Spacetime Slices and the 8 Dimensions

June 22, 2022 3 minutes • 589 words
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The previous subchapter explained that identities, ideas, and minds are nodes formed from concentrations of both subtle and crude waves.
These nodes are separated by perception gaps which we call timespan.

Spacetime Slices
Each of our perceptions are therefore in a cognition-slice called spacetime. These slices are glued together by the flow of our minds, creating our fluid reality.
This means that only the present perception is the basis or anchor for all our other perceptions.
The common fallacy is to believe that our perceptions happen within space and time. In reality, the space and time are merely effects of our successive perceptions which in turn caused by the fact that waves are continuous and recurring.

The Slices Create Dimensions
Past, present, and future are therefore the arrangement of the spacetime slices according to the flow of cognition.
- Space is regarded as the 3rd dimension, which is really 2 dimensions stitched together by the same flow of cognition.
- Time is regarded as the 4th dimension when the 3rd dimension is stitched together according to the changes in itself.

From this we can say that:
- The 5th dimension is the 4th dimension stitched with probabilities, as alternate realities
- The 6th dimension is the 5th dimension stitched with different laws, as different universes
- The 7th dimension is the 6th dimension stitched with a total perspective, as the total reality
- The 8th dimension is the 7th dimension as one object, as perfection or void
The universe that we see is just a limited 4th dimension version of our 6th dimension universe.

When human cognition was at a caveman level, the universe was static, with the Earth at the center of a 3-dimensional universe. This was revised into a heliocentric universe when cognition expanded beyond the Earth.
This was further expanded when humans decided to build large telescopes leading to the cognition of the 4th dimension as time, leading to galaxy clusters, as a cosmic web.
This was expanded further with quantum mechanics with light showing wave-particle duality which proved a 5th dimension as alternate realities superimposed on each other.
The 6th dimension is a combination of the 5th dimension being compared to each other. This can be achieved when humans reach other star systems through teleportation.
Dimension | Name | Manifestation |
1 | Existential | Identity |
2 | Planar | 2-dimensional space |
3 | Spatial | 3-dimensional space |
4 | Temporal | Time |
5 | Lateral | Alternate Realities |
6 | Multiversal | Universes in the Multiverse |
7 | Causal | Ultimate Cause |
8 | Void | Void |
Non-Locality from the Independence of the Spacetime Slices
The slices are independent of each other, just as a node is its own thing and not an effect of the previous nodes.
However, they are usually related to each other just as the crest of a wave is related to its trough.
Similarly, a universe is independent of other universes.
However, what happens in another universe has a relation to other universes and can affect others.
This independence leads to the concept of non-locality in Quantum Mechanics.