The Five Layers of Reality

December 3, 2020 7 minutes • 1297 words • Other languages: , , , , , ,
Table of contents
Chapter 1 explained that reality is divided into the Physical and Metaphysical Domains. We therefore expand the word “reality”, which comes from the Latin word “res” meaning “things”, to include both physical and metaphysical phenomena.
The ancients observed all natural phenomena and categorized them under 5 Elements which they called:
- Earth
- Water
- Fire
- Air
- Aether
Modern Physics also observes phenomena, but only those that are of the physical kind. Instead of Elements, they base their observations on movement and have assigned 4 Fundamental Forces for all movement or change in the universe:
- Strong Force
- Weak Force
- Electromagnetism
- Gravitation
The Forces Have A Hierarchy
Modern Physics tells us that gravity can affect light, but light cannot affect gravity.
Likewise, electromagnetism can affect iron, but ordinary iron does not exert electromagnetism.
However, a mass of iron can exert a small amount of gravity, but not enough to affect light.
It follows that the forces have a hierarchy, wherein gravity is superior to electromagnetism, and electromagnetism is superior to matter (as the Strong Force).
To unify ancient and modern, we combine the 5 Elements and the 4 Fundamental Forces to create the 5 Layer Model of Superphysics.
Rank | Name | Greek | Hindu | Chinese | Vietnamese | Physics | ||
0 | Probabilty | Potency | ? | ? | ? | Probabilty | ||
1 | Aethereal | Aether | Akasha | 水 (still water) | Thủy | Pseudo-science | ||
2 | Spatial | Air | Vayu | 木 (moving wood) | Mộc | Gravitation | ||
3 | Radiant | Fire | Tejas | 火 (expanding fire) | Hỏa | Electromagnetic Force | ||
4 | Convertible | Water | Jala | 土 (changing earth) | Thổ | Weak Force | ||
5 | Material | Earth | Pritvi | 金 (solid metal) | Kim | Strong Force |

These layers are the effect of the fight between the Positive and Negative Forces to be discussed in Chapter 3. We can say that reality is an arena for the fight between them.
- The journey from Pure Positivity to Pure Negativity is called crudification, which creation is part of
- The journey from Pure Negativity to Pure Postivity is called subtilification, which discovery is part of
Both creation and discovery are part of existence or reality – you create something then discover or learn its uses, then create something new and so on.

The Aethereal Layer
The aether is the substance of the abstract mind, as well as the ideas and feelings that are generated by that mind.
- In Taoism, this is the water element.
- In Hinduism, the aether is the akasha.
- In Cartesian-Spinozan Physics, this is Substance.
The aether has the least Negative Force and most of the Positive.
This leads to the concept of akashic records which leads to the concept of aethereal memory. This is different from the physical electronic memory in hard drives, computer chips, and brains.
Human, animal, and plant minds are sentient because they can tap into this aethereal memory which is of the same substance as their aethereal minds.
Their sentience therefore comes from the Positive than the Negative. Humans are more advanced that animals because we have even more of the Positive Force.
Computers only have access to electronic memory and so are incapable of sentience. Therefore, the path to artificial sentience is to give computers the ability to access aethereal memory.
Aethereal memory is the mechanism behind chance and karma, manifesting as good or bad luck. If you enter bad data into a database, then you will necessarily query bad data later.
It would certainly be useful to know when your good or bad luck (resulting from your good or bad actons recorded by the aether) is scheduled to arrive (in spacetime or the Spatial Layer) so you can prepare for it.
In this way, you won’t be tossed around by chance and so have more manageable experiences in Existence.
Aethereal memory is processed by the aethereal mind just as electronic memory is processed by an electronic brain or circuit.
The multiverse is itself is one huge aethereal mind, which the Hindus call Brahma.
- In our matrix analogy, this mind can be seen as the RAM of a computer that generates its own virtual reality.
Each virtual reality in the Matrix is its own universe. Thus, our universe is just one of many.
Unlike Science and New Age philosophy that puts emphasis on consciousness as to put all existential mysteries in it, Superphysics puts all the mysteries in the aethereal mind.
This is because consciousness is just ‘on’ or ‘off’ just as existence either “exists” or “doesn’t exist”.
Subscience | Use of the Aetheral Layer |
Material Superhysics | As the basis of the Law of Conservation of Identity |
Bio Superphysics | As the dynamics of the soul |
Spiritual Superphysics | As the dynamics of the Crown, 3rd Eye, and Throat Chakras |
The Spatial Layer (Spacetime and Timespace)
Spacetime is the key to understanding the aether which is above it.
This is why only long-running civilizations, such as the ancient Egyptians, Hindus, and Chinese, have a chance at unlocking the aether.

Subscience | Use of the Spatial Layer |
Material Superhysics | The start of physicality by providing the physical arena for the ideas as light, matter, objects, etc. |
Bio Superphysics | The chi, vayu, and chakras (as organic spatial vortices) |
Spiritual Superphysics | The dynamics of the Heart Chakra |
The Radiant Layer (Electromagnetism)
This is where heat, light, light and polarity begins both in the physical and mental universe.
Subscience | Use of the Radiant Layer |
Material Superhysics | The start of electromagnetism |
Bio Superphysics | The effects of heat and desire to the mind and body |
Spiritual Superphysics | The dynamics of the Navel Chakra |
In Cartesian Physics, the Radiant Layer is the start of matter. However, we do not adopt this as the start of matter in Superphysics is the Material Layer.
The Convertible Layer
This is responsible for the diversity in the material universe and the physical body as well as experiences.
Subscience | Use of the Convertible Layer |
Material Superhysics | This is the start of the Weak Force in Physics. It is responsible for ‘flavor-changing’ in particles |
Bio Superphysics | This shows the evolution or change in cells and organisms, including reproduction |
Spiritual Superphysics | The dynamics of the Sex Chakra |
The Material Layer
This is the crudest and most obvious layer, just as the aether is the subtlest and most mysterious layer. This is mostly Negative and is the end goal of creation and the start of discovery and learning.
Subscience | Description |
Material Superhysics | This is the start of the Strong Force in Physics |
Bio Superphysics | This the actual physical cell. This also includes Western medicine wherein cells are made to interact with various material chemicals. |
Spiritual Superphysics | The dynamics of the Root Chakra |
Isaac Newton assigns this as the start of matter, which we also adopt.
The 5 Layers is Atheist Yet Theist
Bacon and Descartes clearly did not believe in a dominating personal God, as proven by Bacon’s own essay:
The 5 Layers are Atheist in the sense that all layers and particles are ‘programmed’ and do not need an overseer.
However, they are Theist in the sense that a program needs a programmer.
This is opposite of the Theist Universe of Isaac Newton: