Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 15b

The people spread again

8 minutes  • 1646 words

After the gods had reached their decision, however, “Kingship descended from Heaven” to Earth.

Both Sumerian and Akkadian texts state that the Nefilim retained the “lordship” over the lands, and had Mankind first rebuild the pre-Diluvial cities exactly where they had originally been and as they had been planned:

“Let the bricks of all the cities be laid on the dedicated places, let all the [bricks] rest on holy places.”

Eridu, then, was first to be rebuilt.

The Nefilim then helped the people plan and build the first royal city, and they blessed it. “May the city be the nest, the place where Mankind shall repose. May the King be a Shepherd.”

The first royal city of Man, the Sumerian texts tell us, was Kish. “When Kingship was lowered again from Heaven, the Kingship was in Kish.”

The Sumerian king lists, unfortunately, are mutilated just where the name of the very first human king was inscribed.

He started a long line of dynasties whose royal abode changed from Kish to Uruk, Ur, Awan, Hamazi, Aksak, Akkad, and then to Ashur and Babylon and more recent capitals.

The biblical “Table of Nations” likewise listed Nimrud—the patriarch of the kingdoms at Uruk, Akkad, Babylon, and Assyria—as descended from Kish.

It records the spread of Mankind, its lands and Kingships, as an outgrowth of the division of Mankind into three branches following the Deluge.

They descended from and named after the 3 sons of Noah. These were the peoples and lands of:

  • Shem, who inhabited Mesopotamia and the Near Eastern lands
  • Ham, who inhabited Africa and parts of Arabia
  • Japheth, the Indo-Europeans in Asia Minor, Iran, India, and Europe.

Each of the three was assigned to one of the leading deities.

One of these was, of course, Sumer itself, the region of the Semitic peoples, the place where Man’s first great civilization arose.

The other two also became sites of flourishing civilizations. Circa 3200 B.C.— about half a millennium after the blooming of the Sumerian civilization— statehood, Kingship, and civilization made their first appearance in the Nile valley, leading in time to the great civilization of Egypt.

Nothing was known until some 50 years ago about the first major IndoEuropean civilization.

But by now it is well established that an advanced civilization, encompassing large cities, a developed agriculture, a flourishing trade, existed in the Indus valley in ancient times.

Scholars believe that it came into being some 1,000 years after the Sumerian civilization began. (Fig. 161)

There is both direct and circumstantial evidence that the Nile and Indus civilizations were the offspring of the earlier civilization of Mesopotamia.

The pyramids of Egypt were, under a stone “skin,” simulations of the Mesopotamian ziggurats.

The ancient Egyptian name for their land was the “Raised Land”. Their prehistoric memory was that Enki found their land lying under water and mud.

  • He undertook great works of reclamation, literally raising Egypt from under the waters.

Though relatively little is known as yet regarding the Indus valley civilization, we do know that they, too, venerated the number twelve as the supreme divine number; that they depicted their gods as human-looking beings wearing horned headdresses; and that they revered the symbol of the cross—the sign of the 12th Planet. (Figs. 163, 164)

If these two civilizations were of Sumerian origin, why are their written languages different? The scientific answer is that the languages are not different.

This was recognized as early as 1852, when the Reverend Charles Foster (The One Primeval Language) ably demonstrated that all the ancient languages then deciphered, including early Chinese and other Far Eastern languages, stemmed from one primeval source—thereafter shown to be Sumerian.

Similar pictographs had not only similar meanings, which could be a logical coincidence, but also the same multiple meanings and even the same phonetic sounds—which suggests a common origin.

More recently, scholars have shown that the very first Egyptian inscriptions employed a language that was indicative of a prior written development; the only place where a written language had a prior development was Sumer.

So we have a single written language that for some reason was differentiated into three tongues: Mesopotamian, Egyptian/Hamitic, and Indo-European.

Such a differentiation could have occurred by itself over time, distance, and geographical separation. Yet the Sumerian texts claim that it occurred as the result of a deliberate decision of the gods, once again initiated by Enlil. Sumerian stories on the subject are paralleled by the well-known biblical story of the Tower of Babel, in which we are told “that the whole Earth was of one language and of the same words.”

But after the people settled in Sumer, learned the art of brickmaking, built cities, and raised high towers (ziggurats), they planned to make for themselves a shem and a tower to launch it. Therefore “did the Lord mingle the Earth’s tongue.”

