Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 5

The Four Laws Table

by Juan
3 minutes  • 516 words

Supereconomics classifies value into buyer-seller, and personal-societal, leading to 4 kinds of value.

Supereconomics Personal Society
Subjective and Variable (Buyer’s perspective) Nominal Price (value in currency) Market Price (value to the buyer)
Objective and Natural or Invariable (Seller’s perspective) Real Price (value in grain or labour) Natural Price (value to the seller)

Economics, on the other hand, has no concept of Real and Natural Price because it has no concept of society as an objective entity.

  • It purposely rejects the importance of society because it enshrines selfishness, as a result of being dominated by the Negative Force.
  • This Negative Force also facilitates division, crudity as materialism, war, conflict, racism, etc.

To pursue selfishness, Economics teaches:

  • arbitrage
  • profit maximization
  • finance and money-only exchange
  • private sensory pleasures.

As a result, it only has:

  • economic value (nominal price)
  • market value (market price)
Economics Personal Society
Subjective and Variable Nominal Price (value in currency) Market Price (value to the buyer)

We can now summarize and organize our 4 prices into a pattern:

Law Price Purpose
1 Nominal Utilization - exposes the lack and the need
2 Real Specialization - drives action to increase quality and quantity to deal with the lack
3 Natural Balance - prevents the crashes that leads to a recurrence of lack
4 Market Diffusion - spreads quality and quantity to address the lack

We find that it exactky matches the Law of Social Cycles of Supersociology:

Cycle Price
Worker Nominal
Warrior Real
Thinker Natural
Trader Market

From here, we can connect Supereconomics with Supersociology by making them the Four Laws of Value.

Law Price Meaning
1 Nominal Everything in the universe has value
2 Real Value is created to address lack
3 Natural There must be balance in the creation and spread of value
4 Market Value is spread through fair exchange

Since we equate value to desire and desire in the physical domain is energy, then we can connect these 4 laws to the laws of thermodynamics:

Supereconomics Law Physics Thermodynamics Law
1 - Nominal 3 - A system’s entropy reaches a constant value as its temperature reaches absolute zero
2 - Real 1 - Energy can be conerted from one form to another, but cannot be created nor destroyed
3 - Natural 0 - If 2 systems are in thermal equilibrium with a 3rd system, then they are in equilibrium with each other
4 - Market 2 - Entropy will always increase over time
Laws of Value
  • The 2nd and 1st law of thermodynamics refer to the external aspects of waves just as the Market and Real Price are objective
  • The 3rd and 0th laws refer to the internal aspects just as the Nominal and Market Price are subjective
4/2017 added Economics value matrix
8/2020 overhauled to match Superphysics
7/2021 overhauled to base everything on the four laws
2/2022 Added the four classes (Worker, Warrior, Philosopher, Merchant) onto the four laws
3/2024 Put the 4th Law as the 2nd to explain the priorness of politics over economics, or Supersociology over Supereconomics
8/2024 Put the 4th Law as the 3rd Law after connecting it again with Thermodynamics

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