Landing on Planet Earth
4 minutes • 653 words
The Western world has long believed that Man was put on Earth to subdue it and have dominion over all other creatures.
In November 1859, Charles Darwin published a treatise called On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
- summed up nearly 30 years of research
- added the concept of natural selection to earlier thoughts on natural evolution
Natural selection was a consequence of the struggle of all species for existence.
The Christian world had been jostled earlier when, from 1788 on, noted geologists had begun to express their belief that Earth was of great antiquity, much, much greater than the roughly 5,500 years of the Hebrew calendar.
Nor was the concept of evolution as such the explosive: Earlier scholars had noted such a process, and Greek scholars as far back as the fourth century B.C. compiled data on the evolution of animal and plant life.
Darwin’s shattering bombshell was the conclusion that all living things—Man included—were products of evolution. Man, contrary to the then-held belief, was not generated spontaneously.
The initial reaction of the Church was violent.
But as the scientific facts regarding Earth’s true age, evolution, genetics, and other biological and anthropological studies came to light, the Church’s criticism was muted.
But are we really nothing more than “naked apes”? Is the monkey just an evolutionary arm’s length away from us, and the tree shrew just a human who has yet to lose his tail and stand erect?
Evolution can explain the general course of events that caused life and life’s forms to develop on Earth, from the simplest one-celled creature to Man.
But evolution cannot account for the appearance of Homo sapiens, which happened virtually overnight in terms of the millions of years evolution requires, and with no evidence of earlier stages that would indicate a gradual change from Homo erectus.
The hominid of the genus Homo is a product of evolution. But Homo sapiens is the product of some sudden, revolutionary event. He appeared inexplicably some 300,000 years ago, millions of years too soon.
The scholars have no explanation.
- But we do.
- The Sumerian and Babylonian texts do.
- The Old Testament does.
Homo sapiens—modern Man—was brought about by the ancient gods.
The Mesopotamian texts say when Man was created.
The story of the toil and ensuing mutiny of the Anunnaki informs us that “for 40 periods they suffered the work, day and night”.
To men on Earth, one year equals one complete orbit of Earth around the Sun.
The orbit of the Nefilim’s planet equaled a shar, or 3,600 Earth years.
Forty shar’s, or 144,000 Earth years, after their landing, the Anunnaki protested: “No more!”
If the Nefilim first landed on Earth 450,000 years ago, then the creation of Man took place some 300,000 years ago!
The Nefilim did not create the mammals or the primates or the hominids. “The Adam” of the Bible was not the genus Homo, but the being who is our ancestor— the first Homo sapiens.
Enki was informed that the gods had decided to create an adamu, and that it was his task to do it.
He replied:
The creature whose name you uttered—IT EXISTS! Bind upon it the image of the gods.
The Nefilim did not “create” Man out of nothing. They took an existing creature and manipulated it, to “bind upon it” the “image of the gods.”
Man is the product of evolution; but modern Man, Homo sapiens, is the product of the “gods.”
For, some time circa 300,000 years ago, the Nefilim took ape-man (Homo erectus) and implanted on him their own image and likeness.
Evolution and the Near Eastern tales of Man’s creation are not at all in conflict.
Rather, they explain and complement each other. For without the creativity of the Nefilim, modern Man would still be millions years away on the evolutionary tree.