Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 11d

The Metals

5 minutes  • 1062 words
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The Ages of the Earth

Modern scholars divide Man’s activities on Earth into:

  • Stone Age
  • Bronze Age
  • Iron Age, and so on;

The Greek poet Hesiod listed 5 ages:

  1. Golden
  2. Silver
  3. Bronze
  4. Heroic
  5. Iron

Except for the Heroic Age, all ancient traditions accepted the sequence of gold–silver–copper–iron.

The prophet Daniel had a vision in which he saw “a great image” with a head of fine gold, breast and arms of silver, belly of brass, legs of iron, and extremities, or feet, of clay.

Are these legends in fact vague recollections of actual events on Earth?

Gold, silver, and copper are all native elements of the gold group. They fall into the same family in the periodic classification by atomic weight and number.

They have similar crystallographic, chemical, and physical properties. All are soft, malleable, and ductile. Of all known elements, these are the best conductors of heat and electricity.

Of the 3, gold is the most durable, virtually indestructible.

Though best known for its use as money and in jewelry or fine artifacts, it is almost invaluable in the electronics industry.

A sophisticated society requires gold for microelectronic assemblies, guidance circuitry, and computer “brains.” Man’s infatuation with gold is traceable to the beginnings of his civilization and religion—to his contacts with the ancient gods.

The gods of Sumer required that they be served food from golden trays, water and wine from golden vessels, that they be clad in golden garments.

Though the Israelites left Egypt in such a hurry that there was no time for them to let their bread leaven, they were ordered to ask the Egyptians for all available silver and gold objects.

This command, as we shall find out later, anticipated the need for such materials to construct the Tabernacle and its electronic accoutrements.

Gold, which we call the royal metal, was in fact the metal of the gods. Speaking to the prophet Haggai, the Lord made it clear, in connection with his return to judge the nations: “The silver is mine and the gold is mine.”

The evidence suggests that Man’s own infatuation with these metals has its roots in the great need of the Nefilim for gold. The Nefilim, it appears, came to Earth for gold and its related metals.

They may also have come for other rare metals—such as platinum (abundant in southern Africa), which can power fuel cells in an extraordinary manner.

The possibility should not be ruled out that they came to Earth for sources of radioactive minerals, such as uranium or cobalt the Lower World’s “blue stones that cause ill,” which some texts mention.

Many depictions show Ea—as the God of Mining—emitting such powerful rays as he exits from a mine that the gods attending him have to use screening shields; in all these depictions, Ea is shown holding a miner’s rock saw. (Fig. 146)

Enki was in charge of:

  • the first landing party
  • the development of the Abzu

But credit for what was accomplished should not go to him alone.

Those who actually did the work, day in, day out, were the lesser members of the landing party, the Anunnaki.

A Sumerian text describes the construction of Enlil’s center in Nippur. “The Annuna, gods of heaven and earth, are working. The axe and the carrying-basket, with which they laid foundation of the cities, in their hands they held.”

The ancient texts described the Anunnaki as the rank-and-file gods who had been involved in the settlement of Earth—the gods “who performed the tasks.”

The Babylonian Epic of Creation credited Marduk with giving the Anunnaki their assignments.

Assigned to Anu, to heed his instructions, Three hundred in the heavens he stationed as a guard; the ways of Earth to define from the Heaven; And on Earth, Six hundred he made reside. After he all their instructions had ordered, to the Anunnaki of Heaven and of Earth he allotted their assignments.

The texts reveal that 300 of them—the “Anunnaki of Heaven,” or Igigi—were true astronauts who stayed aboard the spacecraft without actually landing on Earth.

Orbiting Earth, these spacecraft launched and received the shuttlecraft to and from Earth.

As chief of the “Eagles,” Shamash was a welcome and heroic guest aboard the “mighty great chamber in heaven” of the Igigi. A “Hymn to Shamash” describes how the Igigi observed Shamash approaching in his shuttlecraft:

At thy appearances, all the princes are glad; All the Igigi rejoice over thee… In the brilliance of thy light, their path. They constantly look for thy radiance. Opened wide is the doorway, entirely. The bread offerings of all the Igigi [await thee].

Staying aloft, the Igigi were apparently never encountered by Mankind. Several texts say that they were “too high up for Mankind,” as a consequence of which “they were not concerned with the people.”

The Anunnaki, on the other hand, who landed and stayed on Earth, were known and revered by Mankind. The texts that state that “the Anunnaki of Heaven … are 300” also state that “the Anunnaki of Earth … are 600.”

Still, many texts persist in referring to the Anunnaki as the “fifty great princes.”

A common spelling of their name in Akkadian, An-nun-na-ki, readily yields the meaning “the fifty who went from Heaven to Earth.” Is there a way to bridge the seeming contradiction?

We recall the text relating how Marduk rushed to his father Ea to report the loss of a spacecraft carrying “the Anunnaki who are fifty” as it passed near Saturn.

An exorcism text from the time of the third dynasty of Ur speaks of the anunna eridu ninnubi (“the fifty Anunnaki of the city Eridu”). This strongly suggests that the group of Nefilim who founded Eridu under the command of Enki numbered fifty.

Could it be that fifty was the number of Nefilim in each landing party?

It is, we believe, quite conceivable that the Nefilim arrived on Earth in groups of fifty. As the visits to Earth became regular, coinciding with the opportune launching times from the 12th Planet, more Nefilim would arrive. Each time, some of the earlier arrivals would ascend in an Earth module and rejoin the spaceship for a trip home.

But, each time, more Nefilim would stay on Earth, and the number of 12th Planet astronauts who stayed to colonize Earth grew from the initial landing party of fifty to the “600 who on Earth settled.”

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