Superphysics Superphysics

How We Found the Aether Drag

by Juan Icon
April 13, 2022 5 minutes  • 982 words
Table of contents

The Luminiferous Aether of Huygens

In the 19th century, nearly all physicists embraced the luminiferous aether of Huygens as the medium that gave light its wave properties.

The belief that an aether wind was propelling light forward. This meant that perpendicular light beams would have different speeds – one should be slower than the other.

And so in 1887, an experiment was done by Albert Michelson and Edward Morley using an interferometer to test exactly this.

Two light beams were arranged perpendicularly, with one going along the Earth’s motion. This made it go with the aether.

However, the result showed that the speed of both light beams were the same. Therefore, the aether did not exist.

More importantly, it showed that the speed of light was constant everywhere and in all directions.

  • Before this, it was thought that space was constant and light was changing.
  • After this, physicists realized that space was changing and light was constant.

This led to the idea of space-contraction and space-relativity.

The Cartesian Aether is not the Huygens Aether

Because of the negative result, the aether was discarded and has since been frowned upon. It was replaced by Einstein with a spacetime fabric that could bend the path of light as gravity-warp instead of a gravity-force.

Unknown to physicists, the Cartesian Aether is not the Huygens Aether. The former is behind spacetime, while the latter is within spacetime.

The experiment by Michelson and Morley proved that the Cartesian Aether exists, not the Hugyens Aether.

The Cartesian Aether is the material of ideas, feelings, information, and of the abstract mind that has those ideas, feelings, and information.

An aether drag would therefore be something that slows down the arrival of the correct or ‘dharmic’ ideas, feelings, and facts,

In the case of the Michelson and Morley experiment, they were testing the facts of light.

They revealed its speed to be 299,901 kilometers per second in 1887. This was different from Fizeau’s speed which was 313,274 kilometers per second in 1849, and even more different from that of Romer 220,000 kilometers per second in 1675.

Year Measurer Measurement
1675 Rømer and Huygens 220,000
1849 Fizeau 315,000
1879 Michelson Morley 299,901
1983 17th CGPM 299,792

This shows that the farther the measurement from the present, the less accurate it is. Therefore, the time aspect caused a drag in the aether.

It follows that the more distant the times and spaces, the more drag is there in the aethereal ideas, feelings, and information.

This is similar to measuring land by the speed of 2 cars running over it.

Aether drag

Measuring the speed of 2 cars at a short distance gives you very little data on the features of the land. But if you let the cars run far, then you can get an idea of the features of the land, such as how one car is dragged by the terrain but not another.

Aether Drag and Aether Dash

The Michelson Morley experiment therefore disproved the Huygens aether drag, but helped prove the Cartesian aether drag.

We can say that while aether drag slows down the aether, aether dash speeds it up.

The image above shows that the aether drag has always been there. We call the large differences as “high-level aether drag”, and tiny differences as “low-level aether drag”.

  • High-level aether drag leads to huge amounts of ignorance.
    • An example is a caveman not knowing how to create the internet.
  • High-level aether dash leads to huge amounts of knowledge.
    • An example is a genius like Newton or the Buddha who discovers Physics and Buddhism.
  • Low-level aether drag leads to tiny amounts of ignorance.
    • An example is solving a math problem that does not add up
  • Low-level aether dash leads to tiny amounts of knowledge.
    • An example is a software programmer solving a bug

The data scientist will deal with the low-level aether drag for use in technological applications.

  • The metaphysician will deal with high-level aether drag for guidance

These will add quality control to aether science and prevent junk theorists like Kant and Einstein from destroying and corrupting it with transcendence and simultaniety respectively.

Instead, the metaphysician will use the spacetime definition of Avicenna, Hume, and Poincare to guide the data scientist in developing space-time tech and aether tech that are rooted in reality instead of imagination.

  • Examples of space-time tech are levitation, teleportation, and time travel
  • An example of aether tech is artificial sentience

Since the aether is the medium of reality, then it unifies not only all physics (Newtonian, pre-Newtonian, Asian, Quantum, etc), but also all the sciences. It only avoids non-real knowledge such as religion, myths, and fiction. Such myths might be real in other multiverses, but not ours.

The aether explains all real movements, not only physical ones, but also the movements of ideas and feelings. Examples are:

  • the movement of Russia-Ukraine from peace to war
  • the movement or evolution of the idea of a horse-drawn carriage into an automobile, and then into an hybrid electric car, and then into an electric flying car in the future
  • the movement of stock prices
  • the movement of fashion trends and why some trends stay, while some die out

Knowing how the aether moves everything will let us move things into the peaceful, happy reality very different from the current reality, ignorant of the aether, filled with war, pandemics, and crises.

For example:

  • instead of fighting over limited resources and real estate here on Earth, spacetime tech can allow interstellar travel where resources and planet-land are inexhaustible
  • instead of creating conflict between Ukraine and Russia, constitutional virtues and multilateral clearing can be used to find a common ground between liberal economies and centrally-controlled economies
  • instead of doing nothing against global warming, the concept of investing and operating in commercially non-viable, but morally viable, ventures can be introduced in order to prevent the bigger loss from climate change that hurts everyone’s investments

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