The deliberate raising of Egypt from under the muddy waters, the linguistic evidence, and the Sumerian and biblical texts support our conclusion that the two satellite civilizations did not develop by chance. On the contrary, they were planned and brought about by the deliberate decision of the Nefilim.

Fearing, evidently, a human race unified in culture and purpose, the Nefilim adopted the imperial policy: “Divide and rule.”

For while Mankind reached cultural levels that included even airborne efforts—after which “anything they shall scheme to do shall no longer be impossible for them”—the Nefilim themselves were a declining lot.

By the third millennium BC, children and grandchildren were crowding the great olden gods.

The bitter rivalry between Enlil and Enki was inherited by their principal sons.

Fierce struggles for supremacy ensued. Even the sons of Enlil fought among themselves, as did the sons of Enki.

As has happened in recorded human history, overlords tried to keep the peace among their children by dividing the land among the heirs.

One son (Ishkur/Adad) was deliberately sent away by Enlil to be the leading local deity in the Mountain Land.

As time went on, the gods became overlords, each jealously guarding the territory, industry, or profession over which he had been given dominion.

Human kings were the intermediaries between the gods and the growing and spreading humanity.

The claims of ancient kings that they went to war, conquered new lands, or subjugated distant peoples “on the command of my god” should not be taken lightly. Text after text makes it clear that this was literally so: The gods retained the powers of conducting foreign affairs, for these affairs involved other gods in other territories. Accordingly, they had the final say in matters of war or peace.

With the proliferation of people, states, cities, and villages, it became necessary to find ways to remind the people who their particular overlord, or “lofty one,” was.

The Old Testament echoes the problem of having people adhere to their god and not “prostitute after other gods.”

The solution was to:

  • establish many places of worship
  • put up in each of them the symbols and likenesses of the “correct” gods.

The age of paganism began.

Following the Deluge, the Nefilim held lengthy counsels regarding the future of gods and Man on Earth. As a result, they “created the 4 regions.”

  1. Mesopotamia
  2. Nile valley
  3. Indus valley
  4. Tilmun “the place of the missiles”

The first 3 were settled by Man.

The fourth was “holy” or “dedicated, restricted” to the gods alone. It was a “pure land” an area that could be approached only with authorization.

Trespassing could lead to quick death by “awesome weapons” wielded by fierce guards.

It was where the Nefilim had reestablished their space base after the one at Sippar had been wiped out by the Deluge.

Once again the area was put under the command of Utu/Shamash, the god in charge of the fiery rockets. Ancient heroes like Gilgamesh strove to reach this Land of Living, to be carried by a shem or an Eagle to the Heavenly Abode of the Gods.

We recall the plea of Gilgamesh to Shamash: Let me enter the Land, let me raise my Shem… By the life of my goddess mother who bore me, of the pure faithful king, my father— my step direct to the Land!

Ancient tales—even recorded history—recall the ceaseless efforts of men to “reach the land,” find the “Plant of Life,” gain eternal bliss among the Gods of Heaven and Earth.

This yearning is central to all the religions whose roots lie deep in Sumer: the hope that justice and righteousness pursued on Earth will be followed by an “afterlife” in some Heavenly Divine Abode.

Book Description
Book 1 The 12th Planet explains the Sumerian civilization and presents evidence of Nibiru and the landings of the Anunnaki on Earth every 3,600 years.
Book 2 The Stairway to Heaven incorporates ancient Egyptian evidence to show that the gateway between the mortal and the divine was a spaceport in the Sinai Peninsula, with the Giza pyramids and the Sphinx serving as beacons for the landings.
Book 3 The Wars of Gods and Men embraces Canaanite, Hittite, and Hindu sources to include in these investigations the incidents of the Tower of Babel and the upheaval of Sodom and Gomorrah, concluding that nuclear weapons were used on Earth 4,000 years ago.
Book 4 The Lost Realms explains the pre-Columbian civilizations and ancient empires of the Americas, revealing hitherto unrecognized golden links between ancient Near Eastern civilizations and the “cities of the gods” of the Olmecs, Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas.
Book 5 When Time Began explores ancient knowledge of Heaven and Earth and the interwoven cycles that gave rise to astronomy, the zodiac and astrology, and stone calendars such as Stonehenge, revealing the secret of New Ages past and future.
Book 6 The Cosmic Code explains how the secrets of humankind’s celestial teachers were encoded in the Bible and other sacred and hidden “books”—a cosmic code that links Earthlings to their cosmic roots.

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