Landing on Planet Earth
5 minutes • 1058 words
Could beings not much different from us evolve on another planet?
Could such beings have had the capability, 500,000 years ago, for interplanetary travel?
Is there life as we know it anywhere besides the planet Earth?
For example, there are water molecules in space, the remnants of what are believed to have been clouds of ice crystals that apparently envelop stars in their early stages of development.
This discovery lends support to persistent Mesopotamian references to the waters of the Sun, which mingled with the waters of Tiamat.
The basic molecules of living matter have also been found “floating” in interplanetary space. The belief that life can exist only within certain atmospheres or temperature ranges has also been shattered.
Furthermore, the notion that the only source of energy and heat available to living organisms is the Sun’s emissions has been discarded.
The spacecraft PIONEER 10 discovered that Jupiter, though much farther away from the Sun than Earth, was so hot that it must have its own sources of energy and heat.
A planet with an abundance of radioactive elements in its depths would generate its own heat and also experience substantial volcanic activity. Such volcanic activity provides an atmosphere.
If the planet is large enough to exert a strong gravitational pull, it will keep its atmosphere almost indefinitely.
Such an atmosphere, in turn, creates a hothouse effect: it shields the planet from the cold of outer space, and keeps the planet’s own heat from dissipating into space—much as clothing keeps us warm by not letting the body’s heat dissipate.*
Superphysics Note
With this in mind, the ancient texts’ descriptions of the 12th Planet as “clothed with a halo” assume more than poetic significance.
It was always referred to as a radiant planet—“most radiant of the gods he is”—and depictions of it showed it as a ray-emitting body.
The 12th Planet could generate its own heat and retain the heat because of its atmospheric mantle. (Fig. 115)
Scientists have also concluded that life evolved on the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).
These planets:
- are made up of the lighter elements of the solar system
- have a composition more akin to that of the universe in general
- offer a profusion of hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia, and probably neon and water vapor in their atmospheres
- These are the elements required for the production of organic molecules.
Water is essential for life to develop.
The Mesopotamian texts say that the 12th Planet was a watery planet.
In the “Epic of Creation” the planet’s list of 50 names included a group exalting its watery aspects.
- A.SAR (“watery king”) “who established water levels”
- A.SAR. U (“lofty, bright watery king”)
- A.SAR.U.LU.DU (“lofty, bright watery king whose deep is plentiful”)
- and so on.
The 12th Planet was a verdant planet of life called NAM.TIL.LA.KU, “the god who maintains life.”
He was also “bestower of cultivation,” “creator of grain and herbs who causes vegetation to sprout … who opened the wells, apportioning waters of abundance”—the “irrigator of Heaven and Earth.”
From these fringes of the solar system, the 12th Planet came into our midst, a reddish, glowing planet, generating and radiating its own heat, providing from its own atmosphere the ingredients needed for the chemistry of life.
If a puzzle exists, it is the appearance of life on Earth.
Earth was formed some 4,500,000,000 years ago, and scientists believe that the simpler forms of life were already present on Earth within a few hundred million years thereafter. This is simply much too soon for comfort.
There are also several indications that the oldest and simplest forms of life, more than 3,000,000,000 years old, had molecules of a biological, not a nonbiological, origin.
Stated differently, this means that the life that was on Earth so soon after Earth was born was itself a descendant of some previous life form, and not the result of the combination of lifeless chemicals and gases.
What all this suggests to the baffled scientists is that life, which could not easily evolve on Earth, did not, in fact, evolve on Earth.
Writing in the scientific magazine Icarus (September 1973), Nobel Prize winner Francis Crick and Dr. Leslie Orgel advanced the theory that “life on Earth may have sprung from tiny organisms from a distant planet.”
They launched their studies out of the known uneasiness among scientists over current theories of the origins of life on Earth. Why is there only one genetic code for all terrestrial life? If life started in a primeval “soup,” as most biologists believe, organisms with a variety of genetic codes should have developed.
Also, why does the element molybdenum playa key role in enzymatic reactions that are essential to life, when molybdenum is a very rare element?
Why are elements that are more abundant on Earth, such as chromium or nickel, so unimportant in biochemical reactions?
The bizarre theory offered by Crick and Orgel was not only that all life on Earth may have sprung from an organism from another planet but that such “seeding” was deliberate—that intelligent beings from another planet launched the “seed of life” from their planet to Earth in a spaceship, for the express purpose of starting the life chain on Earth.
Without benefit of the data provided by this book, these two eminent scientists came close to the real fact. There was no premeditated “seeding”; instead, there was a celestial collision.
The 12th Planet, with organic life, and its satellites, collided with Tiamat and split it in two, “creating” Earth of its half.
During that collision the life-bearing soil and air of the 12th Planet “seeded” Earth, giving it the biological and complex early forms of life for whose early appearance there is no other explanation.
If life on the 12th Planet started even 1% sooner than on Earth, then it began there some 45,000,000 years earlier.
Even by this minute margin, beings as developed as Man would already have been living upon the 12th Planet when the first small mammals had just begun to appear on Earth.
Given this earlier start for life on the 12th Planet, it was possible for its people to be capable of space travel a mere 500,000 years ago.