Tantra Yoga
January 18, 2022 1 minutes • 102 words
Tantra Yoga is a combination of 2 ideas: Tantra and Yoga.
- Yoga is the union of the individual mind with the Supreme Mind.
- Tantra is one system for attaining that union.
The 8 limbs of yoga according to Patanjali
- Samadhi
- Yama
- Niyama
- Pranayama (Breath Regulation)
- Asanas (Yoga Poses)
- Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)
- Dharana (Focus or Concentration)
- Dhyana (Intense Meditation)
Tantra is a spiritual system created by Shiva.
- Shiva-Shakti or Yin-Yang
- 5 Elements (Ngu Hanh)
- 7 Chakras
The non-Tantric Yoga only focus on the chakras and not on Shiva-Shakti or the 5 Elements.
In Tantra is divided into Hindu and Buddhist Tantras.