Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 8b

Ecommerce and XCommerce: Last Mile

by Juan
November 20, 2024 1 minutes  • 182 words
Table of contents

Aside from retail, supply can be delivered to Demand through the system of commerce.

“Commerce” comes from the Latin word “commercium” which means to trade.

Historically, commerce involved both barter and money exchanges. It meant bringing products from one place to another.

Therefore, commerce has 2 ideas:

  1. Trade

Trade is made up of the rules and conventions to facilitate the exchange. This will be discussed in Parts 2-4.

  1. Logistics

This the physical transportation and storage of the products.

Commerce involves


But since selfishness and money has dominated the minds of humans since the French Revolution (imposed by the Europeans through the colonial system), we have to go with the current usage. We create a new term called Xcommerce:

  • Commerce is trade by money only
  • Xcommerce is trade by exchange, whether by money or in kind. This is in line with the original definition of commerce
Idea Money System Moneyless (Barter) System
Principle Self Society (Cartesian Relationality)
Dynamics Selfishness Dharma (Invisible Hand)
Tool Money Bilateral Economic Agreements
System Commerce Commercial Barter or Exchange (X-Commerce)
Electronic E-commerce EX-commerce
Tech Fintech Xtech and EXtech

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