Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 5

Minimum Needs

by Juan
August 27, 2024 3 minutes  • 466 words
Table of contents

One of the unique things about Supereconomics is the concept of Minimum Needs. This is based on the idea that a society is a metaphysical soul-organism made up of individual souls.

This means that each soul is important or has a purpose in the society. It is then society’s duty to provide for each member soul.

No society can surely be flourishing and happy if the majority were poor and miserable. It is but equity that those who feed, clothe and lodge the the people, should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves tolerably well fed, clothed and lodged.
Book 1, Chapter 8

This is consistent with the Consumption Motive which treats the society as one family.

This means that the government should take a leading role, as the father of the society.

Miniumum Needs can be impelemented either by the government or by non-government organizations and institutions.

Such institutions are distributors of goods and services and not producers. This will reduce its capital costs. Instead, it will need a fund to sustain its operational costs.

This fund is derived from wage contributions (sale of labor) or sales taxes (sale of goods).

Supereconomic taxation allows tax payments in kind. And so the set up cost of this system is not as high as imagined.

Classifying Human Needs

Human needs can be simplified into the following, in terms of temporal importance:

  1. Clean air
  2. Clean water
  3. Food
  4. Shelter
  5. Transporation
  6. Communication and Expresion
  7. Healthcare

Gross National Happiness Index

The Gross National Happiness (GNH) Index has been in part of the Constitution of Bhutan since July 18, 2008.

It is made up of 4 pillars:

  1. Sustainable and Equitable Socioeconomic Development
  2. Environmental Conservation
  3. Culture
  4. Good Governance

It also has 9 domains which we arrange into our hierarchy:

  1. Living Standards
  2. Ecological Resilience
  3. Mental health
  4. Education
  5. Health
  6. Community
  7. Time Use
  8. Culture
  9. Governance

It is administered by a Gross National Happiness Index Commission that is tasked to:

  • come up with 5-year plans
  • administer the GNH survey
We can use the Gross National Happiness Index of Bhutan as an implementation of the Supereconomic Hierarchy of Needs
After food, clothing and lodging are the two great wants of mankind.
The Wealth of Nations, Book 1 Chapter 11

The economic authority of a country, such as the Bureau of Economic Research in the US and the National Economic Development Authority in the Philippines, can be overhauled to implement the GNH in their respective countries.

The Net Domestic Product will be absorbed by the Living Standards Domain or the Material Strata.

Needs Policies

The Needs Policies refer to laws and regulations that directly affect the Minimum Needs:

  1. Agriculture and Water
  2. Transportation and Infrastructure
  3. Energy and Telecoms
  4. Healthcare and Insurance
  5. Pension

These will be discussed in their own subchapters.

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