Superphysics Superphysics

Tantra Yoga

January 18, 2022 1 minutes  • 102 words
Table of contents

Tantra Yoga is a combination of 2 ideas: Tantra and Yoga.

  • Yoga is the union of the individual mind with the Supreme Mind.
  • Tantra is one system for attaining that union.


The 8 limbs of yoga according to Patanjali

  1. Samadhi
  2. Yama
  3. Niyama
  4. Pranayama (Breath Regulation)
  5. Asanas (Yoga Poses)
  6. Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)
  7. Dharana (Focus or Concentration)
  8. Dhyana (Intense Meditation)


Tantra is a spiritual system created by Shiva.

  1. Shiva-Shakti or Yin-Yang
  2. 5 Elements (Ngu Hanh)
  3. 7 Chakras

The non-Tantric Yoga only focus on the chakras and not on Shiva-Shakti or the 5 Elements.

In Tantra is divided into Hindu and Buddhist Tantras.

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