas
11 Mid subconscious dark matter wave (zeeman) qoc2 detection liquid
12 Lower conscious gravity particle qoc3 detection solid
13 Technologies Artificial Sentience, Sonic Fire Suppression Levitation, Teleportation, Fusion, Fission Retardant, Non-Abrasive Precision Fabrication Crystal Computers, Room Temperature Superconductors Neutrino Disease Detectors Stronger Materials

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