Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 7c

Gravitational Territories

by Juan Icon
November 26, 2023 3 minutes  • 451 words
Table of contents

The interaction between gravitational signatures naturally lead to gravitational territories which represent the space of an identity, as a particle, thing, person, place, etc.

Rene Descartes described these signatures as spinning vortices, each with its own strength and direction.

When the pure aether began to be divided, its division began in one part and spread out to all its parts as equally as it could. However, this equality of division could not be perfect because the division could not spread in a straight line since there was no void. Instead, each division happened as circular motions with different centers. This is because God gave each particle a different motion.
The World, Chapter 8

*Quantum physics uses fields because it arose from electromagnetism which has magnetic fields. This is not useful in Superphysics because the aether is the most superior layer and we never think that feelings or minds have fields. Instead feelings and minds have layers – there are deep and shallow minds, feelings, and ideas. Moreover, identities have territories or personal space, i.e. We say ’this is mine'.

Each territory has parts, each with different properties:

  1. Inner
  2. Middle
  3. Outer
  4. Edge
Gravitational Territories

The Inner Area

This is the safe zone for the identity.

The Middle Area

This is the protective zone that helps nurture the safe zone.

The Outer Area

This is the zone with a lot of clash from other identities.

The Edge

This is the zone which has direct contact with other territories.

These have different manifestations depending on the type of identity.

Identity Inner Middle Outer Edge Science
Star Goldilocks Zone Large Planets Zone Oort Cloud Stellar Halo Material Superphysics
Person Unconscious Subconscious Conscious Interactions Bio Superphysics
Society Religion / Philosophy Politics Economy Interactions Social Superphysics

In human life, this territory is the aethereal aura that radiates from people.

Some people radiate a strong aura which manifest as a strong personality or X-factor, just as a large star or galaxy has a large gravitational field or influence.

In Physics, a comet or asterod that enters a star’s gravitational field will get a tendency to be attracted towards that star.

Likewise, when we see or come close to a person, we might get a tendency to talk to that person if we feel a curiosity or common interest with that person.

Seeing or being that person is therefore being within that person’s gravitational territory just as a body is attracted to a bigger body that enters its gravitational field.

In other words, the quality of a vortex and its territory leads to attraction or repulsion movement, as explained by our Theory of Dynamism.

This movement is the foundation of the Elastic Theory of Gravity, to be explained next.

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