Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 3d

The Great Loop from Desire to Experience

by Juan Icon
January 2, 2020 3 minutes  • 626 words
Table of contents

The Supreme Entity begins the existence of something by having an idea of it. The desire for it then pushes it down the 5 Layers onto physical domain, as a physicalized version through the Negative Force.

This physicalized version is then experienced by consciousness through the Positive Force.

This closes the loop between Experiencer and Experience and justifies Existence.

The loop from ideas to experience


  • The Negative Force separates and creates ignorance
  • The Positive Force unites and creates knowledge
The Great passes on in constant flow. Passing on, it becomes remote. Having become remote, it returns.
Part 6, The Tao Te Ching Simplified

The physicalized versions of metaphysical ideas are the physical expression of those ideas. For example, a tasty dish is an expression or manifestation of the idea of tastiness.

  • The cook had a metaphysical idea for a tasty dish and so he created a tasty dish in reality.
  • This tastiness is proven after he tastes it and is experiened by his mind.
  • This closes the loop from his mind creating an idea of a tasty dish to his mind actually experiencing a tasty dish.
  • The match of idea and experience then forms his truth: “Yum! It really, truthfully was a tasty dish.”


In the same way, the universe exists because the Creator had an idea to create it. Our experiences of the universe is part of the loop-closings that verify or give truth to Creator’s ideas. This loop began with the creation of the universe and is closed with our experiences of it.

The Creator might have had an idea of a car. So It creates a Big Bang, then planets, then minerals, then humans, then inventors, then manufacturers to finally have a physical car to be validated by a conscious being such as a human to close the loop.

The timespan from the Big Bang to the actual riding of the car might take billions of years from our perspective. But since time is a product of the Creator, then It is not bound by that time. To It, the closing of the loop from the idea of the car to the experience of the car is instantaneous.

Desire and Alignment are the keys

In our novel analogy, the novel came to life when the reader’s mind started browsing the pages. The act of reading comes from the desire to read.

Desire is a kind of feeling which itself is a wave. Thus, desire is important in navigating reality and in making the story that you want.

Nature, as the physical aspect of the Supreme, keeps on putting desire objects for the ego to chase

In business and entrepreneurship, this desire is called grit. Successful businessman are known to have more grit than non-successful ones.

Back in our novel analogy, the reader might have a strong desire to read. But he can only read what the Novelist has written down.

Therefore, merely having strong desires in not enough to create a good reality. What’s more important is to align those desires to the desires of the Novelist. The Hindus call this alignment as Dharma. This dharma comes from The Law of Conservation of Idea explained in Chapter 3 and is notated as G in Chapter 4c.

This alignment is done by the reader by choosing the right cat-novel to read. The proper alignment does not come instantly but happens through instances of trial and error. The more instances, the better. We call this as learning experiences.

The quality of learning experiences would be higher if the scope of learning were expanded. A reader can find a better cat-novel if he searched at a bigger library or bookstore. Superphysics expands the library of science by adding to it the library of metapyhsics.

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