Superphysics Superphysics

The Huygens Aether is Different from the Cartesian Aether

by Juan Icon
April 13, 2022 7 minutes  • 1310 words
Table of contents

Before Newtonian Physics was created, the mainstream Physics was from Descartes who used a 5 Element paradigm, similar to:

  • the Asian sciences of Hinduism and Taoism
  • the Greek sciences Aristotle and Plato.

This model had 5 Elements, 4 of which are known by Physics as the Standard Model

Element Physics Equivalent
Aether Pseudo science
Air Spacetime
Fire Electromagnetism
Water Weak Force
Earth or Mass Strong Force

This model is confusing for materialists because it makes the aether as the supreme Element and matter or mass as the lowest and most inferior.

The usual problem that they find is that the aether is arbitrary and irregular and cannot be clamped down as an exact science.

We define the aether as the substance of ideas, feelings, and the abstract minds that have those ideas and feelings. Operationally, this aether manifests as citta or mind-stuff in Vedic science.

This leads to the concept of Existence being a huge mind called Brahma. For those allergic to Hinduism, we replace it with a virtual supercomputer so that we are inside a virtual reality, similar to the Simulation Hypothesis.

  • The aether serves as the foundation of the abstract sciences such as psychology, politics, economics, sociology (culture, trends, etc), philosophy, and so on.
  • Matter serves as the foundation of the physical sciences such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc.
  • The life sciences such as biology, medicine, and agriculture are in-between both.

This is why materialists see the random and arbitrary nature of quantum superposition as weird and spooky just because it always escapes their exact predictions and models.

And so matter-ialists like Newton refute Cartesian Physics, which is quantum-first and based on aethereal vortices (chakras to the Asian sciences), and replace it with his own matter-based Physics, which is regular and predictable.

The hypothesis of vortices is problematic. It says that the periodic times of the planets [and comets] may obtain the 3/2th power of their distances from the sun. I have explained that the motions of the comets are very regular. These cannot be accounted for by the hypothesis of vortices as axes because comets have very elliptical orbits
Descartes vs Newton
Descartes wrote that objects at the outer part of vortices travel faster than those in the middle part. Newton debunked this by citing the speeds of comets which are slow at the edges of the solar system. But galaxy rotation data shows that the speed of the outer part of galaxies are faster than the middle, matching Descartes’ prediction

Instead of mass being the lowest Element, Newtonian Physics made it the supreme Element.

Because it does not represent the truth of Nature, Newtonian mechanics started breaking down when electromagnetism was more observed.

  • Light moved in waves instead of lines.
  • Electrons did not move along Newtonian orbits.
  • More importantly, the constant speed of light proved that space was not absolute.

All these findings are consistent with the 5 Elements model which has the aether as the top Element.

The state of the ether which is the cause of gravitation is propagated in a similar way as that which exists in the electromagnetic field.
Considerations on Gravitation

The Michelson Morley experiment that proved the constancy of light therefore actually proves the Cartesian Aether.

So why do physicists say that it debunked the aether?

The Huygens Ether is NOT the Descartes Aether

This is because the 19th century ether is the Huygens ether and not the Cartesian one.

The movement of light coming from the luminous body is propagated through what I call “Ethereal matter”. It is not the same that serves for the propagation of sound.
Treatise On Light
Huygens aether
The Huygens aether is actually the 2nd Element of Descartes or spacetime, different from the pure aether (what we call the 5th Element)

Huygen’s ether is actually Descartes’ 2nd Element – the invisible space-time particles that create vortices. These are consistent with malleable spacetime that warps according to mass.

Superphysics Note
In The World, Descartes actually calls all the 3 Elements as aether. The pure aether is called substance. This is because all Cartesian particles are virtual. But this is confusing to modern Physics which believes that all particles are real and only some are virtual. So to strike a compromise, we put the virtual aether as the 5th Element. The 2nd Element is also virtual but not totally aethereal as we can clearly see the space around us (the aetherspace and timespace are aethereal)

The confusion with the aether was added to by Fresnel by making it variant just because light becomes variant when mixed with matter (such as when light passes through crystals).

The intensity of light is proportional to the square of the speeds of the particles. The intensity of vibration, on the other hand, is the speed of an ether particle during its oscillation.
Memoir On The Diffraction Of Light, Section 2

Fresnel observes that the speed of light:

  • moves as waves
  • is not constant when it moves through physical media

Unlike Huygens who knew the 5 Elements, Fresnel did not know the division of labor of Nature.

This caused him to assign a drag whenever light moved through media such as glass or water. This was proven through a prism and through the Fizeau experiment that ran light through columns of flowing water.

Space-Time is Not Material

In Cartesian Physics, this drag on light (1st Element) is caused by matter (3rd Element), as glass and water. It is not caused by spacetime (2nd Element). Rather, the impact of the 2nd Element on light is to limit it to 300,000 kilometers per second, via the aetherspace. This matches modern findings.

It is true that light travels through the medium of spacetime. But this spacetime is not material in nature. It is not even causal because the ancients already denounced its reality.

Rather it is aethereal. Its speed can vary and is arbitrary. This principle is the foundation of:

  • superposition in quantum mechanics
  • multiverses where each universe has its own spacetime with different top speeds

Spacetime is not material in nature

This is why Cartesian Physics matches both the findings of Newtonian Physics and Quantum Mechanics. Therefore, to Descartes:

  • the 2nd Element should be called “space-time” and not the “ether”
  • the medium for physical sound is then the 3rd Element or matter, such as the physical air.
  • light is not sped up nor slowed down by space-time
  • light is slowed down by 3rd element or matter and is at maximum speed when free from matter.
  • light is confined to its top or constant speed by the aetherspace which is a part of the 2nd Element
Huygens wrongly called Descartes’ spacetime as the ether. The Michelson-Morley experiment therefore proved the Cartesian 2nd Element. It does not debunk anything Cartesian because Descartes never said that spacetime was material (since it is matter or 3rd Element that drags light)

The Michelson-Morley experiment then proved that the speed of light is constant within the pure 2nd Element (called vacuum by Physics).

But instead of physicists vindicating Descartes, Einstein comes out of nowhere messing up Physics by imposing 2 axioms:

  1. The invariance of the speed of light*
  2. Equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass

This is even worse that Newton because it makes the 2nd Element dependent on mass (3rd Element) via light (1st Element).

This prevents faster-than-light-travel and levitation with far less energy. These can be used to solve so many problems today that are out of reach just because a single Einstein corrupted Physics, putting it in limbo state for over 100 years.

We explain the huge damage that Einstein has caused here .

We fix this with Cartesian Relationality .

Superphysics Note
In Dioptrique, Descartes already explained that the nature of light is determined by its light source (which is light-vortex) and not the space that it goes through. Therefore it is invariant according to its source.

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