Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 2

The Different Religions and Belief Systems

by Lam Icon
July 15, 2024 4 minutes  • 748 words
Table of contents

A belief system is a logical collection of related ideas that the ego can adopt and attach itself to.

We define religions as organized belief systems that are based on fear due to ignorance of how Nature works.

Science-based beliefs, such as Marxism, overcome fear by their belief in science. This is why they, and science-based beliefs, are technically not religions.

We classify Vedic, Taoist, and Buddhist belief-systems also as non-religions because they have their own 6-sense science to overcome the ignorance and fear of Nature.

Organized belief systems and religions have the following components:

  1. A founder
  2. Scripture from the founder
  3. An Organization with rules

The Religion of the Cosmopolitan Roman Empire: Catholicism

Founder Origen
Scripture Bible
Organization Catholic Church
Roman Empire

The Roman Empire’s business model was taxation from gaining new territories, as oppposed to trade which was the business model of the Arabs.

Because of such territorial acquisitions, the Roman Empire included so many tribes, languages, and cultures.

This went against its own native polytheistic culture. And so it had to find a new religion, as a sustainable revision of its culture, to accommodate the new reality.

Of all the many belief systems circulating in the Empire during those times, Christianity became very appealing because of its promises and peaceful nature.

The Romans simply removed its strange metaphysics, which were narrated in the Gnostic Gospels, and only took the easy to understand canonical ones.

Those Gospels were based on the Torah, so they were included as reference.

The Religion of the Anti-Romans: Protestantism

The Protestant religion began in Germany through Martin Luther.

The Germans, as an intellectual or thinker race, were natively were anti-Roman because the Romans were a militaristic or warrior race.

So this natural opposition transfers over to religion with the Germans making a rival religion to Catholicism.

The Religion of the Arabs: Sunni Islam

Founder Mohamamd
Scripture Quran
Organization Islamic Governments
White Mosque

The Prophet Mohammad established Islam as a consequence of the weakening of the Roman and Persian empires which caused instability in the Middle East.

This new religion was derived from Judaism which was already known to the Romans because of their conversion to Catholicism.

It then added the policies native to the Arabs.

The Religion of the Anti-Arabs: Shia Islam

Founder Mohamamd
Scripture Quran
Organization Shia Governments
Red Veil

The Persians and non-Arabs adopted Islam because of the decline of their own Empire. However, they created a different version called Shia to separate them from Arab control.

The Belief System of the Vedics: Hinduism

Founder Aryans
Scripture Vedas
Organization Vedic Temples

The Vedas are the basis of Hinduism. In time, because of its long age, it naturally becomes dogmatic.

The Belief System of the Anti-Vedics: Buddhism

Founder Buddha
Scripture Buddhist Writings
Organization Buddhist Sangha

Buddha was keen to notice the dogmas in Hinduism, so he created an overhauled version called Buddhism. While the Vedas emphasized the atman, Buddha did away with it completely.

The Belief System of the Spiritual Chinese: Taoism

Founder Lao Tzu ?
Scripture Taoist Writings
Organization Taoist Temples
Yin Yang

The spiritual systems of the non-Vedic Indians, specifically Tantra, made their way into China as to create Taoism.

Instead of Shiva-Shakti, it uses Yang-Yin.

The Belief System of the Political Chinese: Confucianism

Founder Confucius
Scripture Analects, etc
Organization Confucian Institute

Political instability was a huge problem during the Warring States Period in China because of the system of Legalism where arbitrary laws were created by the ruling Emperors.

Confucius’ solution was to base laws on tradition by emphasizing the ancestors and elders.

This is similar to Roman jurisprudence where laws and interpretations of laws are based on past laws and interpretations.

In essence, this raises the mental level to the spatial layer.

The Belief System of the Masses: Marxism

Founder Marx-Engels
Scripture Marx-Engels Works
Organization Comintern

The industrial revolution in Europe created a huge inequality, increasing the number of poor people.

These found comfort and promise in Marxism.

The Belief System of the Russian Masses: Leninism

Founder Lenin
Scripture Lenin’s Works
Organization Russian Government

Unlike the original Marxism which was economic and social in nature, the version adopted by Lenin emphasized the military aspects, leading to the Red Army.

The Belief System of the German Masses: Nazism

Founder Hitler
Scripture Mein Kampf
Organization Nazi Groups

The defeat of Germany in World War 1 because of England and Russia, created despair for the German masses.

This drove Hitler to create Nazism that enticed the German masses to go to it instead of to the rival Marxists.

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