Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 11f

Data Science as Socratic Dialectics

by Juan Icon
August 21, 2024 3 minutes  • 502 words
Table of contents

Socratic Dialectics relies on all six senses and requires the ego to be lowered. This is why Socrates called it more laborious than the sciences causing it to be rarely developed.

For example, an alternative cancer cure that works for Mr. X might not work for Mr. Y. This would make it unacceptable to ‘scientific’ modern medicine which throws away such useful cures.

Superphysics solves this by finding out the pattern of differences between Mr. X and Y so that that the cure can work for all Mr. X-types. It then finds the cures that fit Y-types, Z-types, etc.

This method is unthinkable in science because the ego wants to think of itself as unique and does not want itself to be classified or branded.

A common example of classification is how the Japanese believe that human behavior can be categorized according to four blood types, which was pseudo-science until Covid came .

Data Science as the Main Tool of Superphysics

Data Science* is really good at classification and in finding patterns and so it will be the primary tool of the Superphysicist, Superphysician, and Supersociologist who are upgraded from ordinary physicists, physicians, and sociologists.

The discovery of patterns in scientific data makes Superphysics the bridge or missing link between physics and metaphysics, or science and philosophy.


Are we perfecting natural philosophy alone according to our method? Or the other sciences also, such as logic, ethics, politics?

We certainly intend to comprehend them all.

Nova Organum Simplified, Book 1, Chapter 5
All the sciences have a relation to human nature. No matter how far any science runs away from human nature, it still returns by one way or another. In pretending to explain the principles of human nature, we in effect propose a complete system of the sciences. This system is built on an almost entirely new foundation. This foundation is the only one on which the sciences can be secured. The science of man is the only solid foundation for the other sciences.
Treatise of Human Nature Simplified, Advertisement

Data Science is More of an Art than a Science

Data Science cooks up useful predictions and interpretations of raw data using statistical techniques and activation functions, just as a chef cooks up dishes from raw ingredients using steaming, frying, marinating, etc.

This is because data are really products of human perception, while math is the system of processes that human minds are capable of.

Animals can also perceive data but their math is very limited. For example, penguins can add rocks to each other but not divide them.

Humans that require mathematical proof are therefore really asking to have the mental processes of a learned person transplanted into their own minds. The problem is that the higher (aethereal) principles are very complex and ever-changing and so it would useless to put them in a fixed equation or mathematical proof.

Instead, our solution is to code them into the AI directly and let the AI show the calculated proofs dynamically.

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