Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 12

What is Superphysics?

by Juan Icon
December 8, 2023 2 minutes  • 388 words
Table of contents

Chapter 7 explained that the physical universe or domain is the body of the Supreme Being, while the metaphysical universe is Its collective mind.

  • Material Superphysics is the study of that body
  • Bio Superphysics is the study of how that body interacts with its mind
  • Social Superphysics is the study of how that mind works a collective

We then match this organization of study with the current ones:

Parts of Existence Modern Version Our Version
Absolute Entity (Pre-Existence) Philosophy Metaphysics
Supreme Entity (as a Concept) Religion Superphysics
Supreme Entity (Mind) Psychology Social and Bio Superphysics
Supreme Entity (Body) Science (with Physics as the core) Bio and Material Superphysics

This physical universe is the subject of study of Material Superphysics just as the Supreme Entity is the subject of Superphysics.


All Philosophy is like a tree.

  • Metaphysics is the root
  • Physics the trunk
  • All the other sciences are the branches that grow out of this trunk.

We gather fruit from the extremities of the branches of trees, not from the roots or the trunks.

Principles of Philosophy, Preface

The subdivision of Superphysics into 3 matches the division made by Descartes:


There are 3 principal sciences:

  1. Medicine
  2. Mechanics
  3. Ethics
Principles of Philosophy, Preface

What is Superphysics?

Superphysics is the system of knowledge and study that abides by the main principles from the previous chapters:

Chapter Principle
1 The 2 Domains
2 Ideas as Particles, Feelings as Waves
3 Dynamism and The Law of Conservation of Idea
4 Cause and Effect, Qualimath, The Eagle
5 2 Forces, Territories, Influences
6 Dharma
7 Life and Mind
8 5 Layers
9 The Supreme
Essential Superphysics concepts
Superphysics can be summed up as being based on the Supreme Entity, 2 Forces, 5 Elements, and Relationality

In a nutshell, Superphysics is a paradigm that merges the known and proven perceptions of the physical and metaphysical domains (Chapters 1-2, 8) in order to find patterns (Chapters 3-5) and principles (Chapters 6-9) for the sake of solving problems.

This combination of science and metaphysics will be opposed by materialists and so we push forward and ignore them totally. Instead, we use Nature as our arbiter – our principles and predictions must match physical reality.

A minority strive to enlarge the domain of Physical Science by trespassing on the forbidden grounds of Metaphysics, so distasteful to some Materialists.

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