Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 11d

Parts of a Logical System

by Juan Icon
February 20, 2024 1 minutes  • 199 words
Superphysics Note
This will be in the appendix instead

While going through Newton’s Principia, Spninoza’s Ethics, and Euclid’s Elements, we found an arrangement of chapters that turned out to be commmon among mathematicians.

These used the following words, which we defined as:

Word Meaning
Axiom A self-evident fundamental statement considered true by definition. It serves as a starting point for other statements.
Corollary A resulting statement that directly follows from a theorem
Definition A statement that gives the properties of a new idea
Lemma A resultant statement proven true, used to prove another, more important theorem
Postulate An axiom with a specific scope
Proposition A statement that can be either true or false
Theorem A resultant statement proven true through other statements
Truth the equality of perceptions from different perceiving identitites

To make these easy to understand, we visualize it as a house.

Parts of a Logical System
Word House Part
Axioms The foundation, accepted as true without question.
Definitions The material type that define the building’s components.
Propositions Individual materials that contribute to the structure.
Theorems Major structural elements based on the foundation.
Postulates Additional supporting beams.
Corollaries Smaller structures built directly on a larger theorem.
Lemmas Scaffolding, for new theorems, later removed.

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