Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 7

Stitchin's Moon Theory

6 minutes  • 1257 words
Table of contents

The solar system depicted on cylinder seal VA/243 has “dots” encircling the star. These are globes whose sizes and order conform to that of the solar system depicted in Fig. 100.

  • The small Mercury is followed by a larger Venus.
  • Earth, the same size as Venus, is accompanied by the small Moon.
  • Continuing in a counterclockwise direction, Mars is shown correctly as smaller than Earth but larger than the Moon or Mercury. (Fig. 101)

The ancient depiction then shows a planet unknown to us—considerably larger than Earth, yet smaller than Jupiter and Saturn, which clearly follow it.*

Superphysics Note
*This is Maldek

Farther on, another pair perfectly matches our Uranus and Neptune.

Finally, the smallish Pluto is also there, but not where we now place it (after Neptune); instead, it appears between Saturn and Uranus.

Treating the Moon as a proper celestial body, the Sumerian depiction fully accounts for all of our known planets, places them in the correct order (with the exception of Pluto), and shows them by size.

The 4,500-year-old depiction, however, also insists that there was another major planet between Mars and Jupiter.

Moon Theory

There was a long-held theory that the Moon was a mere “frozen golf ball”. It was discarded at the end of several U.S. Apollo Moon missions.

The best guesses were that the Moon was a chunk of matter that had separated from Earth when Earth was still molten and plastic.

Observations made by unmanned satellites, however, began to bring such longheld beliefs into question.

The chemical and mineral makeup of the Moon is different from that of Earth to challenge the “breakaway” theory.

The Moon, though presently barren, was once a “living planet.”

The soil and rock samples from the Moon have established that it was once a “living planet.”

Like Earth it:

  • is layered
  • solidified from its own original molten stage
  • generated heat, but whereas Earth’s heat comes from its radioactive materials, “cooked” inside Earth under tremendous pressure, the Moon’s heat comes, apparently, from layers of radioactive materials lying very near the surface.

These materials, however, are too heavy to have floated up. What, then, deposited them near the Moon’s surface?

The Moon and Earth formed of roughly the same elements at about the same time and evolved as separate celestial bodies.

The Moon evolved “normally” for its first 500 million years.

The Moon’s gravity field is erratic, as though huge chunks of heavy matter (such as iron) had not evenly sunk to its core but were scattered about.

The ancient rocks of the Moon were magnetized.

The magnetic fields were changed or reversed.

Was it by some unknown internal process, or by an undetermined outside influence?

The Apollo 16 astronauts found on the Moon rocks (called breccias) that result from the shattering of solid rock and its rewelding together by extreme and sudden heat.

When and how were these rocks shattered, then re-fused?

Other surface materials on the Moon are rich in rare radioactive potassium and phosphorous, materials that on Earth are deep down inside.

Putting such findings together, scientists are now certain that the Moon and Earth, formed of roughly the same elements at about the same time, evolved as separate celestial bodies.

In the opinion of the scientists of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Moon evolved “normally” for its first 500 million years.

Then, they said (as reported in The New York Times), The most cataclysmic period came 4 billion years ago, when celestial bodies the size of large cities and small countries came crashing into the Moon and formed its huge basins and towering mountains.

The huge amounts of radioactive materials left by the collisions began heating the rock beneath the surface, melting massive amounts of it and forcing seas of lava through cracks in the surface.

Apollo 15 found a rockslide in the crater Tsiolovsky six times greater than any rockslide on Earth.

Apollo 16 discovered that the collision that created the Sea of Nectar deposited debris as much as 1,000 miles away.

Apollo 17 landed near a scarp eight times higher than any on Earth, meaning it was formed by a moonquake eight times more violent than any earthquake in history.

The convulsions following that cosmic event continued for some 800 million years, so that the Moon’s makeup and surface finally took on their frozen shape some 3.2 billion years ago.

The Sumerians, then, were right to depict the Moon as a celestial body in its own right.


The planet Pluto has been called “the enigma.” While the orbits around the Sun of the other planets deviate only somewhat from a perfect circle, the deviation (“eccentricity”) of Pluto is such that it has the most extended and elliptical orbit around the Sun.

While the other planets orbit the Sun more or less within the same plane, Pluto is out of kilter by a whopping seventeen degrees.

Because of these two unusual features of its orbit, Pluto is the only planet that cuts across the orbit of another planet, Neptune.

In size, Pluto is indeed in the “satellite” class: Its diameter, 3,600 miles, is not much greater than that of Triton, a satellite of Neptune, or Titan, one of the 10 satellites of Saturn.

Because of its unusual characteristics, it has been suggested that this “misfit” might have started its celestial life as a satellite that somehow escaped its master and went into orbit around the Sun on its own.

This, as we shall soon see, is indeed what happened—according to the Sumerian texts.

Our astronomers have been looking for evidence that such a planet once existed between Mars and Jupiter.

Toward the end of the 18th century, even before Neptune had been discovered, several astronomers demonstrated that “the planets were placed at certain distances from the Sun according to some definite law.”

The suggestion came to be known as Bode’s Law.

This convinced astronomers that a planet ought to revolve in a place where hitherto no planet had been known to exist—that is, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Spurred by these mathematical calculations, astronomers began to scan the skies in the indicated zone for the “missing planet.”

On Jan 1, 1800, the Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi discovered at the exact indicated distance a very small planet (485 miles across), which he named Ceres.

Sun, when added up, is insufficient to account for even one whole planet, to say nothing of two. Also, if the asteroids comprise the debris of two planets, they should have retained the axial revolution of two planets.

But all the asteroids have a single axial rotation, indicating they come from a single celestial body. How then was the missing planet shattered, and what shattered it?

By 1804, the number of asteroids (“small planets”) found there rose to four.

To date, nearly 3,000 asteroids have been counted at the asteroid belt.

This is the debris of a planet that had shattered to pieces. Russian astronomers have named it Phayton (“chariot”).

Did the planet self-explode?

But then its pieces would have flown off in all directions and not stayed in a single belt.

The debris circling the Sun, when added up, is insufficient to account for even one whole planet, to say nothing of two.

If the asteroids are the debris of 2 planets, then they should have retained the axial revolution of 2 planets.

But all the asteroids have a single axial rotation, indicating they come from a single celestial body.

How then was the missing planet shattered, and what shattered it?

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