Superphysics Superphysics

Upgrading Humanity

by Juan Icon
September 20, 2024 3 minutes  • 515 words
Table of contents

The Metaphysics of sociology is very simple. It consists of society being a compound wave made of individual waves of personal minds or souls that work together in order to experience reality.

These waves have dynamics such as:

  • the Law of Social Cycles, as the 4 classes or mentalities.
  • the weaker waves following the mold of the stronger ones and the majority
    • This manifests as herd mentality
  • the waves being influenced by their physical surroundings, as social topographic behavior

Sociologists confuse many personal cognitive biases, such as confirmation buas, choice paralysis, optimism bias, loss aversion, etc as being social effects, when they are really personal (we classify them under Bio Superphysics).

Such biases are caused by a single wave* following a regular pattern, as opposed to changing drastically immediately.

Superphysics Note
*A single soul-wave has no social cycle that is made up of 4 parts. Instead, its ‘four-ness’ manifests as the belligerence between the 7 chakras, which are really 5, which has 4 gaps separating the 5 chakras. This is why spirituality, wisdom, and miracles, as effects of the 5th, 6th, and 7th chakras, often go together and are not contradictory

Likewise, the metaphysics of Physics is simple. Physical waves have dynamics such as:

  • being categorized as the 5 Layers or Elements
  • having abstract particle shapes
  • interact with each other to create known effects such as movement, changes, heat, etc.

The Problem is Caused by the Difference of the Metaphyhsical from the Physical

The complication happens when Sociology and Physics get integrated as in the case of human souls needing physical food, lodging, medicine, electrical power, etc. just to sustain their existence if physical reality. These many physical needs can only be sustainably provided through a society.

However, such physical needs often conflict with the natural metaphysical mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.

For example:

  • humans need physical energy, and get it through food. But food, as meat, requires the killing of animals.
  • humans need houses. But these are built by cutting down forests for their wood and to clear up land.

So a physical need goes against an emotional and spiritual need of caring for animals and trees, respectively.

  • It is logically contradictory to love an animal or tree and then kill it.

The Solution

The Asian sciences solve this by:

  • imposing a vegetarian diet
  • building houses to be situated in harmony with nature (i.e. Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra)

These fulfill the physical needs without contradicting the metaphysical ones.

And so future sciences should manage the constant belligerence fo the physical with the metaphysical, and make them work together without creating friction or negativity.

Advanced alien species solve this by evolving or upgrading themselves to be no longer physical. This is done by upgrading their abstract minds (souls) into the Radiant Layer (Fire Element) which is above the Material Layer (Earth Element).

Instead of eating physical food, they get their energy directly from light, spacetime, and the aether. They achieve this upgrade through genetic engineering (for the physical aspect) and mental techniques and beliefs that go for the upper Layers (for the metaphysical aspect).

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